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will the rox box be released worldwide?

18 replies

i don´t know if this has been asked/discussed here before. but i´m just asking since i´m afraid i will never see that box in the stores here in my country (argentina). taking into account that the change, soap and even the ep´s belonging to TBH and TPH were never released here, i don´t know what to expect. anyway, is there anyone else who´s afraid of this? i´m planning to move some other country or something in order to get that box...

That’s obviously up to the various EMIs around the world.

moving country is a bit drastic lol

That means the release of this CD-set is up to our beloved EMI-Odeón. In that case, I wouldn’t dream about such a release.

I emailed the company regarding a possible local release of SOAP and they only sent 2 lines:

“sin novedades al respecto.


(no news about it. Greetings)

No capital letters, no signature. Totally anonimous. Seems more a message from a cheap, independent and unknown label than from a big company. Really pathetic.

I think it will be released in the usual countries: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Spain and Japan. Mmmmm... Maybe Brazil as well?

@Room Service: Now, about that email you got from the record company... Well, they answered your question! You asked about SOAP and they told you they have no news about it.

I mean, SOAP is not exactly the kind of CD you can release everywhere. Maybe your local EMI office has decided not to release it and the person in charge of answering the emails might not be aware of the records existance.

id say....wait until they decide when its coming out and confirm it!

I can just see EMI UK released the boxset of 60 songs and giving it loads of promotion.....

Yeah right,

I don’t think the box is gonna be widely available in the UK at all. The GH will prob be released, but I’ll doubt if they promote it at all. So it’s gonna be another Room Service and not crack the Top 100.

Maybe if P&M actually gave a damn about Roxette they would go to different countries and promote. I can see the Box being Roxette’s last official release. It’s a shame, but I think both of them are content with Swedish success.

anybody know off hand the email address for EMI london or uk?

Chances are EMI OZ will wait 6mths after the european release then decide to make it available, with no promo, or even worse only by special order.

I really hope i’m wrong.

well ive read that it will be released end of october in the uk...
i leave the uk in november then land in SA for a few months before hitting Perth end of January and working my way round OZ...
i know its a long shot but if anyone feels that they wont be able to get a copy im more than happy to bring a couple over from the uk....

[email protected]

I would love it if they would release the Box in Germany!

AbominableSnowman mentioned Italy as one of the “usual countries”. As long as I know Roxette was never big in Italy. I think they onle played once there. But they get the releases, crazy world...

You’re pretty much on the ball Rob.


tavo, I have my doubts about the Rox Box. I’m almost sure it won’t be released in Argentina. EMI-ODEON is interested in other things, you know, bands and soloist that only their parents know who they are.

Probably not in the US

I think the new Greatest Hits album will be a #1 album all over the world. Roxettes first UK #1.

Obviously it won’t be released here in Mexico either. Nevertheless, you can order it in some record stores, and they get it for u, though I’m afraid it will be very very expensive...

I´m afraid it won´t be released here in Brazil, cos CD boxes aren´t so commom here, except for national artists. Let´s see...

EMI Brazil has released almost all Roxette-related stuff here, unless when it was double cds (they didn´t release SOAP neither the Ballad Hits/Pop Hits Limited Editions).

Don’t say that LittleSpooky. The import costs on this one are going to be high.


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