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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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37 replies

All their songs sounds the same. Crap.

Anyone else like HIM, I thought they deserved the same respect as The Darkness topic! :)

I’ve only just reall discovered them but I am kind of hooked already....

Check out for more information on the Finnish group!

Oohh I LOVE them... Nikos’ got the whole catalogue - but I ain’t parting with the singles Box!!!

I’ve just placed an order for the older stuff from CDON and the DVD!

oooooooh i LOVE them!!!! about 2 weeks after i got “Dark Light” i got the entire back-catalogue! hahaha.... and the DVD, and the singles box :P

ville is soooo sexy, cant wait to see them in April! :D

and btw another good site is

Ha Ha, I just got a ticket for Manchester on the 18th April! :) They have two dates in Manchester...

If anyone else reading this other than me and Xarrrr wants to check out Wings of a Butterfly, you can here, at there My Space section!

I don’t like HIM at all. They are Finnish and I can’t stand Finnish music :)

Never heard of them. Thought this was gonna be a thread about God LOL!


LS check out the my space link, you can listen there... they are good!

Ally: o

i’m going to see them too :-)

LS do you like... I can’t stop humming the song... I can’t wait to see them live.. :)

Each to there own...

yeah true ally... not too many of my friends like them, well ok its just me and roob that do but i think they’re awesome! btw just saw the video for killing loneliness on kerrang and valo is lookin sooo sexy!

I was waiting for a taxi in town this morning.... and this girl walked past me with what looked like her mum, she was dressed head to tow in black with a HIM hoodie, beanie, gloves and bag... reminds me of my Roxette days, or Bros days...

hehehe, HIM hoodies are great! i luuuuurve mine!

Keep you warm! :)

ally: LOL Bros roflol ;-)

Yeah! Bros?? How tragic to admit!
Although, they did have a few good songs didn’t they.

I liked Bros....

I was a Brosette when I was 11! **do you think something was going on back then with the “ette” bit**

No seriously I had everything Bros

**is really embarrassed to actually admit this, and no I am not digging out embarrssing photos, I shall scar you all for life**....

Now back to HIM! I still can’t get enough and I really think it’s time for a another European tour.... although they just cancelled there North American Tour!

If I had never heard of Roxette, HIM would be my favorite band ever. Seriously, I adore HIM. Ville is sex. HIM is wonderful stuff. Of course, most of my friends find HIM as cheesy as Roxette, but I guess I like cheesy. ;P

I was supposed to see them twice in the next two months (actually, this month and next) but they canceled their US tour to record a CD. Not too shabby, (I’ve seen HIM once this year already), however, Ticketmaster has yet to refund me. Jerks. :/

I saw them in Manchester this year, it was the best concert I have seen!

A new HIM album..... on it’s way end of this month!

Talking of bros, I recovered a pic of my other half in 80’s as a late teen with Grolsh ringpulls on his laces!!!!

Rumour has it HIM are planning a winter tour of Scandinavia! :)

wow really? thats well cool!

I know, I hope it a true rumour... give me an excuse for a much needed break!

I used to love HIM.
After the last album and seeing them live im not sure anymore.

Dark Light was fantastic!

I saw Ville Valo about a year ago:D he was in the mall near us.. :P

DL was bad compared to RR or any other.

They had to plz the little girls and the american company it seems

DL was the one that got me into them, but I prefer there earlier stuff, RR is a great album and one I play the most... but I also love a lot of there covers especially Wicked Game!

ally have u heard the cover on BSB Larger than life? :p

bsb? humour me, either I am still asleep or I don’t know what bsb stands for?

BSB as in Backstreet Boys and its no joke. HIM has covered Larger Than Life.

ahhh no have not actually heard it!

The latest album with the remixes and suchlike is really good!


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