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POLL: The New Roxette Single

30 replies

What do you assume that the new Roxette song will be:

// UPTEMPO or BALLAD track
// MARIE or PER or BOTH on the vocals
// FIRST or LAST position on the next GH-album

It would be great if we could arrange a kind of voting! I’ll start ;)


per and marie sharing vocals
last but probably somewhere in the middle to confuse us all lol

last one.

I’d quite like the song to have either a Silver Blue feel to it or making love. I quess it will be thr last track.

Edit: This topic’s format:


i wouldnt write them off just yet. i mean look at blondie they got back together after 18 years in 1998 and are still together now.

last track on the album ! :)



I’m sure there will be 2 new trx on the GH.
A ballad 6 uptempo.
Both of them,Marie and Per sharing vocals.In the ballad more vocals by Marie.
The 2 new ones will sound a mix between: TCOTH,ATAY & Opportunity Nox.
I want a ballad as ATAY!!It’s perfect!!!Start with Per singing in his best perfect way and Marie shines in the choir!!Simply the best!!
And a song as TCOTH will be great!!

I hope for UPTEMPO but as it’s going to be released before xmas maybe a BALLAD track.
MARIE or BOTH on the vocals. Only PER would be a huge disapointment in this situation.
FIRST as they always positioned the new singles upfront on the compilations.

But wouldn’t TWO new singles be great? Then I’d choose

UPTEMPO - Bring back tha electric guitars end natural drums!

BOTH - The world has to know Roxette is Marie & Per, and they sound great together.


Last one


(But I’d prefer up-tempo, both, first!!)

Per said once that it is easier to write ballads than uptempo tracks, and some artists (Sarah McLachlan!) don’t seem to be able to write uptempo songs to save their lives!! So I think it will be a ballad...

I think the vocals will be like in the song CBB.

I would like to hear them both but not him singing a chorus then Marie singing a chorus, that is just stupid, something like My world my love my life where he asks and she answers...something in that line

Of course the first song on the album. duh!

Uptempo! Uptempo! Uptempo! Uptempo! Uptempo!
Marie & Per! Marie & Per! Marie & Per! Marie & Per!
First song! First song! First song! First song!

MARIE (but would like to see them swapping verses, and both on chorus)

There’s gotta be two new songs really.

Track one - Uptempto classic Rox style (Per verse, Marie chorus) something like She Doesn’t Live... or a loader harder version of Real Sugar. Gotta get those guitars back

Last track - Ballad like Breathe, Marie on main vocals, per on backing.

Ballad (their last uptempo single was a big flop)
Marie (Marie is best known as ballad singer)
First (the last track is usually the extra song and sung by Per)

Mix of the 2
Per and Marie

@ arnie, out of all the albums except PoP, Per has always sung the opening track (or at least started the song off) on all of Rox’s album. And the last one is always a ballad, sung by Marie. I can’t think of any album where the last song is sung by Per??

Uptempo / Marie (With Some Per) / Last

But ideally I’d like to hear a Per ballad to start the album and a Marie power pop song to end it.

@pwbbounce: there is one, not an album but a compilation: rarities. the “album” opens with a ballad sung by per (vulnerable) and closes with an uptempo? song sung by per, too (one is such a lonely number).

now, coming back to the topic: i hope there will be two songs in the gh.

1. an uptempo song sung by both, mostly by marie.
2. a breath-taking ballad sung by marie.

i wake up every day hoping the new song(s) is/are released. i can even imagine the lyrix and the sound. god, how much i love roxette, i wish they would release a whole new album similar to CBB but with some technology added, like HAND. (sighing as i write these words...)

My guess is that it will probably be a ballad or mid-tempo song with Per singing the verse and Marie the chorus, but what I would really like is 2 songs both sung by Marie (perhaps Per singing the middle-8/backing vocals), one a ballad and one an uptempo song.

Just a little note: Wouldn’t it be a great kinda surprise if the album closes with a rocky catchy groovy uptempo track sung by Marie? ... For my taste a ballad would look too much like “that’s it – a faded out end.” ...

I’d prefere a song like “SUDDENLY I SEE” by KT Tunstall.

joyrider: i agree with you. a rocky song sung by marie would be a huge surprise. actually any new stuff coming from roxette and sung by marie would be a surprise. i hope at least one of all the things we´re dreaming of here happens.




Suddenly I see‘? Stupid song!

id love another TCOTH , but rocky .More marie screaming vocals ;-)


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