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Marie's "Aftonfalken" song

14 replies

If you want to listen to the song “Aftonfalken” from Marie’s upcoming album, you can do it at:

That must be the worst line ever. At least to me and I have 2+ Mbit. :S

This is an awesome song! Finnish version of this song is one of my fave Finnish song ever :)


Downloadable with for ex. FlashGet. ;) Sure makes it faster than listening to the stream... ;)

hhmmm...shall I spoil the fun of waiting, or shall I not?

@wolves: thank you, I like this song............

How can I dowload this song from this site? There´s so many stupid links but no one for the file.

I use GetFlash and download this song. Sounds very Fredrikssonish. Dark and melancholic.

@abysmo-the download Link is the right
you must press the button Free-waiting ca.20 seconds


wow i like alot, very dramatic. good production aswell on it.
very fredriksson i agree.

Keep on painting!

Greeat song, love it! Gan’t wait to get the whole album :D

I’ve listened to this new song and, in my humble opinon, it’s okey. Nothing to be excited with :)

While listening, I was compering lyrics published on to Marie’s version. Am I right that Marie had changed “ostenvind” into the “vastenvind”. I suppose she sings twice about western wind and then, at the end, she comes back to the original lyrics and says “eastern wind” :)

Pa fjället bor en ? västanvind ?
Blaser sin andedräkt
Pa fjället bor en ? västanvind ?
Klädde i björk och i ljung
Lat den ga
Lat den ga
Den duvorna bär
Vita och bla
Pa fjället bor en ? östanvind ?
Klädde i björk och i ljung

I Like this song , the sound & the feeling that brings me this 3 new tracks are so much better than The Change ones. ...


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