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Do You Ever Manage To Get Roxette Played In Clubs?

43 replies

Rejoice! My local pub has updated its jukebox, and the whole Rox discography is on there, not just DBU! There is hope left in this world!

Has anybody out there ever managed the difficult task of getting an un remixed completely original Roxette track played in a club? so far ive managed the following

Stars-GBar in Liverpool were the DJ Lavinia plays alot of stuff for me.It actually went down ok the beats got alot of people dancing.

Joyride-Cant remember where but it was in manchester.The whistling sounded ace so loud!!

Fading Like A Flower-NOT the dancing djs version but the version we know and love it was in
Masquerade in Liverpool and sounded pretty good.

The Look-New York New York in Manchester.asked the dj to put it on and it popped out of a speaker within minutes sounding loud,proud and totally brilliant.

My next aim is to get someone to play opportunity Nox or How Do You Do! might take something to Gbar 2nite as Lavinia is on and i might be able to sneak something in.she doesnt check what i give him/her 1st.How funny if Crush On You came blasting theres a thought....

also any ideas of upbeat tracks that i could try and sneak to the DJ?

I had stars played in a bar in Bournemouth (can’t remember it now - which is really bad as I used to live there - opposite Ruby’s if anyone knows!)

I have also heard LTYH played at Streetlife in Leicester...

Oh they joys of hearing a Rox song played to the ’public’ lol!!

IMHBL at the G-A-Y bar in London 3times in one night, but only because it was the only Rox song on their video juke box.Went down well with the crowd though...lots of people singing along

leeds and bradford i heard joyride 05 allll the time. still do, hear FLAF vs dj all over aswell still.

I’ve been known to choose The Look and Dangerous on the jukebook at the Imperial (the pub from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert for those who know it) but besides that Roxette aren’t played and aren’t available on jukeboxes anywhere I go.

Haven’t been to a club for almost 6 years - started goin downhill with trancy cr*p in our area. (South Wales - only to be visited for the countryside & beaches - they have no idea when it comes to music!!!)

rox-kuryliw; Really? Strange as Joyride ’05 was never commeriaclly released and only a few promo (white label) 12”’s exsist! Hope to see this remix on a future Roxette release tho - tis AWESOME!!!

@just like that
Britain - beaches???

obviously had FLAF anf LTYH new dancy versions, but have also heard The Look in a dive in Sunderland (and i didnt even ask for it!)

have had WICF played but was some dancy version but sounded ace. think thats about it.... of course have heard random roxette songs on dukebox.

i love this song that has just come on the radio ’run away turn away’ a remix of an 80s song with jimmy sommerville

oh yea i have had The Look played for me in Reflex in York and Newcastle

i heard joyride 05 as well i almost had heart attack or something like it. it was in The New Union in Manchester and i heard this whistling and justwent dead loud “OH MY GOD!!!” I know the white label is changing hands for stupid prices..........hope it comes out as a normal release.

LOL since I’m a DJ ofcourse I played loads of songs (even those not so popular), in some bars I worked in. :D The best part was when I played The Look and then when there’s that part when the music stops for a second, I would at the same moment turn off all lights, and I would usually startle people with sudden silence and dark LOL *evil grin*

last night in the club “Iin the end of the universe” -one of the biggest in our capital..
There play “The look” around midnight..everyone dance ;-))

Well as I have only ever been in 1 club (and that was this year) I don’t recall hearing Roxette, just some bad music...

so come in my city or better on black sea cost–the sun is up,the sand is golden, the clubs are cheap ,work 24 h and i’m sure we can manage to get roxette on air :-)))

@ Brentnewton, then again - NOTHING compared to Austrailia!!!!!
Oh Hell what am i saying!!! Come to Wales if u want country, cows & rain!!!!!!!!!!

purplemedusa it is being played all around the part of uk where i live, and ye iv heard it in manchester aswell david.

Ok so where do i have to go to hear this joyride mix? im going to start asking for it. havent been clubbing much lately but something tells me i wont get far where i usually go. was hoping to sneak in a night out in manchester soon tho so fingers crossed. i got to hear this track!

about 2 weeks ago i went to this big club an they always play a rock song once during the nite.. and they happened to play sleeping in my car in its original form :) was really great everyone seemed to love it

Sat right beside a Jukebox in my college local for 3 hours, with a shedload of pound coins. I turned up, I was asked to stay sober by my mates (no idea why...*looks guilty*). I agreed, and stuck with OJ the whole afternoon. Well, anyhoos, I had brought all my money in small change, as the barman hates me using notes. I was so annoyed, and ’Dressed For Success’ came on randomly, so I decided to test how long I could keep a Roxette marathon going for- 2 hours, 16 minutes and 9 seconds before someone put some crappy chav rubbish on ’Play mine first’ (Bastard!) Not bad going, and a cracking time was had by all, singing along. And air guitar-that wasn’t so good

asked for new joyride mix last night with no success altho the dj said it rang a bell.....


I’m surprised you didn’t cause a riot. Your fellow patrons must have been very tolerant.

I’му heard “The Look (live in Sydney)” in lesbian club Tri-el in St.Petersburg, Russia. Next night they played “Wish I could fly”..... both my boyfriend and me had a ROX night! %)))))))

IMHBL is also played in gay bar-club “Central Station” in Petersburg!

brentnewton-I know, I’m suprised the barman didn’t stop me, or some chav have a go at me...

RESULT! got Joyride mix played on sat night, went down quite well and the dj said he had played it before. To be honest altho i dont remember it very well i didnt think it was that great, not a patch on fading like a flower.

My sis says she found some interesting remixes on the limewire or summit? she muttered something about fading like a flower mix by eric prydz? ever heard it?

ye iv seen they is a eric prydz mix on limewire, never downloaded, as i think its a case of berlin -0 it must have been love . missnamed ;-)

eric prydz did fading like a flower before dancing dj’s i still dunno why.. because it sounds very similar to erics version.. it is official as it is on erics album :)

@Brent Newtown.

Do you often frequent the Imperial? Would I normally see u there? I find the place a bit rundown and scary lol.

Ever managed to get any Roxette played at Stonewall or Columbian?

I once played Stars on the video jukebox.


I go to the Imperial now and then but not as much as I used to. Is it the Stonewall that has Stars on the jukebox? I sorta remember that. I tend to restrict myself to pubs in Newtown.

in liverpool the other night i was talking to the DJ after he had finished. he was out of character(hes a drag queen) and so was talking to me without being bitchy.

he was saying that he likes Roxette but cant play them that often because they arnt dancey enuff.

does anyone have any dance versions of Roxette tunes that i could get him to play?

[email protected]

I got “Sleeping In My Car” played at a club in Visby, Sweden. A success!

David, has some good ones...

Well many years ago (10??) I was in a club (yes under age - naughty me) and they played the Electric dance version of Spending My Time. It took me ages to recognise the song. I was very shocked!

We, some fans from Rosario (Argentina), use to go to a bar every sunday, and somehow they started to play an mp3 compilation they had because of us, and now they play it everyday!
I think it’s DBUGTTC, but they never play songs like SDLHA and IDWGH..

Im taking The Rox Medley and One Wish out to G-Bar in Liverpool tonight so will se what happens....i’ve already agreed on getting The Rox Medley played so will have to see if One Wish will as well.cant wait to hear 6 Roxette songs in a row.Victory shall be mine.tho my mates will freak at me and laugh.

Good luck!

I got How Do You Do played in a Scandinavian club in Magalluf, June ’06. Iwas made up to see the whole place jumping around singing and dancing to Roxette!!

since the dj in my workplace discotheque depends on my car mechanic skills (also drives a bmw) there’s a lotta rox in da house...

i got The Rox Medley played in The Masquerade in Liverpool and the DJ asked me to copy it for her....result..

couldnt get it in G-Bar as it was so full I couldnt get in the main room for ages.but hopefully tomorrow i will get it on.....

Go David!
Fancy coming up to Newcastle for a night out? I like pestering DJS but u are really good at it!

ive always wanted to go newcastle but would be expensive.we were gonna do it once but couldnt afford hoels and things and i wouldnt fancy drivin there and back in a night. i love geordies :)

its not that bad, i reckon u and ur mates could get a cheap B&B slightly out of the city centre. The scene is not that badly priced, no more than any where else.
Its probably not as good as liverpool tho (altho ive never been).

Nice city, nice people most of the time, shit football team lol.

Hee hee...

Well, my college radio station is resuming broadcasting...I’m gonna try and get OW on the radio, cos they don’t really care what goes on...


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