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a girl from 'un dia sin ti' - video

18 replies

does anybody know who that girl is?
every time when I’m watching “un dia sin ti’ video I wonder - do I know her from somewhere or maybe she only remains me someone else...

Good question...

Maybe she reminds you of the WICF video ...

This girl is HOT !

Yes she is! For me, she looks like a typicals sterotype swedish chick should look ;))

yea - the girl is HOT!!!
but still... who’s that girl ?!?!?!

Who’s that girl? That’s a song by Madonna, ask her. LOL

Hot???! If you’re looking for a drug adict with an apple...

Don’t know the name and don’t find this girl hot :) The weather is hot but not her ;)

She’s a famous model.I don’t remember her name right now.But one friend of mine know her name and where she worked and her career.I’ll ask her.

@ Marieangel

Please do that! And let me know then...

Did you find out?

Nobody knows! Its indeed a mystery...

I also wonder who’s the man playing the husband in the video of Stars...

No thats just being mean! Brain hurty...

So the guy from Stars video is NOT Mikael Bolyos? ;p

There are more ’husbands’ in Stars. one is indeed Mikael.

The one being haunted by Marie across Stockholm, who rescue her from the sea IS NOT Micke! I am talking about the one wearing sunglasses all the time.

just great! i was asking about girl from ’un dia sin ti’ and you are talking about a guy from ’stars’...
well... they should add to dvd collection list of actors/models who played in videos. who knows maybe one day they gonna be famous. like steven dorf or alicia silverston. they played in aerosmith’s ’cryin” and now... well they are popular. (it was just a morning idea - but i’m still sleepy ;-)


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