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Joyride 2005.......

11 replies

i managed to finally get hold of Joyride 2005 i had to download it i found it under Roxette Joyride(Tabledancers 2005 remix) so far i am loving it.they have took the verses out and left in the chorus with a lot of whistling and they also left the Take you on a skyride bit from the middle in.I am hoping that it gets some sort of single release.

It’s not a legit release, although still great. And the Tabledancers claim they didn’t do the remix. There’s an old article about it. :)

Yeah that one’s still a mystery!!

truely is there best remix to date, i know loads of clubs paying it everytime i go out, people adore it (when i ask the dj where they got it from 1 said from a friend the other said from a polish site lol). roxette should release this for support of the GHits album in UK, but thats if they thought about marketing.

@davidc4 Can you please e-mail it to me! Appreciate it! :)

I love this version too, but I think a full version from the clip included in the medley would be even better (for that matter, I want to hear more of that version of “The Look” too!).

I guess its a “white label” one like ICNGYU or HDYD & See me

Too bad the 12” doesn’t include the short “radio version”.
Per loves this remix, by the way.

Is this the same as “Joyride 2006” by Wandoo Bass?

The best remix Ive ever heard of an old song (you know what i mean).

Hopefully the Roxers are smart enuff to realise that Dance music is big business, and maybe add an album of new remixes (similiar to Jouride 2005/6 and FLAF) of their greatest hits to the 20year Anny set.

Would be good for business. ;o)

well if per likes the mix so much, get him to put pressure on emi to release this mix in UK offical (huge mistake not to), with a remix joyride vid clip , dance music is eveywhere, and everything retro is so bad its cool.

salkin yeah it is the same one the one you mentioned though has someone shouting things through the track tho and i found it annoying so i downloaded the other one.

i cant email it as i dont have the internet at home and only at my mate has the track on her computer but we couldnt do anything with it.i wanted to try and put it somewhere where i could put a link to it but i dont know how to :( i wanna share it with the world lol


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