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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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8 replies

Okay the Charity auction went well, and the winning items that people paid for on the night are being mailed out to you guys on Wednesday!

We raised £90.00 on the night and I am still expecting some payments to come in!

Winning items are being sent to:

Roze, Sweden
Ailsa / Xarrrr, UK
Fliss, UK
Yiannis, UK
Suzanne / Zaine, UK
Sarah, The Netherlands
Annett, UK
Alison / ally77, UK (okay so that’s me)
Vixzter, UK
Klair, UK
Jackie, UK
Arlanda / Inga, Swizterland
Mark, UK
Rob, Australia

Everything is sold.... :)


Hej Alison, you got mail :)

@ Arlanda, just emailed you back honey... :)

SOLD 7” I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend to Arlanda :)



Come on people! :)

No one wants to help charity... the prices I am selling at are not exactly high for signed stuff.... jeez right stingy bastards... ***only kidding***

Well no I am not really....

Well I have been totalling up what we have raised so far....

The grand total right now is £180.00 !!!!!!!!!!! :)

just waiting on one payment to come in!


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