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Marie`s self-qouting

11 replies

Yes it’s the same song.

Always The Last To Know and Det som var nu (instrumental)
I‘ ve had the both things for - how many -about two years and only the day before yesterday it struck me that they have the same chords!
well, Marie is the author of both of them

hej Tevensso, I remember you said you had no Marie items on your collection, or now you have some?

he doesn’t need to have the songs in order to know the answer to the question .. we must have reported about it :P

(but he might as well have some items, why not ;))

I have all Marie’s released songs and then some. I’ve never claimed anything else. (I don’t collect Marie’s records though.)

LOL, me and Tev are like twins - only complete opposites. I don’t call myself a Per fan but yet I seem to own everything he’s ever done including solo albums and GT (my SOAP CD finally arrived yesterday!) Tev says he’s not a Marie lover but he knows just a little too much about her for someone who supposedly dislikes her ! ;) He’ll never admit it but I bet he was really excited about that interview with her hehe. Just like I was excited when Per turned up at the Karstad party and I stood like a teenage girl staring at him all night....

u saw Per in the flesh???! if so, my jealously of u is immeasurable

haha! let’s say Tev was not unhappy about the interview with Marie :D

Tev: Does the word “busted” mean anything to you? ;)

Perismyhero: I met him a few times but that night in Karlstad, he looked damn good and I literally stood next to him all night staring like a 13 year old N’sync fan. One girl even said to me “I though you didn’t like Per, why are you staring at him like that....???”

I bet Tev has a bunch of pix of himself with Marie in his bedroom hahahahaha. I do have one of me & Per, teehee!

damn girl, so incredibly jealous it makes my head hurt. wots he like???

Perismyhero: he was super nice that night actually. He got really drunk and started singing along to his own songs. He was friendly to all the annoying fans who kept interrupting him, and I was one of them. He put his arm around me and waved for the photo.


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