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Per's hairdo

11 replies

If you had to pick which hairdo fits Per better through out the years, which one would it be?. Do you think that he should have chosen a different one? I personally don’t think the one he sports now is too appealing or looks good on him. He look GREAT with shorter hair and in his natural hair color. Don’t you think? He’s HOT anyways!!!!

I loved his long hair but it doesn’t suit him at all now he’s older. He looked quite good with the short RS hairstyle.

TBH / TPH era.
A Thing About You video: greeeaat!

I agree...The “A Thing About You” and “Mazarin” era is when his haircut suited him best.

, id like to see what he looked like without it strighted lol

His hair on “The Look” video was fantastic!

The hairs of both Per and Marie looked GREAT in the Joyride era. And also in the video A Thing About You!

Oh you can kill me, but I think Per looked gorgeous in Vulnerable and Fingertips (I Love him on those videos), but the Mazarin era... OMG!!!

Besides the hair, I think he is too thin now.

pers hair from 1987 to the end oF the joYride days he had maGniFicenT hair but hes always bEen hot with everythin aBouT him his whole liFe.

greaT hairstYle cliPs

1. neverending love
2. the lo0K
3. dressed 4 succe$s
4. DANGEROUS the hottest
5. liisten 2 your heart

i dun0 i could go 4ever i love guYs hair :)

what do you mean by straightened hair. Isn’t his hair straight. I can’t imagine him with curls(lol) but if it’s true I would love to see a pic of that

I liked his hair in ’Fingertips’, but don’t have a problem with the rest of his hairdoos.

btw: I think his hair is knda wavy, not really curls.

I loved him with long hair in the C!B!B!-era! But like he said he’s too old now to wear that :-(

His hair also looks really good in the “Jo-Anna says” video!;) I wish he didn’t cut it shorter than that


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