Marie Fredriksson - Swedish promo sheet
purplemedusa said on May 14, 2006 13:27:
purplemedusa said on May 14, 2006 17:50:
Folded piece of paper it might be but it’s sure an interesting item - the only reason why i posted the link!
Room_service said on May 14, 2006 23:17:
It’s nice to see they started to make money with this. As usual, haha. I know a bunch of people that must be very happy beacuse they get rich every time Marie/Per releases something...
purplemedusa said on May 15, 2006 06:07:
Well I don’t know about you Room Service but I (and many other fans like me) get’s particularly excited about our idols... and NO, a piece of paper isn’t just a piece of paper if it’s got Roxette-related stuff on - it’s GOT value to fans; especially when it comes to promo releases which isn’t available freely - if a person got hold of such releases I see nothing wrong with the fact that he/she can sell it to people who’d REALLY appreciate it!
I must add that i rather regret not having started earlier to collect official promo sheets... there’s some seriously cool items around!!
per_mson said on May 15, 2006 17:38:
Agree Purple! Those promosheets do look really cool!! Have a few and I think they are really nice! :-))
I could have paid $10 for this one as well... unfolded though (folded I wouldn’t even pay $1... since I wouldn’t buy a cracked record or a record with a folded cover either). Now someone is willing to pay over $20 for it. I really do not understand people!
Jud (moderator) said on May 15, 2006 18:49:
:D is it fine with you if I photoshop such a promo sheet and I print it out? :D:D
per_mson said on May 15, 2006 21:20:
Do that Jud! Since you can apparently get $45 for a folded piece of paper I reckon you could get at least a $100 for a non folded one. ;-))
Strange there are always such a hysteria when a new thing is on the market. Some month ago you could get close to $90 for a Mr DJ promo CD and now the sellers don’t even get $15! I am a dedicated collector, but I do certainely not get some people! Is it really fun to own such things you know you paid a shipload too much for?!?!?
Room_service said on May 16, 2006 02:36:
I would donate some money to the Salvation Army instead. I wouldn’t waste any money in a lousy piece of paper. Sorry, but I feel this way.
For me, only music has value. All this hysteria about different releases and “promo items” is more business and for obsessive maniacs.
per_mson said on May 16, 2006 07:17:
@room service: Well, the nice thing getting a new record I can understand, but not paying ridiculous amounts for them. The reason why you don’t get it is because you have no clue about how it is being a collector I guess. But without collectors we would hardly have a history to look back at, so i think it is good they exist.
Jud (moderator) said on May 16, 2006 19:00:
nice comment Per, it’s true that many old vinyls and not that old would be lost by now if it wasn’t for collectors, and after all, it is part of history.
I am not a collector and I personally will never buy an album twice just because it has a different bar code ;) - neither do I like the old EMI promos with a white cover, I have some double stuff only because the cover is different, or there is some extra song in it BUT I like to see these huge collections O_o you guys should all get together and have a real exhibition at Leif’s or sth :D
per_mson said on May 16, 2006 21:31:
Thanks all of you!! :-))
@judith: Haha, yeah, that could actually be fun to meet all the other crazy collector people! But I wonder how many people would actually come and look at our stuff there! ;-)) I think it would be mostly ourselves standing there drewling over the other guys things we don’t have! ;-)))
sandyam said on May 20, 2006 18:22:
Here it is again including the cd single:
marcusvandeursen said on May 20, 2006 18:46:
am now only waiting for a seller who accepts payment by paypal...
per_mson said on May 20, 2006 22:28:
Now this time it is better! Both a more fair price and NOT folded! Still a bit too much for my taste though! Since I always paid around $10 for them before I didn’t intend to pay more this time! ;-))
per_mson said on May 14, 2006 17:29:
Quite expensive for a folded piece of paper...