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Anyone interested in scans from old magazines?

28 replies

Ok, when I was younger I used to collect all articles I could find about Roxette in Swedish newspapers and magazines and German music magazines (like Bravo, Popcorn etc).

Anyway, now I’ve got me a scanner so I was wondering if there’s any interest in these scans?

Edit: Ok, I’ve started scanning some stuff.
I’m not an expert (just got me this scanner), but I hope you’ll enjoy it :)

username: daily
password: roxette

Feedback is very much appreciated :)

Of course, it’s always nice to see some old articles (-;

Especially some swedish ones...with great pictures in it!!!

yeah! Why not!! Can you email them? Or post them online?

I’m interested in it, too.

Ok, I’ve started scanning some stuff.
I’m not an expert (just got me this scanner), but I hope you’ll enjoy it :)

username: daily
password: roxette

Feedback is very much appreciated :)

FANTASTIC, Strest! Thanks a lot!!!

Give us mooore from sweden, please :-)


Yes , give us more swedish Articles!!!!!! it was very nice from you.

Thank 4 sharing strest ;)


Hey, great idea! Want some more... ;-)

Tack Strest! Good job!
Greetings from Buenos Aires.
Go on supporting Roxette.

Hmm, seems like it was appreciated :)


Sure it can rip more. Trust me, I’ve got plenty of stuff :P
Any comments from the mods? Is it ok with Judith, JustinCase, roxeteer?

Cool, loving it!

Just the lyrics to a parody of Joyride called ’Snålskjuts’.

A short interview (or comments) with Per Gessle about a top 1000 chart of the best songs ever.
-What he thinks about the winner of the Swedish vote.
-Who he think should’ve won.
-His comments on the Roxette-songs on the chart.

iDAG writes about their upcoming tour and that it might be their last tour ever and that McDonald’s will market their new album in the states.

A short piece about his huge apartment at Strandvägen in Stockholm.

An article about Marie Fredriksson’s upcoming album, Roxette’s upcoming album (Vulnerable, Keep me waiting, Fingertips etc) and some other stuff.

That’s it for today :)

@Strest Stort tack!! It’s wonderful to read such articles and to see pictures from the old days :D Thanx for your effort!

Thank you!!! Do you have more articles?

Great old articles!!! Saved to my favourites and printed. Don’t have time to read them at work but will find some time this evening during the competitions on Ullevi.
Hope, you have some more articles to share with us...

Thanks ppl.
Yes, I’ve got way, way, way more than this and I’ll scan some more stuff when I get back from the game today (Allsvenskan).

Been busy using FineReader today on the scanner :D

Ah yes, if anyone else besides me is a sucker for statistics...

Here’s the 5 most popular ones:
1. (1) 56 snatches
2. (4.) 41
3. (2.) 39
3. (3.) 39
5. (new) 16
5. (new) 16

I was planning on studying now, but...

A nice photo from the Swedish music magazine Okej.

Another photo from Okej. Could’ve been in a better shape :/

An article about Roxette getting back from USA.
Kinda neat article. Recommended.

More stuff from Okej. This time a caricature of Marie :)

And one of Roxette :)

This interview takes place shortly before Fingertips ’93 got released and it’s an interview about the upcoming album, what he thinks of bootlegs etc

A one-page commercial for the candy ’Gig’.

Nothing special really. A mini biography from a poster magazine + the lyrics to Joyride.

And that wraps it up for now. 500 MB+ served thus far.

Edit: And an updated top 5 (if anyone cares :P)

1. (1) 74 snatches
2. (2.) 60
3. (3.) 54
4. (3.) 52
5. (5) 35

Thank you very much!! Great Articles!!!! More Marie???

Thank you very much for the old articles. I absolutely hope that you have more articles for us - and that we will get them some day. :-)

I have a site with old articles, too. There you can find the original swedish articles - small, I know but I didn’t want to lose space I can use for more articles in the future- and german translations of most of the articles.
I haven’t worked on the site for a while cause I have to learn for my final exam in november. After that I will continue with the site.

more scans!!!!

Great scans thanks for sharing again...

Now, go and do some studying...

Sorry, forgot to tell you; the scanner died on me :(

It was a used scanner I got for free and I’ve probably scanned several times more pages during the last week than what had been scanned in total before.

I’ll likely pick a new one up tomorrow.
This one was from 1999 or 2000 I think...

Aww, bless ya hun! Never mind, should be cheap to get another one...

Yeah, looks like I can pick one up for less than EUR60 (599 SEK).

I’d prefer one that can do A3, but ouch, they cost 10 times as much! Insane...

To be honest, its easier just to do it in halves- A3 ones are like those projectors - ridiculously expensive for what they are and what they can do... which really isn’t that much


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