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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Roxette, The Musical

26 replies

Today there’s a new interview with Per in the Dutch version of Metro.

In the end of the article, Per is asked whether what he thinks of the idea of a Roxette Musical, just like ABBA did.

He answers that he hates musicals, but then again, if it’s done in the right, tasteful way, he wouldn’t say no.

How about it? Would you like to see this happen?

Well, what can I say? I “hate musicals, but then again, if it’s done in the right, tasteful way, I wouldn’t say no.” ;-)
At least Roxette would have constant promotion for several years. Look at ABBA, their GH albums are always in the charts!

What else does the interview say? Only about musicals or the ordinary stuff?

I’m not sure that would work. I don’t think the band are big enough to warrant a musical. But it would be interesting to hear something!

edit: typo

NOT a musical ... no i agree there; but there’s many other ways to kill the same cat!! ;)

personally i think it would be appauling! it would be too cheasy for my liking

ow lord, its bad enough they did it with abba lol i cant stand these musical / pop music crossover.



Actually it would be rather cool!

I’d have to go with the word “cheesy” as well. Can’t see how they’re work it anyway. What would happen? The actress playing Marie goes through a breakup, and bursts into a showtune version of IMHBL? I dunno about that. :P

can you really imagine Joyride sung by around 30 people all at once?especially with them all whistling..........actually that might work.they could call it Th Joyride and have the cast on a road trip where different situations(to fit the songs)arise.then one of them falls in love then at the end they split up and the whole cast sing it must have been love at the end..............................................................................................just a thought anyway.

I quite like the idea....but then i love cheesy things.

Don’t torture us please, no musicals!!! :’(

Powerpop and musicals are like water and oil, they DON’T MIX!! And if they do, they don’t mix well...

Would P and M consent to doing the leads for the first run, d’you reckon?

I somehow doubt it!

Nuts! Well one could only hope. It would be cool tho

hey speedo ... really like the way you’re still wanking around here!

a good title would be B-any1-U-wanna-B,

take care man, see you on tour ;-)

Someone do a screenplay, please! Then we can see if it could work!

musicals are okay, but Roxette does not belong in a theatre. ROXETTE IS BETTER THAN THAT! i get a tacky shiver down my spine at the thought of someone trying to make a Roxette musical. i hate covers as it is. i think i might vomit if i heard some pathetic actress trying to falsley express emotion through Roxette’s music... please let this never happen! i don’t enjoy vomiting. hahaha seriously please no Roxette musicals. rather a nice stadium tour? :-) that would be nice. hahaha

I’ve seen this Abba musical “Mamma Mia” and it was horrible!! I also don’t like it!

But, a musical with “Roxette” would be FANTASTIC!!!! (-;

How about a theatre type live show for the next tour as a kind of halfway house? I’m thinking along the lines of the Pet Shop Boys tours, rather than the Rocky Horror (Oh God, mental imagery, nooooooooooooooo!). I’m not saying that Per and Marie are boring to look at (far from it), but still, its nice to imagine.

Roxette The Musical???
I begin to shiver by just thinking of that...

SOAP The Musical - noting the theme through the album - working on it now.......................


I would’nt mind!

I wouldn’t mind either :)

Musicals are like this: DON’T BORE US, GET TO THE CHORUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hours of shitty nonsense performed on a stage with people with too much make-up. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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