Marie poster now on ebay
ATLTK said on July 16, 2006 21:07:
Jud (moderator) said on July 25, 2006 19:14:
haha!! this is nuts :D *thinking of selling my poster*
But good for you Ted, though :D
the same person bought the Ica Kuriren magazine with Marie’s interview..for 18$!!!!! This is nuts, one can get the magazine through the editorial company much much cheaper *sigh*
per_mson said on July 26, 2006 06:54:
Well, some people ARE nuts. Paying $100+ for records one can buy later for $10 for instance.
But nice for you Ted!
ATLTK said on July 26, 2006 11:33:
i´m selling the magazine aswell
ATLTK said on July 24, 2006 17:04:
auction ended