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The cover of Marie´s new album "Min bäste vän"

26 replies

At or on NEWS section..!!

ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Marie LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Once again... the single cover is better than the album cover. The same happened with The Change.

I like the album cover. And I agree with Purps - Marie DOES look awesome! :)

I really like it, but I think the flower in front of her mouth wasn’t necessary - without this it would have been perfect and a lot better than the ’have a look in my nose’-singlecover, but now I can’t really decide which one is better, they are both nearly perfect. And everybody will fall in love with her smile, it’s so sweet :-)))
Of course the writing is a lot better on the album cover ;-)

Hmmm... not liking this much. The flower covering half her face annoys me, but I’m not really into the “Tales from the Crypt”-type writing, either... of course I appreciate it’s difficult to paint letters in mirror image, but... hmm, maybe they could have done something else.

It´s great!!! I like it.

Do you really think that Marie is behind a glass?? I think it‘s a photo mastering. Eevrybody can draw flowers like this using any art software. Maybe they are made by Marie, who knows. But this letters in my opinion are not hers. :0)

I like this sleeve cover :D very happy, is this the idea or not?....

I prefer the single cover, Marie’s a little bit hidden on the album cover, that flower on her face feels wrong :S Looking forward to the rest of the pictures of that photosession though :D

Judith exactly - that yellow flower DOES bother me!!

i think its a very Voyeurism pose . gentle non agressive and this coming from a photographer ;-)

its just an album cover, is it not the music inside it thats important? ;-)

.....mmmm it seams that watermarking is in fashion!

I don’t know about others but we are asked to put the copyright info to prevent the photo being used for pirate copies..


The album cover we got from EMI (and that we put on the front page) does not have that weird “grid” or dots that you can see starting under Marie’s mouth and until the bottom on the picture in the link above.

Yes you are right about the grid I didn’t notice it at first. We can’t blame EMI for the watermark with all these burglers out there can we?

no I don’t blame them, I just explain why we put the “Provided by EMI bla bla” info :)

lol @ lad

i must remember to stare at album covers when i next listen to a cd as it must be some weirdo experience i’m missing, emi will probably photoshop out the offending yellow flower ;-)

*edited for crap spelling*

LOL Vix!

Pirate copies of the album not the cover!!

I don’t know over there but in Spain (and they are starting here more and more) they sell copies of CDs WITH a printed cover which look pretty real for 3 euro or so ;)

Anyways, that’s the way it is, either that or no pics at all ;)

Watermarking is so stupid, I mean it’s an album cover so it’s not original to any one site and pretty soon everyone has the album anyway. At least TDR’s is nice and subtle, I wanted to put the image on my wallpaper but not with THIS IMAGE WAS GIVEN TO THIS SITE BY EMI BLA BLA BLA WE ARE SO GOOD

Well, ask to Judith, she does with the cdsingle cover on her MF web... XD XD

Soooo great!!! She was the first.
Who´s now the stupid? :D

Sorry for you but EMI sent to us the cover.
Is true. You can talk with Li.
Just do it... ;)

We doesnt anything illegal... ;D

Give up already, so you have the cover and others have the cover... Live with it. No one is accusing anyone of anything here... sigh.

´Cmon girls , we don´t really want to fight about a picture from a cd?? In one month we will have the cd in our hand and enjoy it a lot!!!
@ Sparvögamarie I have uploaded the cover as wallpaper on my web and also send to you via mail!!

3,00 Euros for a pirate CD? That’s cheap! We (or I should say they ’cos I never buy them) get them for 5,00 Euros here! What I can’t understand is why the police doesn’t do anything about it. The strangest thing is that these people sometimes sit in front of a real record store and sell the same albums for 5 Euros that the shop has in the window for 20! They also provide you with a discman to listen to some tracks if you want and you can order the titles they don’t ’stock’!

I do Like it very simple and happy!

i like this cover but i prefer the single cover. is it too late to change it? i mean, something similar happened when the cover to the pop hits was released. at the beginning it looked like ON single cover and then it was completely different. can´t it be changed?


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