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ENGLISH, A new video of roxette

16 replies

Hello people roxettera of all the places of the world, since we know roxette already I return, and since(as,like) it(he,she) is normal of any album always a new video extracts paper clip, let’s hope that it is a new video that leaves fingerprints since(as,like) I it stop it must have been love, the song Bla bla bla bla (you broke my heart) is a success though it(he,she) has not gone out since(as,like) single for many(many people) he(she) likes, and this serious perfect song to do a video paper clip, in end(purpose) this depends of roxette, alone let’s hope that they extract a video that breaks borders .. people of peru that wants to join the fans’ club of peru, write to this mail: [email protected]

Urm what are you on...?

I think that triverox just made a new language up ;-) ... or is using a very bad translator hehe I understand why there was a Spanish version of this, so that at least someone can understand! I think this guy wants a new Roxette video...or a burrito, not quite sure.

LOL Egglatli, you are right, he just wrote Spanish and entered it into an online tranlator! I have used those to translate my Venezuelan friend’s mails and it comes out really bad. And in this guy’s case he even left in the alternative words that are in brackets LOL!

I’m going to write a message to Triverox with a translator, Spanish ppls can u tell me if it comes out funny? ;)

Triverox, yo sugiero totalmente que usted toma algunas lecciones inglesas porque no trabaja si usted acaba de utilizar un traductor, nada tiene sentido y la gramática es tan mala que nosotros no le podemos entender. O, va apenas aquí al foro internacional y encuentra una página española.

Is that even understandable?

Hahaha, it sounds really funny!! but understanable... I mean there are lots of mistakes but it is readable.

Reading the same post written in Spanish somewhere else, we get to see that this person doesn’t even write Spanish correctly.

He’s trying to say something this:

hello people from around the world, as we know roxette has joined again, and since with every new album a new video is released, let’s hope it’s a a video that leaves track as it was it must have been love, the song Bla bla bla bla is a hit even tough it was not released as a single lots of people like it, and this song would be perfect to make a video, after all this depends on roxette, let’s just hope they make a video that breaks frontiers... people from pero who want to join the preuvian fan club, write to: [email protected]

Some advices / algunos consejos:
1) use commas and dots to separate your ideas / usar comas y puntos para separar tus ideas
2) have a clear idea of what you’re trying to say / tener una idea clara de lo que queres escribir
3) learn English

Comment removed by author

Diego... it’s “advice”, not “advices” ... so it seems that your English is not perfect either. I really think it’s impolite to tell others to “learn English” when they made an effort. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of their level of English ability... and eveyone should endeavor to make our other readers FEEL welcome. Thanks.

Lars, I’m sorry to say but in this case this particular person NEEDS to learn the language - I still don’t get the point of the thread; Dear heavens can you imagine how anoyed the Swedish will be when all the international fans try and spam their section with incoherent jibberish...? Fans should stick to the languages they are ATLEAST able to understand - we are here to have sensible discussions and not to give eachother headaches!!

(BTW nothing personal Lars!! ;) )

I completely agree with you, Lars.
In fact, in think I said the same in another post, but it was transferred to the international section. It wasn’t nice making fun of the poor guy, just because he can’t speak English (don’t you think that it’s because he just didn’t get the chance to learn it??) And I think the post was not that impossible to understand, if one just makes the effort, of course.
Don’t take it personal, but I just didn’t like it.
Ah! About the new Roxette clip.... I don’t really think we’ll get one, honestly. Marie’s thinking about many things, and Roxette seems to be the last one on her mind, something understandable, by the way.

por favor saben que esta mal traducido y siguen haciendo una tormenta en un vaso de agua!!!
solo me importa roxette!!!1 y no sus criticas

@Lars-Erik_Olson and @miss-misery: I share the same thoughts of you...

Tiverox, si quieres evitar criticas, procura postear en el foro español, porque sino volveran a saltar a tu cuello.

(I’m just advicing Tiverox to post in Spanish in the international forum... in his post he said something like he didn’t care about the critics, just about Roxette... good thinking!!)

Have a nice sunday! :)

P.S. By the way, yesterday I read the interview to Marie in HOLA (Spanish version of HELLO) No news, it was a translation of the piece of news we already had. The funniest thing is that there are two photos showing: the first one, Marie nowadays, and the second one, Roxette in the Joyride days... Although in the interview they say that the photo shows Marie with her husband!! Well, I guess that in HOLA they are not obligued to know who Roxette are!! :D

por una parte tiene razon miss-misery, pero tambien saven que triverox lo tradujo por internet, por lo cual esta mal hecho, bueno ya pongan fin a esto, y hagan otra discusion, pero en español, y no mas criticas, y no sean pateticos!

i remember when i used that kind of traslator programs hahahah

peace english spoken brothers!
marcelo (spanish spoken guy)

@Lars : I think that your post is something hard to understand here. It’s a shame that the ’I’m smart’ Sarcasm rule this place sadly– yes i really need to improve my english–


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