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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Robbie Williams new album is being released around the same time Rox is, Do you think EMI will do any promotion for them? I’m sure they will not! And by the way RW single is being airplayed ( even here in Argentina ) already and it’s released by the time Rox is, and we don’t even know when Rox’s will be. So I wonder Isn’t it show lack of interest?
By the way- Will the ROXBOX include the hits again or just unreleased material?, I think the should take the example of the Bon Jovi one, of whom I’m not a fan but is filled only with unreleased material with a few exceptions! -i’m gonna buy it anyway! I’ll be in Sweden by August 20 i hope I’ll hear it then!

I think it’s rare to see a lot of promotion for a Greatest Hits album (maybe a TV commercial here and there) - it seems to me that they don’t usually wrack up a lot of sales either (obviously there are exceptions - “Halmstads Parlor” for one!). I think the record companies count on Greatest Hits to boost their profits (low production cost) and letting the music speak for itself, rather than launching a massive promo campaign.

Robbie Willaims sell, Roxette doesn’t, make your own mind up as to who they might promote more ;-)

The Bon Jovi boxset that someone mentioned is a superb example of how a boxset should be. No greatest hits, not remixes, just all (mainly) unreleased tracks. I don’t think that the RoxBox is gonna be anything like this :-(

But you can be positive that EMI are probably gonna put about 10 times for effort into Robbie’s new album, than Roxette’s. I’ve often thought that if someone sells on their own (ie Robbie), drop the promotion a bit, and try and focus on someone else (ie Roxette). Surely it’d be better to have two selling artists than one??

Oh, is Robbie releasing a new album? I was not aware of that.. He just released his latest album not too long ago and that is the album he is currently touring with, isn’t it??

The Robbie Williams single will already be released early September, 3 weeks before Roxette. The album September 18/20/22, 4 weeks before ROX20. So it’s no wonder that strange single is already on the radio, though I think it was started a bit too early.

Of course you can count that his release will get more promo, cos he’s simply more popular at the moment. But thanx to the different dates his release shouldn’t disturb Roxette’s too much. Let’s hope that Roxette will do a promo tour!

I think his new single Rudebox is the biggest load of rubbish, one of his worst, if not THE, worst single he has released!!!

I have to agree with pwbbounce
I really liked Robbie music, but this latest single...
Well it is just like some kind of joke and mistake, and as far as I know the whole album will be like that.... bleh...

I am still so confused... I have tried to get more information on the internet about the upcoming single and album of Robbie.. but it is quite difficult to find any solid info..

Robbie is on Tour at the moment with a different album (Intensive Care) and now he is already releasing a new album?? Wow..

How funny, as I posted the last post my work colleague gave me her headphones to listen to Robbies Rudebox on the Radio.. I am afraid to say.. it is weird.. not even real music..

He’s covering Louise for the next one! How could he! Thats just wrong on so many levels. If I wanna hear Louise, I’ll see Phil Oakey and co do it properly, thank you.

Edit-typo. Oopsy!

“I think it’s rare to see a lot of promotion for a Greatest Hits album (maybe a TV commercial here and there) - it seems to me that they don’t usually wrack up a lot of sales either”

Not true actually. GH are often the best sellers there are. The problem with a Rox GH is 1. that anyone who would want to buy it already has a copy of a GH by then, and 2. They are seen as has-beens and it won’t get noticed much by the music press.

“I think it’s rare to see a lot of promotion for a Greatest Hits album (maybe a TV commercial here and there) - it seems to me that they don’t usually wrack up a lot of sales either”

Not true-the first Human League GH in 1988 sold really well, and gave them a temporary reprieve from being dropped from Virgin. To my knowledge it sold over 300’000...

GH albums usually aren’t promoted but but Ncurran and Whateveriam are right, they do sell a lot because non fans buy them. But yes, since they’ve already done it and are total hasbeens, I wouldn’t hold my breath.


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