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One Wish - Radio Airplay

28 replies

When does the radio airplay start for the One Wish single? And when will there be a snippet online? It’s only +/- a month to go until the release.

Maybe there will be a rox-box website?

Hopefully the dailyrox-team can give us some insights as they seem to have close connections with Rox and their management?

It would be good if all dailyroxette visitors would do some viral marketing for the new single. Put the news on blogs, request the single at radio stations, inform friends, etc.

Let’s organise a promotion campaign by fans to welcome Roxette back. If it’s good we might be rewarded with a full album next year???


Good plan-no One Wish in the UK, but we all know why...

@whateveriam: Don’t feel to much self pitty:
’cos from now on you are responsible for coordinating the UK fan-promotion! Which radio station is the most influential in the UK? BBC radio 1??? Give us the name and contact-details (email) of the prime time DJ, so we can have an “army of roxers” email bombing him/her. Let’s start this thing of TODAY. If there are more UK roxers, please discuss your ideas actions regarding the UK with Whateveriam here in this topic.

Let’s get this snowball rolling!!! YIHAA!

We need more Roxers from different countries now: please login and report here. Specify your ideas and actions so other fans can help you.
This could be great fun!

that’s actually a very good idea!! I’m up for mass bombardment of Radio 1!!

Jo Whiley? Scott Miles? Chris Moyles?

Which DJs have the highest listening density/popularity?

It’s still 6 weeks to go! I’d say end of August for the radio date. Hope they’ll give us some more newsbits before that...

im up for it! bombardment time! yay! im guna get onto the radio stations in liverpool and manchester anyway Key 103 and Radio City 96.7.

i just saw some pigs flying past the window

be careful in your bombardment that you do not piss ppls off and alienate roxette even further


i doubt thats possible it 11 fans still or was it 7?

@ Vixzter- a loads of email fan-requests for Rox’ new single, is better than doing nothing and complaining here on the dailyrox that EMI does nothing. let’s show that there is a huge demand for roxette. we should let them know that Roxette is hotter than ever! Don’t do spamming- just type some nice/funny requests to their email-adresses. It will only need a few lines.

Considering the facts that the dance-covers have been huge hits, Marie’s story of her illness, and that there is an eighties revival, Roxette has now more potential (airplay and market) than since WICF!!! I think the general perception around Roxette has changed a lot: people think that they are pretty cool. Don’t forget: everyone on this forum has noticed a recent rise in Rox airplay.

So put the DJ’s contact details here and start promoting!

@ Davidc4- haha
I’m not sure if there is such small amount of Rox fans. Maybe the dailyroxette team can give us some insights in how many visitors this forum gets every month?

tomboner747 - it was a sort of joke me n vix had goin when i 1st joined about the number of roxette fans still left in the UK we decided we were dying out a bit but there must be one or two left.i think the link was deleted a while back

my guess is that radio airplay starts somewhen between 4 and 7 september. Why? Because those days I’ll be somewhere in the middle of Austra disconnected from the world and I’ll miss the event :O

Seriously, please don’t overdo it, something like that almost backfired terribly here back when WICF was released! Having radiostations complain to EMI and threatening not to play the new single once should be enough...

I can find the BBC complaints address.

BBC Complaints,
PO Box 1922,
Glasgow G2 3WT

Thats probably not useful though...

OK- most influential on Radio 1 is Chris Moyles. However the most influential over all would be Terry Wogan on Radio 2.

This is a link to every radio station Music Radio in the UK. Select your local one and get emailing, and writing if you know the address.

Independents I can’t help you with-I only have the address for Lite FM and Capital from when I was living in Chelmsford. Hang on, I’ll have looksee.

OK, can’t find the address-however, if you want to contact Capital FM the artcile should tell you.

i’m not complaining i’m just accepting the fact that it won’t be a: promoted here: b: even released here.

you will be emailing radio stations to play a song they’ve never even heard, as much as radio 1 & 2 like to pride themsleves on the fact that you can email in they will most likely ignore your requests as they only want emails for topics, songs, artists that is current to them.

i cant see why ppls get so depressed about it, the demise of roxette in the uk has been going on for a while and if they havent got a record company thats willing to promote them let alone release a single for them i don’t see the actual point in bombarding radio stations with emails requesting it

but hey whatever floats your boat, if it makes you all feel better then email radio 1 & 2 and ure local commercials


and last time i looked a huge demand wasn’t 20 ppls emailing a radio station ;-)

lol vix reminds me of when we kept emailing and calling usa radio stations about wicf they’re like there hasn’t been a roxette song in 20 years you’re out of your minds or we don’t have any promos from emi...its really disappointing

let’s give it a try anyway. in the worst case, we ’ll at least make the djs aware that something is happening in rox land.

it only takes a few minutes and it’s a stimulating goal for our rox community.

so put the contact emails here, so we can start doing it.

so far only discussions from the uk. but no emails or actions yet....???

what about other countries?

Well, I can bloody well try... it never hurts after all.

You handle stuff in your own country... I honestly don’t know where to suggest for airplay in Holland - Arrow? They play PSB as that apparenttly counts as ’rock’, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a bit of Rox in the mix...

3FM would probably be the best. Their station is considered to be pretty cool. And one DJ is relatively Rox-minded.

Their contact sheet is here:

Select: DJ’s
Select: Gerard Ekdom
Then put your name, emailadress.

And the request in one sentence. (in dutch, english or german)

Who follows?

I do, I do! Go for it hun! Best of luck!

Hmmm... if that Billboard article is correct, we’ll have to wait until September to hear the new song on the radio! I guess that’s the way it’s done these days... the latest Per and Marie solo releases had radio dates of just a week or even just a few days before the single was available in shops. I liked it better when they would release the song to radio 4-6 weeks in advance... in this case, that would be NOW!

I dont see much point really. Are EMI UK even sending out promos of the single to the stations...prob not... and the radio stations cant exactly play a song they dont have

Can burn Rox Medley onto CD and post it...


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