The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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a night at the proms

8 replies

If they arent’ gonna put out a new album maybe they could do this next year, it woudl be a short tour and woudl be a great cd to have

That’s a cool idea!!! Would be a great way to welcome them back!

i agree.

they should go the whole hog and do a massive world tour............dreams.........
it would be good to see them do something with it being 20 years and all that


i’m think about it a lot of times!
would be great! You read my mind folks!

Would be cool, can’t see Marie doing that though.

Since they were supposed to do the “night of the proms-tour” before Marie got sick... it would actually be a nice way to sort of pick up the pieces where they left them 3,5 years ago. Though, I don’t think they will do that.

It won’t be this year, that’s for sure... this year it’s TEXAS! Strange choice, I would have thought most of their newer music is too synthetic to do well in this format (but maybe that’s half the fun...)


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