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Question about TCOTH single

23 replies

I have both the cardsleeve and jewel case version of this particular single. The proper CD looks more or less the same in both versions: a green disc, with the title in big, black types under the central hole. The copyright facts are printed in light types, along the edge. “Entering your heart” is not mentioned at all (on the disc).

But once, I saw a CD for sale and it looked like the Real Sugar or M&T&H singles: both tracks are mentioned on the disc, and the copyright facts are printed under the tracklist.

My question is: why the CD’s I have don’t look that way too?

Thank you.

Because you don’t have all the versions of this particular release - so what’s stopping you from start collecting them ALL, like a little good squirrel you are?

Squirrel? what?

If someone else can add something USEFUL, it would be appreciated.

All I can tell you is that my copy - bought here in Italy at the time the single was released - looks like the one you have i.e. it doesn’t mention the b-side on the disc!

Matu - once you’re mastered the English language it would be a good idea to buy yourself the Bible!

BTW did you realize that you’ve actually posted this in the “market place” section - you’re not exactly selling or buying anything, are you? If you aim for direct answers do a little work from your side first!!

I didn’t know this was the right section to post my question or not. I am not selling or buying anything, but I thought questions about stuff should be posted here.

If you are talking about that big Roxette book (usually called the Bible), once I contacted the author. It was possible to buy from him. But he wanted too much money for postage (about 40 euros), plus 50 euros for the book itself. And that’s an amount of money I can’t afford at the moment.

I think this is a topic that could have been posted in the Roxette section as well as in the marketplace section. Anyway, I don’t see the problem of this message being posted on this particular board of the forum, so don’t worry Matufan.

Speaking of the Look For Roxette, I bought my copy from Sabastian Hess. He is a great and trustful seller who certainly did not ask a ridiculous amount of money for postage. You could send him an email if you want:
[email protected]

And as long as you don’t own the book, please feel free to ask anything as many people here do have the book themselves!

Hey Sandy... I completely forgot about Sebastian; and I KNOw I’ve got one or two things he wants BADLY so I might just drop him a mail about this - BLOODY good idea!

Re: about the posting of the request; a friend and myself is planning something for the Roxette community that might just help many of us who’s interested in such discussions!! (Can’t say to much but it’ll be cool I KNOW this!!!) STAY TUNED!!

Commercial Editions of TCOTH:

1. Dutch 2 Track Card Sleeve CDS 8790312 1 *. Available in Both Matte and Glossy Versions, but otherwise identical.

2. Dutch 2 Track Slimline Jewel Case CDS 8791712 1 *.

3. Dutch 6 Track Slimline Jewel Case CD Maxi 8792302 with similar sleeve but with blue tint. 1*.

4. Australian 2 Track “Matte” Card Sleeve CDS 8790312 2 *.

Now I have all of those releases except the Dutch Matte Release and none of those are printed the way you describe.

So either you are mistaken or there is a whole different version of TCOTH that no one knows about or has bothered to mention.

I’d be interested in anyone can shed some morel ight on this.



P.S. Since this year is Roxette’s 20th anniversary I think Robert should update the book or at least release a e-book version of the bible.

Cheers Dave

tell Robert that then

ditroia ... stay tuned; there IS something in the works!!

Hello Dave, thanks for the info. In addition, I have all those versions too (even the Aussie release). But, instead of you, I have the Dutch matte cardsleeve. I didn’t know there is a glossy version too! It makes sense, since both RS and M&T&H were released in glossy cardsleeves. Same for WICF: I only have the matte version, but I know there is a glossy version around.

Those were the commercial releases. Also promo versions were released: Mexican, Taiwanese and European (I only got the last one).

Regarding the TCOTH version with the tracklist printed on the disc, I bet my own life I saw it! It was for sale in Tradera, for about 10-20 SEK. The disc was out if the sleeve. But I didn’t bid on, beause I already had that single (the more common version, at least). But I am sure I saw it, I can say that. Sadly, I was not smart enough to save the photo. I really regret that... That way I would have something to prove it.

Another question to Dave: I’d like to get the Australian releases of Room Service and M&T&H. Can you tell me they are easy to get or not? I only have Aussie HAND and TCOTH. Thank you.

Hmm Getting interested, how long ago was it on Tradera?

You can find the Glossy Version of TCOTH on ebay or Tradera quite cheaply.

I have the Taiwanese Promo version, and that version has no other text underneath the title.



P.S. purplemedusa: Need any help, I got a fair few Roxette Records and some that only a few people have. let me know.

I did have a copy of the AUS M&T&H Single for sale, but no longer, it is hard to find, but I could get lucky. I may be able to find a new version of Room Service on Cd. I’ll let you know.


Dave, yes i might actually need to talk to you about a thing or two...!!



“You can find the Glossy Version of TCOTH on ebay or Tradera quite cheaply”

Maybe. But the problem is it’s not so easy to realise the cd for sale is glossy or matt. How do you know that? Usually, every single for sale has the same picture :-s


do you have/use MSN? I can’t find any proper MSN address in your profile. There is a big time difference between your country and mine, but anyway (I think it’s 14 hours or so).

Hi Matufan, I’m in the process of setting up a MSN account, I’ll let you know, right now all i got it ICQ.

If you see any TCOTH’s on Ebay that are Card Sleeve and are not Australian you could alway ask if they are glossy. Thats what I did.



Perhaps it is the International Promo CDS that is listed on page 466?

Or maybe it is the Tawianese Roxette Sampler? There is also a Mexican promotion in I think it is possible your description ;).

The Promo’s Don’t Have Entering your Heart.


just revieved amail from Robert saying that no update is planned

NO Update for the Book?

Surely a 20th Anniversary edition would be nice. He must of not sold many copies.

Anyways We’ll always find a good discography online.


If I was Robban I would wait in a loger time. I have much stuff on my Roxette & Related lists that´s not included in The Look For Roxette but do an uptade 4 year after it was released or do a new one to be released on book. Is it really any good idea????? I want that more and more Roxette & Related stuff is coming but I don´t think that this is a really good idea. If Robban had started 2002 when The Look For Roxette was released to do a website too with the things that would be included in the book the website could be updated now and times before but I think it´s better to wait with to do a new Roxette & Related book by Robban or update The Look For Roxette if there will be an update released on book.

I will do an own website (hopefully clear 2008) with an Very detailed Roxette & Related discography, Very many pictures, Big Biography, Tracklist including Demos, Remixes, Live Versions, Singles Versions, Album Versions, Cover Versions etc. , Links and more things with Roxette & Related. Maybe a book of it too.

In the Question about TCOTH single topic I will do a list on issues of The Centre Of The Heart Singles (Mostly on Eu/Holland Cd-Singles/Cd-Maxi) hopefully clear about latest 3 weeks from now.

Edit:It takes 3 weeks from now on 15th July to be finnish to check the The Centre Of The Heart issues.


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