Dangerous 7'' Promo for sale
qrox said on March 29, 2006 15:07:
I thought some of you may be interested in this:
qrox said on March 30, 2006 15:15:
I always considered it as as promo...
well, if you say so, I must belive you, you know about these things... :)
I wonder how long will I survive without The Look For Roxette...
OK, I changed it. Thanks!
sandyam said on March 30, 2006 17:25:
I couldn’t do without this book anymore.
I check it so many times to find out about a certain item...
per_mson said on March 30, 2006 17:33:
Yeah, the US 7” really do look like promos since they have both a promolooking label and no real sleeve. :) They are actually a bit boring compared to the ones with picture sleeves I think! ;)
The promos from USA are easy to spot if you look at the serial number. Most of them have a “P” in front of the serial number (which usually starts with a “B”).
per_mson said on March 29, 2006 22:03:
Hi there Qrox!
I just wanted to tell you that this 7” is not a promo... Just so you don’t make anyone sad later on. :)