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Sick of others stealing Roxette's thunder!

27 replies

Okay.. I realize that this might have been discussed some times already.

Even though I was delighted when DHT had such huge success with Roxette’s ’listen to your heart’ internationally and The Dancing DJ’s vs. Roxette entered the UK charts, I am wondering why Roxette doesn’t wake up and smell the coffee and is going to release some dance versions of their own as singles??

The thing is, in the Rox Dance-Medley.. the dance version of listen to your heart is much better than DHT’s..

And I absolutely adore the dance version of ’It must have been love’. The mellow beginning until Marie blasts out the chorus with the strong beats. This version of IMHBL would be such a great single with such huge international possibilities.

Yes, I am aware that neither Per or Marie like dance or dance versions of pop/rock songs.. but still I think this would be a smart way to get some more attention again!

Release the dance version of IMHBL now and then the new single a month or two later, in the wave of IMHBL success!

Does this sound like such a dumb idea?? Or this this my true marketing roots coming through here?? lol

True to your marketing hun. Now if only it had been out in time for the 15th anniversary of Pretty Woman...

That would be cool . I really like the work on the Medley, but Roxette remixes aren’t that good before ,hopefully a good Dj or electronic player( someone like Anders Herrlin ) with dance spirit of course.

Come on! All the remixes from The Look 95 onwards were great! Todd Terry, StoneBridge, Almighty, Yoga, X-treme... I like them all! The ones I really don’t like are the Rapino mixes of The Look. That stinks!

Totally agree with you Room Service

It’d be great to see an official rox remix instead of all the covers floating around. And now seems to be the perfect time for it.

i don’t really like any remixes. I’m not a fan of dance music at all really, so I’m not gonna like any remixs too much. The only one I really like is the Electric Dance version of Spending My Time.

I just want Pop Rock or Power Pop, however you want to call it!!

But whether you like Dance Remixes or not, I am sure that you were glad to see DHT and Dancing DJ.... in the charts with Roxette material.. weren’t you?

Yeah of course, but it’s not the sort of music I like. Any exposure that they can get in the UK charts is good, not debating that, just that I’m not keen on that sort of stuff. I could easily live without remixes, especially the Stars ones. Imagine if that CD single was full of unreleased songs rather than the crappy remixes. I would be happy for sure.

But, I know that a lot of people out there love the remixes, probably more than don’t like them. But each to their own.

I know what you mean. Of course I prefer the originals but if it is dance to get some attention, why not..

i love remixes. and i agree that ever since the look 95 was released, rox remixes went awesome. i love the rapino versions, i love stars rmx and wicf. however, i don´t like tcoth remixes, maybe the yoga one is a little bit better. as an example, i never liked M&T&H, but when the active dance remix came out, i couldn´t stop playing it! i would have loved to get some ON remixes and if i continue thinking about COY almighty remixes i will go crazy...

The tcoth remixes took a while to grow on me; but, I really do enjoy the pounding beats of the Stonebridge club mixes. I agree, if a dance remix of IMHBL ever gets released as a single, I hope Roxette releases it - and not some other cover band. Can’t say I’ve ever been too crazy ’bout coy - maybe I’d like the REMIXES better! ;) I never understood why ON was never remixed - it had so much remix potential...

I think the reason ON was never remixed was because it was such a huge flop.. hmm.. thinking about it, maybe that should have been a reason to do some remixes to get more attention to the song. But then again, at that time Roxette was not going to spent much time promoting etc., as this was a very critical time for Marie...

I agree that remixing ON would have given it much more exposure certainly in the clubs, and it may have appealed to a wider audience. You’re right though about Marie - I never considered that!
btw, I meant to mention you’re story concerning your experience with Marie at the 1994 Kiel concert was very cool.

@ Tavo: Absolutely agree. WICF, Stars are great, TCOTH, MATAH not. Opportunity remixes could be superb on the dancefloor and COY, that´s the biggest mistake. Why not 2nd single from HAND.

Maybe we will find COY remixes in RoxBox. Let´s hope.

Thanks mate about your comment on the Kiel concert! ;-)
About ON, a few of my friends actually really like this song and say it is one of the fav Roxette songs..

I think I like ON for about 5 minutes!

and the song is about half as long.. lol

I don’t like remixes, but I think it’ll work for Roxette to gain attention again if they do that. IMHBL will be the good choice.

I really hate the dance/techno whatever it is version of Listen to Your Heart, it gets on my nerves! Can’t people write their own songs?

Acoustic versions OK, but the dance version I agree is rubbish! DHT-you done bad!

could be worse it could be that rap version of it must have been love that one guy did ICK

Touché. now that was bad...

really? I never heard it - though I’m sure I haven’t missed much. Who in the right mind would do a rap version?

Someone very sick, Nate... or just plain wierd.

Or what about the heavy metal version of It must have been love??
now that was funny!

LOL - I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me.
One can only wonder why...

Just heard reggae version of Don’t You Want Me-now I have heard everything....

Which Rox song could go reggae d’you reckon?


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