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Where could i find a list of awards?

6 replies

... all the awards that Roxette have got in their life and also awards that Per and Marie have got in their solo career?

“The Look for Roxette” book perhaps?

I don’t have it with me right now but I think it has a list of the awards they won.

oh,thanx! don´t you know any web or something like that? i don´t have the book yet (it´s quite expensive to get it here in spain)
thanks anyway!

You could try wikipedia...

The book only lists their Swedish Grammy achievements, but here it is:


Swedish Grammy Nominations:
- Best female pop/rock artist of the year 1987 (Efter Stormen)
- Best female pop/rock artist of the year 1992 (Den Ständiga Resan)
- Best songwriter of the year 1992 (Den Ständiga Resan)
- Best female pop/rock artist of the year 1996 (I en tid som vår)

Swedish Grammy Awards:
- Best female pop/rock artist of the year 1988 (Den Flygande Holländaren)
- Best artist of the year 1992 (Den Ständiga Resan)


Swedish Grammy Nominations:
- Best composer of the year 1991 (Joyride)
- Best composer of the year 1992 (Tourism)
- Best video of the year 1997 (Kix)

Swedish Grammy Awards:
- Best composer of the year 1988 (Look Sharp)
- Best artist of the year 1996 (Gyllene Tider)
- Best song of the year 1996 (Gå & fiska)


Swedish Grammy Nominations:
- Best pop/rock group of the year 1988 (Look Sharp)
- Best artist of the year 1988 (Look Sharp)
- Best producer of the year 1988 (Clarence Ofwerman)
- Best artist of the year 1991 (Joyride)
- Best album of the year 1991 (Joyride)
- Best song of the year 1991 (Joyride)
- Best video of the year 1991 (The Big L)
- Best pop group of the year 1992 (Tourism)

Swedish Grammy Awards:
- Best pop/rock group of the year 1991 (Joyride)
- The jury’s special prize of the year 1991 (Jonas Isacsson)

You can also find many other awards won between 2000-2005 in the TDR articles; try the year reviews:

Does anyone know a website that lists the nominees for the BRIT Awards, as well as winners? I mean, Rox played, but can only guess they were nominated rather than winners, cos they aren’t on the list of winners.

World Music Awards 2003

Best Scandinavian Act


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