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New Marie picture!

26 replies

Lovely picture!!! the white outfit and background looks so...peaceful.

ow nice, lovely her hair looks shorter co sits white one white im 75 % sure.

“Who cares?”

LOL Tev!

She looks great :)

@tev: More than Micke´s new website!

the question was more for who cares what you want ;)

TDR as always.

Zelda as always...

Let´s talk about that pic!

A very nice picture !

zelda i agree

Thanks Zelda ;) is a pretty picture!!!

I’d like to know WHY the moderators get involved in arguments like this. It seems they are 6 years-old or so...

By the way, a nice picture!


Hehe Tev! She looks quite angelic in that picture actually.

Great pic!!!!!!!! Thanks, Zelda!

Gorgeous photo, so classy! Seems perfect for this album.

actually it all started with one of those great posts here:

It’s not the first time that this individual makes such.. superb comments (not to talk about the comment that goes along with the link post #1 here). One can be patient, but there is a limit.

Ha Ha Ha. It’s funny!!! Imagine yourself being a moderator - bringing you latest news on a related subject (which this site is also about) and then for people to turn round and say “who cares”! I’d be a little annoyed too. The Mod’s do work very hard on this sight ya know!

I like the picture btw!

I agree pwbbounce! God, that’s one good thing about not having my websites anymore, I don’t get stupid emails from people demanding that I update or change something. The best mail I ever got was “Great website but I have a little criticism: You need more news on Marie.” This was during Marie’s illness. What should I have done, get a job at Karolinska and search her files? Tap her phonelines? So many idiots, so little time...

I think it’s cool that TDR find little news snippets here and there, though I never got over the one about a choir that used a font that looked a bit like a font GT used in their poster...that one was reaching a bit LOL!

Great picture, angelic is a perfect way to describe it.

off topic: i don’t see why the mods can’t have a bit of fun :-P

I agree Rob, I have 2 boards of my own and I’m the one who makes the most trouble there LOL. I enjoy Tev’s sarcasm hehe. Jud is the diplomat ;)

Aw she looks real puuuuuurdey!! ;)

Am I the only one who keeps looking at the photo and sighing pathetically? *siiiiiiiiiiiigh*

Ihavr short hear,its nice.Maries hair is ok.

I think it’s just great to see her smiling. The poor girl’s been through enough & we should all be happy for her!


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