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New Roxette photoshoot-Bowling Alley!?

21 replies

What do you think of Per saying they just completed a new photoshoot in a bowling alley? Must be related to name of the new single dont you think? Any ideas?

Maybe it’s called “Strike (only 6 more to go)”


well I think it’s a weird place to make a photoshoot, I picture it as some kind of American thing because bowling is not very popular at least here in Italy, but I think it might turn out very nice, well we’ll see!

Bowling is American thing? I don’t think so...Bowling is from Germany.

I really hope it won’t look cheap!

I guess those people are professionals and for that reason I think photosession was cute ;)

I can imagine a picture of Marie throwing a bowl at that wooden floor, trying to knock over those pins (don’t know whether it’s the right word), but, instead of pins(?), Per’s head!!! ;-P

im feeling a joyride theme here with the bowling theme. abit retro.

@ Mari

Really?? Sorry, I always thought of it as something related to the U.S.!! Shame on me..

@Zargo: How about for the album - “STRIKE! 20 Years of Roxette Hits” ??


“20 Years of Roxette STRIKES!” ??


Roxette strike back?!!! XD

@Secretkeeper81: Of course you’re right ’Bowling’ (the one with 10 pins and three holes in the bowl) is extremly popular in America and it’s their own version of the ’origin bowling’ (the one with 9 pins and no holes in the bowl - is there a different word for it in english?).
If you watch for example american tv-series you can see everybody bowling, the Flintstones, the Bundys, ... ;-)
In Germany the origin one was and is very popular, the american bowling became en vogue the last few years. We also have two different names for it, don’t know how it is in other countries.

I’m really excited about the shooting, perhaps they really try to attract the US market with this GH compilation, Per was lately very positive about a new deal there for it and the medly smells like America (only the songs which were big over there and no others) - we’ll see ;-)

I don’t understand why they should “try to attract the US market”. The States have forgotten Roxette. I guess they should focus their efforts in areas where they know THERE ARE people & fans waiting for them, and expecting their releases, like South America (plenty of fans in Chile, Argentina and Brazil). Even Australia and South Africa makes more sense to put any effort in. On the other hand, we don’t get anything good. Am I wrong? Should they keep their fans or try to conquest a new market like the US? It seems a risky venture...

Maybe the areas I mentioned are not so profitable as the US, but I think we deserve some attention too. At least we don’t consider Roxette as “one-hit-wonders that got *some* success in the early 90’s”.

Edit: grammar mistakes.

the original (German) is called kegeln :)

ain’t the strike 20 points? I think I like the word/concept game here, they are 2, there are 10 pins, 10x2 = 20 - and I think you can also get 20 points at once :P maybe they didn’t think of that when they decided to take the pics at the bowling alley, but anyway ;)

Bowling alley shoot?! can’t wait to see what this is going to be like.

@Room_service, i think that trying to attract the US market is well worth it, they still seem to have a following there and Per wouldn’t bother it if it wasn’t worth the trouble. Also I still believe that the US market is the key to them striking it big again, esp in places like Australia which seem to follow in everything that the US does. (And by big I mean recognised again)

Mhh no new hairstyle than for Marie! That´s very sad!

“Also I still believe that the US market is the key to them striking it big again, esp in places like Australia which seem to follow in everything that the US does.”

Yeah well, that’s what I think, who’s big in the U.S. has many chances to become big elsewhere, of course that doesn’t mean you can’t be big elsewhere if you’re not big in the U.S...!

@ room-service: that’s where I got my idea that bowling was U.S.-related then, must’ve seen it several times on Tv ;)

@Room_service: Who said that they should try to attract the US? It just seems like they would do it, regarding at the ’hints’ we got. I don’t know if it’s worth to spend effort to this, but we’ll see.

@Judith: The englisch word for ’Kegeln’ is ’kegeln’, really? ;-)

@Secretkeeper81: You see, sometimes TV can take you on the right path ;-)
What kind of bowling do you have in your country, the american one, the origin one or both?

no, kegeln is the german word.
In english we have 2 types of bowling, lawn bowling and 10 pin bowling. Lawn bowling is mainly an activity done by old people....The American style ’10 pin bowling’ used to be called just that when i was younger, but most people nowadays shorten it just to bowling. So if we talk about ’bowling’ in english it could be either kind of bowling, but you could normally tell which one it was by the age of the person!

Lawn bowling - there we have it! ;-) Thanks to ncurran. The ’10 pin bowling’ I also know simply as bowling (aswell in german).
The age thing with lawn bowling makes me think of playing boules in France *g*

Somehow, the topic has banged around but here you go (this is from bowling in a league here in the US when I was in high school):

A strike is 10 + the total of the next two frames. So, if you strike in Frames 1, 2, 3... the total in frame #1 is 30. If you strike in frames 1 and 2 and only knock down 3 pins, the total in frame 1 is then 23.

A spare is 10 + the # of pins knocked down in the first ball thrown in the next frame. Example you left 4 standing and then knocked those 4 down with the next ball, that is a spare.
The next ball you throw then knocks down 8. So the total in the previous frame would be 18.

Don’t ask why they call em frames (perhaps because they look like little squares when you keep score, therefore, they are “score frames”). You get two throws per frame, unless of course you strike, then you only get one (no second chance to knock down pins that ain’t there ;o))


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