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SOAP released in Spain ANDDD...

24 replies

...And NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING.

As it was announced, yesterday 6th march, the marvellous Per Gessle solo album “SOAP” was released.

Neither Emi Spain had released a previous single, nor the radio stations had showed a single or, at least, one song from the album.

Just a little new in the, the web dependent of Los 40 Principales, the big Spanish radiostation:

I can imagine what is going to happen afterwards: exactly the same as with The Change. No promotion, no even a soul in this country who knows that Per Gessle has released a new album, with a different band-name, just the old ROxette fans who have already purchased the album.

Then, I don´t understand why Emi Odeon Spain releases the album. Poor Per...the only thing I´m afraid of is about a possible Roxette album...

Let´s face the reality: Emi is not interested in promoting Per and Marie works outside Sweden. The last releases show this fact: just a few European countries (not even UK) with no promotion.

And I think Per knows this, and that he is ver upset about that. In the SOAP Forum, he seemed to be prepared for a big release, a big promotion tour and small club venues. What should we think now?

Ahhh...ok..WAIT? More waiting? Let me say: NOOOO. If an album that has been already released deserves so poor attention, we shouldn´t wait more. Now my dream of watching Per playing in Madrid, in a small club, has evaporated.

Please, REPORT HOW THE RELEASE OF SOAP HAS TAKEN PLACE IN YOUR COUNTRY. I would like to contrast impact...

One last but not least thing: the price of SOAP in Sweden, and so on was just 17 euros, A good price having in mind is a double album. in Spain: 21.50!!! (in El Corte Inglés, the big spanish department stores). Sincerely, I can´t imagine the little spaniards buying the my country, very few people buys original music nowawdays, and the majority of prices in albums are falling to just 13 and 11 euros.

Definitly, as Per stated once, the music panorama has changed a lot, since the big years, but also since the 2001 Room Service release in Spain, which I remember VERY VERY BIG (Emi did a strong effort here).

Spanish Roxette/Per/Marie affair starts to be diluted...
(ok, not for Baladas en Español, who is still this week among the best 100 sold albums due to its price: 5 euros).

And please, don´t take my words as I am upset about Per not selling anymore. I´m not talking about that, since I don´t mind the sales of Roxette/Per/Marie albums...I don´t earn a penny with that. I am talking about the SERIOUS actual scenery for Gessle music abroad: Does it just exist?


PD. It seems that the text in the new appeared in has been made by Emi, since exact phrases are shown in the Emi Web...I don´t share this “the sound of the album doesn´t move away from characteristic Roxette sound, but Per tries with styles like glam and folk, to evoke past times sounds”...I don´t think SOAP sounds like Roxette, except in “I like it like that” and “Something in the system”. Maybe Emi thinks that by telling this to the audience, they would avoid the catastrophe...please CAN ANYONE TELL THIS RECORD COMPANY THAT IF THEY WANT SELL AN ALBUM THEY MUST INVEST MONEY IN IT? Emi Spain thinks that the BRAND “Roxette” in a stupid press release is enough...hahaha.

Was it not meant to be released in April? Strange as we’ve heard zero news re promotion or the release of the lead single or even the video...!

No Purple...SOAP was released yesterday in Spain: 6th of March.

Look at EMI Spain web releases for this week:

I am very very sad... :(

I really doubt it was released yesterday as the date has been CHANGED for the entire release.


You can doubt as much you want. But “Soap of a Plumber” is listed in several Spanish Cd Stores, like “El Corte Ingles”, big department stores. You can check here in case you think I´m a liar:

I don´t understand why are you doubting since I am posting here links to prove what I am saying...

I know that the Official date for the relesaed was changed to 27th March. But EMI SPAIN has always done what they wanted in a different manner of other Emi divisions. Here in Spain we didn´t enjoy the release of all Roxette singles...everything is different.

But hey, I wish I am wrong and that SOAP is going to be promoted from today...that would be nice!!! But as I said before, you can wait for a SOAP iNTERNATIONAl hit...yesss...wait for it...and for a new Roxette album in 2006...wait...wait.. hehe.

The reactions of hardcore SOAP fans are logic in this point. I am a fan, but a very realistic fan. I love SOAP, but I never share the vision of SOAP as a BIG international hit. I don´t mind, I prefer SOAP being a personal and for a small audience.

As I mentioned this some time ago, in a topic called “SOAP, big FLop”. Let me say it now with other words:

“Flop of a Plumber”...he never knew how to mend that pipe...:(((((((

I don’t read Spanish and I don’t believe it anyways. EMI has said all dates are moved and I believe that Spain has stayed.

Do us all a favour & scan the EMI Spain label on the CD - no need to get on the offense!

Ok Tevensso. You are just challenging me!!! Hehehe. I will go to the shops and will ask for the album. I will try to take a photo of it in the shelves...PLAYING TO BE A RESEARCH JOURNALIST yeeappp!!!

Please, any other spanish fans...would you help me?

;) P.A.

PD. Tevenssoo...I can call to Emi Spain to check it if you want to...or you can call as well. But I doubt they speak English...they don´t even know how to write well in Spanish in their own web...full of gramatical errorssssssss.

PURPLE MEDUSA: I would do it!!! But I have already 2 COPIES of SOAP in my house: digipack and the normal jewelcase. Anyway, the copies of ROXETTE/PER/MARIE albums that we have in Spain NEVER HAVE the local sign of EMI ODEON SPAIN. They are imported from Holland, which I think it´s the country where Emi manufacturates its albums. The releases with local EMI SPAIN label that I rememeber are just the singles of “Pearls of Passion” back in 1997, to celebrate 50.000 copies sold, and the special spanish EP of Have a Nice Day, with the song “Quisiera volar”...come on guys, I´m not posting all this information to go against SOAP, if that is what you are thinking.

Once again, dear spanish fans: look at your old Roxette albums and check if they have EMI SPAIN ODEON in them...

I know that EMI Spain hasn’t released it, but I can’t tell you how I know, sorry.

Ok always the “reservated information”. I know about that, I work in the Press Department of Spanish Parliament and I know how the information should be treated sometimes...

“but I can´t tell you how I know, sorry”...excuse me, but this has really sounded like a childlike...I really don´t mind how you have got that information, I can imagine you have contacts in Emi Sweden or everywhere...(if so, you really could translate to them the real Roxette fans complaints about the way the manage Roxette/Marie/Per releases...since I listened to Roxette, these complaints have been know, using that contacts for something worth...). I truly believe that you get fidgety and nervous when somebody here and in the SOAP forum talks negative about SOAP of Per...come on!!! We are just expressing opinions, not burying Per career, so please, calmmm!!! You are not discovering Watergate...which is already solved!

I just posted here this because Emi Spain haven´t changed the release date, and LOS 40 PRINCIPALES is reporting that the album has been released, with information from Emi...(I know you can´t read Spanish, but I could translate the text that Emi has posted in its web and then the text in the piece of new appeared in the same.


So, if there is no releasing this week, ok. Another dumb EMI error to confuse the few interested people who will go to the record store and ask for SOAP album.

Anyway, 27th March is near. I don´t wait for a sudden SOAP interest and success. We will discuss later, when the time comes...ok?

Oh so you agree that your statemnets was based on hearsay...! That DOES give you reason to be on the offense!

Wake up and smell the coffee. I’m not “nervous and fidgety”, I merely pointed out that your information was wrong. Terribly sorry if I wanted fans to get the correct info. It won’t happen again. The next time you post something incorrect I’ll just leave it and make you look stupid, is that OK with you?
I also noticed that you have changed your last post from pretty nice to not so nice...

Purple: Hearsay? I always use to inform myself about music scene, along with!

Tevensso: I NEVER will feel stupid giving my OWN opinions. I talked based on the first release date.
And sorry if the last point was not nice...but eyy, I FEEL CORNERED BY YOU!!! :(/(

Once again: let´s talk when the project of SOAP has reached its peak and then we would discuss who should be, at least, cautious about new Per´s music repercussion.

LOL - you’re condeming the album as a failure before it’s even released...?! Now that’s a laugh!!

Thomas, are you, at least, allowed to tell us if more countries have been agreed with releasing SOAP? ...and I am not talking about France anyway, I am not that naif, but still curious if more places have been about the glorious UK? I still don’t know if I should take the delaying of European release as being good news or bad news...But...well, I am in a optimistc expectancy.

and oh, one more q: no concrete news about the video?

Well Purple...if you want it in that way...yes, SOAP is going to be a Flop in my dear country, Spain.

I know really really well what kind of music Spain listens today.

So that´s not a laugh for me. It´s sad. But once again: SOAP will be a flop in Spain. No doubt about it.

And now...let´s give ourserlves goosebumps!!!

from not being able to check the CD shelves at El Corte Ingles...

what I think is happening here is that EMI Global as Poli says are a bit of a mess... Initial release date was March 6 and then postponed to late March... Has this been notified to EMI Spain?? Were they told in time? Was it too late as info was already filtered to the press? Do press come to TDR to checkout news? We know they do!

THere is something that baffles me...I thought DJ was now going to be first single in Europe where Los40 state JoAnna....this seems like Los40 are just “informing” with the wrong news item... but then, the text is from EMI... what a mess!

And where is that single being airplayed prior to album release?? Why cant they try and promote SOAP without reference to Roxette?? I thought that was Pers idea...a debut!


Edit: structure and fine details

EMI Spain does sadly seem to be outside of the loop. TDR is trying to take action and updating them with info. Unfortunatly from what I hear there is absolutely NO communication between the different affiliates. So no, EMI Es does not know that the date is changed, that the single is DJ and that Marie is not in the band either...

Peter: nice to hear from you!!!

I completly agree with you, and endorse the errors that EMI constantly does, as you have pointed out...

I don´t understand the EMI SPAIn obsession in always using Roxette when Per or Marie release solo-projects. They even have told that Mazarin was another group (well, it is an album from Per, althoug there is exist Mazarin-band).

And yes, Tevensson, the lack of coordination among EMI divisions is clear...and I assure you that EMI SPAIN is crap. They must be very occupied promoting a spanish (with gypsy roots) group named CAMELA....nothing wrong against gypsy people, but you should hear this group to make an idea of what kind of music triumphs in Spain...(this album is number 1 and has sold 300.000 copies in just 2 weeks).

My god, bring back the good music days...

P.D. I think Per should quit EMI WORLDWIDE now. Doesn´t matter big economic´s about respect of a big music composer and his work.

Please, let´s start a campaign: NEW ROXETTE ALBUM IN UNIVERSAL, BMG or SONY. That would change things...

Regarding the fact they can’t try and promote SOAP without reference to Roxette...

Let me say if the SOAP album is finally released in Argentina, I am totally sure a sticker will be added, saying “Per Gessle from Roxette” or something like that. People wouldn’t buy an album by someone called “Per Gessle” if they don’t know he used to be the male half of Roxette.

Roxette was a sucesss here, both Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson are totally unknown in some countries. So, the Roxette reference is necessary if you want that album selling some copies outside Nothern Europe.

I’ve just arrived from EL CORTE INGLES and the thing is that they have the album listed on their database, they can sell it since yesterday but they haven’t recieved any copy of it.
I’ve also been in another big record shop in bilbao and surprise they have the album! but imported from sweden. They are also waiting to recieve the album and they expecto to have it before the end of the week!.
I guess someone has a big trouble with dates (emi es) but i guess that the album wont reach the shops until the end of march. Txi pointed out to me, Los40 removed their news item...this clearly shows that they all stuffed up...

They should just release it now! They have advertised it and people now want to see it... they need a BIG BANG promo...

Poli...if Per quits EMI, i am sad to predict noone else would take him! Sad but true.... they would need to do very good marketing :)

Whats happening in spain is what will happen in Australia. Record stores can order the import version just like they can order a local version, [they weren’t able to do this until a few years ago when Parallel Importing was made legal] In Australia We’ll get the stock standard Dutch Uden version, with no promotion whatsoever.



P.S. Communications with EMi Oz

“Will the album be released here?”

Hi David
Many thanks for the email.
The album will most certainly be available through our import department!

“But there are no plans for a locally manufactured release?”

Hi David
No, only through our import department but it’s no different to how we sell our locally manufactured stock.
Retailers place their orders through the same system etc!
All wonderful and good!
Have a great weekend!

“Which version will be available”

Hi David

It would be our European manufactured versions that are available via Uden.

I hope this helps.



Dave, at least you can get SOMETHING. The last import widely available here was “The World According...” So, what’s the difference between a locally manufacturated CD or one imported from Europe? I wouldn’t mind about it.

By the way, I read in a magazine Sony/BMG has imported some DualDiscs, just as a test (they are not being manufacturated in Argentina yet) to see if the people buy them or not. I went to different stores, but I was not able to find any. Yesterday, I emailed Sony/BMG Argentina asking about it. But they have no idea which retailers are selling them... The big labels suck!

and who says Sony or any other would change anything, if there is anything to change. The album is out in some weeks, just calm down and see what happens then, the last Rox promotion (2001) wasn’t that bad at all.


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