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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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18 replies

Some people’s very quick to critisize the promo efforts for SOAP in Europe, but I was thinking that fans should help Management (as they cleary can’t think for themselves) by giving some ideas of where Per can promote he’s new project to get the maximum exposure! It would be nice if fans, from the reqions that’s been confirmed for release, could give a few places and/or ideas for promo’s that’s most effective for that area/country!

Think about it a bit - how does music in your country get the most exposure with minimal effort? Remember that Per’s diary is also rather full and that public performances isn’t always possible for EVERY area!!

BTW please just remember to state your country together with your ideas!!

interesting, BUt at the end of the day EMI are not gonna invest money in promo if there not gonna get much money back, i think thats it at end of day, per is not gonna sell roxette numbers in other countrys at all and EMI know this, same with marie’s projects.

I can’t see any reason why this album won’t do good with some promotion...?!

Oh, and please don’t take this personally, but that attitute is exactly what will make this project go unnoticed! I’m certain that if fans can show support for the album etc. there’s still hope for success (or exposure or whatever you want to call it)!!

And I would like to add that Marie’s last album was a VERY different story – Marie didn’t do much promo things for the album besides a documentary IN SWEDISH; not even music videos for the singles. The music wasn’t exactly radio friendly either - instead it was a personal affirmation of her healing and therefor spoke volumes; she wanted to keep it personal! I treausre these recordings however understand that it was not meant for world domination!

Per’s SOAP project is VERY marketable. He’s singles esp. DJ has the potential to make people sit up & ask, “Who IS this person?”.

So can we get back to the original idea of this thread...?

per is a 40 something male with no history as a solo artist in alot of countrys, its a fact the music business is hard the best of times doesnt work the way some of us would hope. good luck to him, i just dont see it happening myself no way good enough for worldwide take over in my opinion sorry.

I’m sure there are some people who have already done that Purp ;)

I cannot think of any Austrian program because.. there aren’t many with invited artists/performances, but there are a couple in Germany, like Wetten dass (ok, produced by German, Austrian and Swiss TV) or Top of the Pops..

Regarding Spain, I’m not so much into Spanish TV anymore (thank God?), but radio stations are still the same, Los 40, Cadena100, Onda Zero.. and I guess Los 40 TV.

Let’s see what the Plum will do in the end :D

rox-kuryliw - in all seriousness it’s the music that will do the trick in this case; with a little bit of push from Management people WILL start noticing SOAP! I’m not ready to right this project off - hope that there’s more fans that share this!!

Thanx Judith - I didn’t mean that he needs to actually visit those particular countries; my idea was more to source some established promotion vehicles in the various countries so that management can actually pump some energy into them - even if it’s a case of sending the promo video to these channels for example!

(Sitting on our hands won’t get anything done; just a little bit of positive effort is required!)

I think the best thing would be for him,is to perform at TV Total,Wetten Dass, Bravo TV or Top of The Pops!

Good idea Purps! There’s still no word on the UK market yet, which is what I’m waiting for. Not sure if the album is ever going to see a UK release going by the latest UK Rox figures, but with clever marketing, maybe even put a song with a TV commercial and get people hearing it that way. Radio 1 will not want to know, but there are ton’s of commercial stations out there which would be useful.

But it all comes down to whether he actually comes to the UK as well. He would need to make an appearance on a couple of national TV shows at least.

It’s a good idea, but I myself tried it when Marie released her English album... I tried Radio 2 as I thought it was going to be there kind of thing, but got no response....

If EMI UK got back to Per about SOAP I would be more than happy to help him promote it in the UK... I figure a performance of “Hey Mr DJ” would go down well on something like GMTV or This Morning... with an interview...

Top Of The Pops has changed a lot over recent years...

Yeah what’s up with TOTP... the last decent performance i saw was Hard-Fi a few months ago!! Mmm I think it’s actually just a case of EMI getting the DJ video out with some concentrated airplay & the rest will fall in place - it’s one of those song that will make people sit up and listen!

TTOTP needs a makeover, its change its times when its on air , i couldnt even tell you when its on, but i agree, some airtime on programmes like this morning and GMTV would make a hell of a difference.

the catchment audience of This Morning and GMTV aren’t really the kind of audience which would go out and buy the records. Maybe an appearance on CD:UK or a Saturday morning programme would reach the “singles buyers”? Who know’s.

Many people think that his age is a downfall. I do agree to some extent, so maybe an animated video (not like Opp Nox though!) could be the way. Get it played on Sky music channels a few weeks before release so people get used to the song, and then when he performs it live people would (hopefully) already like the song. Just a thought...

Obviously we will need to see a UK release before any of this could happen!!

edits: typo’s

I think TOTP went over the BBC 2 somepoint last year...

Yeah, TOTP is on Sunday nights at 7:30 on BBC2. Stupid night, stupid time. It should’ve stayed on Thursday at 7 on BBC1

Oh, so TOTP isn’t doing that well in GB, too? They just cancelled the German edition officially, four more shows - the last one’s going to air on April 8th - and that’s it! There have been rumours about this for weeks, but I never thought they’d actually go through with it!


@Kathrin: TV Total or Wetten Dass would be good, but Bravo TV?! So not the right audience... ;-) TOTP would have been nice as well, but that one’s out for obvious reasons. (Couldn’t they have waited two more months? *g*)

so no TOTP in Germany..

Spain: TVE has a program similar to Musica Si (forgot name).. I guess that would be good too

I think the show’s name is “Musica Uno”


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