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Is it true?

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I think it was a Quesion to Per in a really old Roxette Review out around the same time as TWATG. Someone asked him who he would like to play Marie and Him if a movie was made!!

No it isn’t.

This is just daft!

Is it me or does this really sound like someone misunderstood what “Join the Flumride” is all about? ;-)

rolling on floor pissing myself

And if they were ever to make a movie on Per and Marie, which actor would you like to play Per and which actress Marie? :P

LOL Santi. I remember Marie saying that she would like to act one day, so I would love Marie Fredriksson playing the role of Marie Fredriksson. :P

Not to insult Roxette, but what have they done to make an interesting movie? The only dramatic thing that ever happened to either of them was Marie’s illness, and I doubt she’d ever allow a movie about that.

LOL @ Denny. I always wished to see Marie act too, even in some weirdass Swedish film directed by Colin Nutley! Though Marie’s a terrible actor, look at her trying not to laugh in the Stars video!

But to answer Santi’s question, playing Per: Jon Bon Jovi, playing Marie: Annie Lennox

@Marie, now you’re unfair, they DID contemplate throwing out a TV out of a window once...

And what about an intoxicated Marie signing Per’s signature in South America... ?

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Besides the fact that they both caucasion with short bottle blond hair they don’t look anything alike!

It’s fun to think who’s gonna play Marie and Per even though maybe it will never happened :)

But their character should play by young actors.

Tev: If they’d actually done it, then there could be a whole movie about the TV out the window (especially if it landed on someone...) But they only threw wine glasses, so not sure that it would be a blockbuster....

Well, doesn’t really have to be a movie on actual events, it could be like a dream of Per or Marie and a lot of weird things happen.
Could be a movie about a fan or a very fanatic fan and they are the fanatised idols.
I mean, there could be different possibilities.

As for actor/actresses... let me think... :D
Marie could be Meg Ryan.
Per... could be Richard Dean Anderson :DDD

Haha, Santi, yeah Richard Dean Anderson! That would be sooo funny :)))

@purplemedusa “And what about an intoxicated Marie signing Per’s signature in South America... ?” Was this your idea for the movie or did I miss to hear about such a funny event??

Denny, it actually happened!!

It’s a true story, me and Purple’s friend Belinda does a very funny impersonation of that event....

MD - when last have you heard from Belinda; I lost her phone numbers due to a faulty simcard and i suspect she’s got a new email addy. Maybe i should just go visit her one evening - still got her B-Day/Xmas prezzies!

Awww :)))

May I have a full story? :)) Pleeeeease? :)

Purps: the last time I heard from Belin was after I met Marie last year, we exchanged a few emails about the meeting and then we lost touch again. She’s changed email a few times, not sure what she’s using now. I’ll see if I can find her and I’ll tell her to mail you.

Denny: Ok I wasn’t there, so I’m telling the story as Belinda told it to me: Marie and Per were signing autographs, and Marie was totally drunk. She came out and shouted “I’m gonna sign autographs for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll of you!”Per was signing, and Marie leaned over and started to copy him with her tongue sticking out. Per looked over and saw what she did, and she had signed his name on the CD. He dragged her to the car, and she was saying “I don’t wanna go!” and fighting him.

There’s rumoured to be some hilarious photos somewhere on the net of Marie drunk in Australia, sitting in the street drinking and Per trying to drag her away. I never saw them but two of my friends swear they exist. I would love to hear from anyone who has them ;)


Thanks Sparvoga! That was funny, although it would be kinda sad to witness something like that... I just can’t imagine Marie drunk...

“I just can’t imagine Marie drunk!”

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Then you have obviously never met her! I can’t imagine Marie SOBER.

No, I have never met her. :( And I didn’t have so many opportunities to see interviews, behind the scenes and stuff... So, I don’t know her. I’m working on that, though.... Internet is a nice place :)

Wow! I can’t wait to get drunk with her, if I’m lucky :)


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