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Fantasy Tracklisting

16 replies

If you were Roxette and it was you putting an album together what song titles would you have on your album? here is what mine would be

Album title - Ticket To Somewhere Else
1.Beautiful World
2.Just Dance!
3.I’ve Never Told You,But I Love You To Pieces
4.Brick Walls Dont Last Forever
5.Carry On.....
6.Take Me To Heaven
7.Cruel To Be Kind
8.It Takes A Good Imagination(To Imagine You With Me)
9.Early Hours
10.Ticket To Somewhere Else
11.Down At The Bay
12.Fading Away
13.Heart Of Me
14.Every Now and Then(I Go A Little Crazy)
15.Time Will Pass

Ir really like those titles!

i surprised myself lol some of them i have actually written lyrics for e.g beautiful world and ive never told you but....... my favourite title was it takes a good imagination(to imagine you with me) didnt think i could think up something like that.i might write a lyric to that now as well.on a count 10 of those titles actually have lyrics for them in my folder i wrote 300 lyrics between nov 1998 and november last year.seem to be on a break now though.

I’ve Never Told You, But I Love You To Pieces
Brick Walls Dont Last Forever
Cruel To Be Kind
It Takes A Good Imagination(To Imagine You With Me)

Wow! You’ve got imagination! I specially like “Brick Walls Don’t Last Forever” I think the song could talk about me, I really need to demolish some brick walls...

ive never told you was wrote in1999 about someone i had a crush on brick walls is from 2004 about splitting takes a good imagination is one ive no done yet

i really liked these titles too. it´s great to know that some of them already have some lyrics. i think it´d great if roxette released an album with at least one song written by a fan. kinda unlikely anyway since the only song co-written with somebody from “the outside” was YDUM. so...

Roxette - Fantasy EP

1. Life’s To Short To Stuff An Olive
2. Don’t Pee In The Wind
3. A Lady May Always Cross Her Legs (But Still Parties Till Dawn)
4. Oh My God (You’re My Heaven)
5. Wizard Wonder

@thomasc: tracks 2 and 3 from your list sound kinda strange to be rox songs. anyway, per gave us “bla bla bla... (you broke my heart)”, so why not?

They’re meant as jokes

Well, I don’t know whether or not the following song titles fits to a Roxette CD... but, they are the titles of the songs I’ve been working on:

01. The Great Climb
02. Precious Love
03. Things I Should Have Said And Done
04. Headed For The Heartbeat
05. This Man I Am
06. Speed Up Your Love!
07. Null Trust

Thomasc: ROFLOL! Are you really Per? You are, aren’t you ;)

I might be

1.You Are A Breath Of Fresh Air
2.The Mad Fan
3.Always Sun Through My Window
4.The Brilliant!
5.Guess What?(Try Again)
6.Loose Legs(Dance Forever)
7.Take Me With You
9.It Was Always About You
10.The Right Way To Go Left
11.Blue Water
12.Sweet Marie(Angel In Disguise)
13.The Train That Goes Too Slow
14.Now Lets Say Goodbye
15.Only Joking

Or As A Joke

1.How Do You Poo
2.It Must Have Been Brunch
3.Listen To Your Farts
5.Wish I Could Die
6.Sleeping In A Jar
7.Slash Doom Clang
8.The Centre Of The Toilet
9.Milk And Goats Are Funny
10.Queen Of Pain

Hi davidc4, great imagination and brilliant titles. I would love to see Roxette return.



harrassed : cool ideas, had a big laugh....

anyone else has tought of such creative titles?


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