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The future of ROXETTE

9 replies

Hard to believe ROXETTE is now 20 years but I come to conclude that they are getting old! and both Per and Marie are already starting to look like Mick Jagger from the Stones!

However one thing that differs bands like the Stones or artists like Madonna (who’s the same age as Marie...mind you and looks great) or even Sheryl Crow who by the way has had cancer and has gone through heavy quimo...THEY ARE STILL RECORDING AND THEY STILL ARE TOURING.

And if you add to this whole situation and decisions behind D&D (Dimberg) has made in the last 5 years...what a dissapointment! Dimberg has known all along what Roxette needs to succeed, but at the same time has never listened or taken other peoples recomendations and promotion wise which she has the final word...its not so much EMI as many think... but she has no clue how to handle a worldwide promotion...she might be good for Sweden, but has no sense what so ever of a world release. I can assure everyone one big example...STARS, TCOTH, and FLAF DJ’s 2005 have been played masively in clubs all over the US NYC, MIAMI, LA, CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO, NEW ORLEANS, VEGAS and all like them. Management was informed and you think they did shit to continue any release or promotion...? So as long as Dimberg does not do as much as what she needs to do specially in the US requires and what she is being payed for...seriously doubt they will be able to succeed the way Roxette should...and the good side is Roxette really does not require much promotion as in physically being here in the US...just their story would sell...what do you think...?

I believe both Per and Marie have filled all their dreams as pop artists. They don’t have to prove anything. Now they can record the kind of music they really want, not only chart material.

For my part, I don’t care if Roxette is back in the top of the charts or not. As long as I can enjoy their music, the charts or worldwide success don’t matter to me.

I’m also quite sure that Marie doesn’t give a damn anymore about success. It’s all about being alive and enjoy life. What concerns your comparison to Ms. Crow, well I don’t want to say that breast cancer is an easy thing to deal with, but having brain cancer is still worse. Anyway these are things that one should not compare. I’m just happy that both Per and Marie are alive. That’s all that counts, even if they would stop doing music. It’s not about pleasing us fans but about being there for their families!!!

Marie suffered a lot of permanent damage that Sheryl Crow did not - she lost the ability to read or count, and now Per has said (not confirmed) that Marie lost sight and hearing. She also seems...I don’t know, very timid and frightened now when she’s out in public. I know what you are saying, I see Sheryl and Melissa Etheridge and wish that Marie could be the same, but she went through something different from them.

roxette earned lots of money in their career and they still earn money (e.g. royalty fees). i guess after an illness you set different priorities in life and marie do not have to work (because of a living) anymore – i think she wouldn’t set e.g. her family aside just because of roxette (and those forever complaining fans ;) it is so much the better that there will be a brand new roxette song (even if it is just one and even if it will be their last one)!!

And I guess it will be their last song, in my humble opinion... I just hope that it won’t be a sad song, it’s way better a uptempo song to close their discography...

(feeling sad right now)

These topics are really annoying me now.....

I may have missed something in the news, but since when did Madonna have a Brain Tumour....

I agree, you cannot compare a breast cancer with a brain tumour, but even if, Marie’s the only one to decide about her life, so if she feels she wants to spend more time for herself and her family, meaning her music career comes second or third, so be it. She is alive and happy, which is what counts. And same goes for Per, if he enjoys his new (solo) projects, then so be it. I wonder when people will understand that you don’t own Per and Marie and dictate what they have to do with their lives ;)

I love and enjoy (most of) their music and I’m the first one who’d love to have a new Rox + Marie (+ Per, why not) album yearly (or even monthly? :P), but it can’t be, so there’s only one thing to do: accept it and enjoy whatever they will release in the future :)

Well said!

“Marie suffered a lot of permanent damage that Sheryl Crow did not - she lost the ability to read or count, and now Per has said (not confirmed) that Marie lost sight and hearing”

God! You can say that I’m not a real fan, but I didn’t know that. I’m feeling really bad now, to say the truth, I’m crying. I had thought, even knowing that a brain cancer is terrible, that she was better. Probably she’s feeling well, I mean, she’s alive and she’s got two children to think about, but... I don’t know, it must be terrible to her when her children need help with the homework and she can’t help them or common things like this that before weren’t a problem.

This has completely changed my point of view about Roxette. If she wants to come back, she will be welcome, but if she just wants to stay at home singing for herself while having a shower, it’s ok. She has already given me so much!


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