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i didn't hear marie's last album..were i can?

23 replies


by buying the album?? :-)

well in my country(romania) i didn’t saw the album...could u give a site were i can listen to it?..if it exists

I’m the UK so there’s no chance of seeing the cd in shops over here either. have got the album, and should ship to you. You can listen to a selection of the tracks on

u can also buy it from
I take it from her ’last album’ you mean the one she just released and not ’the change’ from 2004?

You can also buy thru or ;)

emule, bittorrent, etc he he

It is worth buying!

30 sec. per song are availabel over iTunes.

Kristal mail me :)

For people living out of Europe is not so easy to get those albums. From time to time you can find one in a record store but the price is extremely high. And buying from the internet... well, it’s a good idea, but many people, like me, haven’t got a credit card. Every day is getting more and more difficult to get music from Europe...

I know it is illegal, but torrents and those thing are, in many cases, the only way to get them.

boohoo....the album wasnt released in the UK either but i managed to get it. Just because you live outside europe doesnt give you the right to download it illegally. And if you dont get a credit card, find someone who does and give them the money.....most of all, please stop whinging!

Whinging? I’m not whinging. I’m 29 years old, I think that I am a bit old to cry because of a CD. I’m not going to die because I’m not going to buy Marie’s album. I have survived all these years.

I only said that the net is the only way for many people to get an album. I don’t want to start a discussion about this, but you should live here to understand what I mean.

sorry, but sounds like whinging to you dont have a credit card...youve told us about 20 times by now. Perhaps you should get one? If not ask to borrow a friends and give them some money. What is so difficult about that.

May sound harsh but it bugs me that people come on here and moan about such simple things and expect someone to send them the album for free....there are plenty of solutions which they could sort themselves without coming on here begging for help. As you said there are more important things in life


Dear, not all the people in the world get paid in euros or pounds. That’s a difference, a big one. In addition, this is not the UK, only a few kilometres away of Sweden. You should know the reality is not the same everywhere. To give you an example, I have to invest the money I gain in one week to buy this CD. But I am not complaining, I will survive. But you can’t be so blind to say this CD is easy to get. Of course, if you have pounds in your pocket, it is.

I seem to recall you mentioned the Argentinian currency was WAY stronger than the Swedish? You pay a week’s salary for this CD? I pay 2 hours, how does that make your currency stronger?
To be constructive; if you don’t want to pay for the albums, don’t get them. Real easy.

I won’t pay por the lousy album, I already got in mp3 files. By the way, your constructive comments are out pf place and time. I’d like to know if you have a notebook, to write down everything people has said to you. In my opinion, your attitude is very childish. It seems you have a lot of resentment. Very sad.

taken from another thread entitled “To Moderators, With Love” that I started at “TDR Discussions” section:

“I got one question:

Why do you moderators use the term “moderator” as you post at the threads as “regular” users? Why don’t you guys make it only when you’re acting like “moderators”?

It would sound less “intimidating”...”

I guess there’s no more reason to explain why I asked for that, @tevensso answered it so well...

By the way, I won’t buy or download the CD, since the swedish language sounds strange to me...

[email protected]

The Argentinian Currency isn’t gonna be stronger than Kronors, not now. I don’t now who said that but the social-economical differences between ARgentina and Sweeden ar largest that the kilometers that tear them apart. Just take a look At the Macro Economic numbers and the fact that for what you need 2 hours of work to get a cd the most in Arg would need between 8 to 20 hours.
The law don’t protect a product/patent/copyright that is not commercially available in an specific market.
For that is I believe that sharin’ a swedish realease in Argentina (for example) doesn’t harm EMI¡s or Marie/s (economical)interest this time.
I Keep in mind that sometimes sharin’ is still illegal.

You cant blame the moderators of the forum for trying to stop people sharing mp3 files. We are just lucky that EMI sweden seem to be relatively laid back, and there doesnt seem to be much checking up going on. I know of a fansite for another artist in the UK that was temporarily shut down by EMI because they threatened to sue the site owners. If people share files on here, the site owners will be held legally responsible. Is that what you want, for TDR to be shut down? If not, then go and work for a week and buy the CD, and if you cant be bothered doing that campaign to your local EMI office to have it imported and released there for a cheaper price....

By the way, the original poster comes from Romania, not argentina, so i dont know how we got around to talking about argentina again!

This discussion is out of control. I said what I think. But the point is you will never be able to understand how are the things somewhere else. Regarding the CD, I won’t spend 20 hours of work in a CD. Luckily, I have other priorities in life. And, if you read carefully, nobody was asking for mp3 or any other kind of files here.

Min Bäste Vän Eu/Holland CD is very easy to get even if you don´t have U.K. punds but if you want to buy it and only have U.K. punds it´s hard to get.

Oh god, TDR gets flaming again....

Personally EMI should make it easier to buy this CD especially to those outside Europe etc...

@ Debora, I will happily make a copy for you like I did of the GT stuff, but it will be a perhaps a week or two until I can send it.... :)

Email me your address again!

Right, FINALLY got round to ordering the album - from CD Wow! It was only £8.25 with free delievery. BARGAIN!!!


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