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Send Gift To Marie Fredriksson

15 replies

Hi, I’m wanting to know the exact address of Marie Fredriksson in Djurholm, as I am wanting to send her a gift. Instead of sending it to this discussion, can you email it to me at [email protected] , if any of you know it. Thanks.

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Marie Fredriksson

TDR won’t reveal her address.



I am also thinking if you send it to their record company in Sweden, I am sure she would get it :)

I’d save the money or buy something for myself instead ;)

Yeah the best way is to send it through EMI, you have no idea if it will get to her house even if you did get her exact address. I’m pretty sure she has a PO Box so that people can’t steal her mail.

How do we know someone at EMI won’t steal it?

I Trust Emi as far as I can throw it, bot far since you can;t actually throw it.


You’re not gonna get her home address here. I once many many years ago wrote to the band through EMI and did get a reply, from Clarence, believe it or not. So I do know that it used to work. Not too sure if it would now.

I wrote to them asking about the first album, so it must’ve been before 1995 (when DBUGTTC came out and did indeed find out that there was an album before Look Sharp!). The answer was yes, but it’s been deleted.

Well I guess if you’re gonna be that cynical, someone at the post office could also steal it. Also Marie’s nanny could steal it. Or even more likely, Marie won’t even look at it so it doesn’t matter if someone steals it. But that’s not the point, you send Marie something with the hope she’ll get it, I’ve sent her stuff before and I’m sure I wasted my time, but I enjoyed doing it and once she even replied!

I+ve sent a looong letter once but no reply “sigh”
per replays when you write to him ...

I don’t want to sound too cynical, but Marie can’t write anymore (at least not so good). What kind of reply do you expect? If you want an autograph only then send a prestamped reply envelope with your letter and something to sign of course.

Very true Kiwein, she has a problem with writing so I’m sure she’s not gonna spend her time struggling to answer fanmail. And to be perfectly honest, she was never answering a lot of fanmail anyway. I know a couple fans who got letters from her - a couple out of hundreds of fans!! It’s not her priority, we have to accept that. I haven’t written to her in almost 2 years because I didn’t see the point, but when I do write to her I do it without any expectation and hope that my letter put a smile on her face. So I wouldn’t discourage anyone from writing to her as long as they don’t get their hopes up too high!

“per replays when you write to him ...”
really? when did you write to him?:)

this was ages ago - and I guess she can write on a computer but I´m the first to agree with that she still has problems. for example. there were people at the signing session who wanted a dated signature but thry werent allowed to that, cause she finds numbers difficult ( well they didnt said That but we know,dont we?)
and when she was leaving she had to be helped and assistanceds by Dimman to get down from the podium.

Yeah, she had this problem with climbing down from the podium in December. At first we have been shocked but we quickly realized that it isn’t as bad as it had seemed. I think she is ok with that..That’s why we also should be fine.

hej maja here

there are a lot of women in stockholm named marie fredriksson

my aunt called marie fredriksson to

and i don’t think it’s wyse to send it to emi they won’t send it send it to her own record lable there’s an adress that should work

i have send here a birthday card to her home
yeah i got her adress but i won’t publishe it online kind of stupid don’t you think i got it from marie after i gave her a drawing i made back then

and yes she wrothe back such a great woman marie

don’t send me any emails to get her adress won’t work

(am a close friend of marie so don’t want to find her adress on any kind of board )

and by the way you can’t steal her mail the mail box i pretty good hidden and quit strong
no po box try maryjane that has a pobox

or just send it to Marie Dimberg.... I have the correct mailing address somewhere...


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