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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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please, please help me!!

7 replies

I know that questions like that were asked many times but:

I have to make a report about roxette in my school. my music teacher also wants to know some musical characteristics. so I need some examples of notes like semibreve or minim.......... .

Can someone help me?


Maybe you should get some piano sheets first and analize all notes carefully. I don‘t know exactly what you need. You can give examples of songs which have harmonic triad and examples which don‘t have it. To make the song sounds nice it should be in harmonic, but some songs of Roxette aren‘t like this. Nevertheless we all love them :0)
Good luck!

yeah I know that I need piano sheeds with the notes but where do I get them from. I cannot find a book or a page in the internet. I hoped that someone has got this notes.
Has anyone some piano sheets?

Those shouldn’t be to hard to find.
There exist several songsbooks with pianochords.
I don’t have them though..

I know that they exist but I don’t know where to buy them. There isn’t any on ebay or amazon germany.
Does anyone know the ISBN of such a book so I could get it from a book shop!

Look Sharp! ISBN 0-89524-473-X
Joyride ISBN 0-89524-673-2
Tourism ISBN 0-89524-729-1
C!B!B! ISBN 0-89524-843-3

Halmstads pärlor! ISBN 91-86758-97-7


I can help you with some notes. Drop me a line on my mailbox.


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