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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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18 replies

Right, straw poll here, which Rox song would be the National Anthem (if you will) for everyone who comments on here. I mean, the one that we could all stand at our computers and sing along to, to raise moral and all that?

I’m serious, lets have an anthem!

“love is all” sounds like a good anthem to me..

Hehe, nice idea :) I guess it should be something cheerful and uplifting... I’d go with How do You Do! or SIMC, what do you think?

My idea, which I forgot to mention was ’Dressed For Success’- it is an anthem to combat Monday morning blues, in my case anyway

I used to play DFS when i was getting ready for a competition, or played my mom´s car cassete player when I was arriving to stadium.
In my case, I have lately been playing “Turn to Me” or any from PoP to stay awake or cheer me up. That could be an anthem, everybody trying to get Marie´s notes.

Perfect day could fit.

I don’t like Perfect Day. :(

Love Is All is ok but a bit sad if you’re in a sad mood. Although I must say it would kinda fit for an anthem.

I always play these songs when I’m trying to cheer myself up:

Neverending Love, Dangerous, The Look, Dance Away, Chances, View From A Hill, Joyride, Physical Fascination, I Remember You, How Do You Do, Fingertips, Keep Me Waiting, Stars, Crush On You, Make My Head Go Pop, Opportunuty Nox.

Happy songs. ;P

Ok and I play Surrender too but that’s my personal mantra, it wouldn’t fit the rest of you.

In my opinion The Look & Joyride are the greatest albums - it would hafta be summat from there!
Plenty of feelgood songs there to put a smile on yer face!!

If we have an anthem, we should have a ’National’ holiday too- one day where we all skive college, work etc (it would make a change from people skiving for the world cup) and we all have a day doing Roxetty stuff-watching videos, playing havoc with the forums bandwidth, have an online conference so we can all see what we look like on webcam! I look fugly in person, let alone on webcam, but hey, what can I do?

We couldn’t have an album as an anthem, could we, it would have to be just a song. An album would be pushing it. sadly

You are never in a million years gonna get everyone on here to agree to one song as an anthem, let alone an album!!

The song should be JOYRIDE.

It’s the best known, it’s the happiest, it refers to an unknown girl (and Roxette is a girl’s name), and we all like to think Roxette loves us.

“she’s the heart of the funfair, she’s got me whistling in her private tune”
“she’s all mine, my magic friend”
“c’mon join the joyride”
“we’re a part of this together, could never turn around and run. “

Don’t those lyrics make sense for an anthem of a musical nation? :D

Good point Santi. It’s also on my list and it’s a very special song for me (I became fan because of it), so I’m with you on this one.

My vote for Joyride. :)

Yeah, if there’s 1 song that could do the trick it’s Joyride. “We’re all magicfriends... be a joyrider!” :-)

PWBBOUNCE- I can bloody try! OK, maybe suggesting an anthem album is pushing it somewhat.

I thought it would be easier to decide on an album then a song-but that was proved wrong last night when I went round someones house without Tourism, and suddenly got an urge to listen to it. Curses!

Oh, yeah, and Santi, no ones National anthem makes sense. Joyride makes more sense then mine anyhoos

The Roxette Megamix...

I’m not that keen on joyride to be honest, but i have to agree that it does kind of make sense as an anthem. Another alternative would be ’Run to you’ (in the sense of the fans following Roxette)

’m gonna run to you
i’m gonna come to you
i wanna find you
in everything that i do
i’m gonna run to you
i’m gonna count on you
i’m gonna follow
baby what else can i do?

That’s actually a good one Neil!

spending my time is definitely a national anthem. it was airplayed for a long, long time here in argentina. i think that´s why “un dia sin ti” was so popular when it was released in 1996.

I think Run to you would be a Great Anthem!


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