The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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8 replies

What are the bests internet shops to buy roxette, marie, per, and GT stuff?? Cdon??
And anyone knows an internet shop where I can buy rarities???
Not ebay, please!

CD WOW is good. You probably find a copy of rarities at an online shop, and if you do it will be cheaper on ebay.


Actually CDWow is a mess - they never deliver on time..
I recommend CDOn for all orders!!

agree cdon is great at dispatching! If you order quickly enough, the thingie can hit your mailbox already on the release day!

Thanks for the answers! I’ll try with cdon!

CD wow have always been great with me. For sweden only releases they were a bit slow at first, but they seem to have that sorted by now as i ordered maries new album from them and got it a few days ago so it was very quick. Cdon are good aswell, but normally more expensive

What about ’skivhugget’? I have never bought from them but I have heard many positive sounds about them.

Skivhugget is great too, but if you want normal fresh releases within EU CDON or CD-Wow rules.

I ordered with skivhugget aswell a couple of times and they were very good/efficient. The only thing i didnt like about them was that you didnt get any order confirmation or anything and there was no way of tracking your order on the website. Not sure if that is still the same and its not such a big deal anyway


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