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Marie's songs, Top40, a new album.. your thoughts

8 replies

After reading the thread about SOAP vs The Change, i got thinking - do you think that if there is another album there might a few more songs from Marie??

Now Per said back in the Joyride days “its hard for Marie to write top40 material”. Seeing as now they’re not doing it so much for the charts, more so for themselves, The Change, Mazarin and SOAP being perfect examples. Even a new Roxette album, i can’t see it being recorded to be No1 on the charts. There’s no reason for there not to be a few more songs from Marie, especially if there in the style of Bad Moon, which to me is very Roxette-ish.

Although Per might already have a bunch of songs already written....

What are your thoughts??

Although there is a fresh, less commercial sound in Mazarin and The Change, I think that Per will see the opportunity for international success with a new Roxette project, and will therefore want powerful songs with killer hooks. In his mind (and mine) that probably means him doing the majority of the writing, us usual, but there is certainly room for Marie to write 2 or 3 songs for an album. I think that the Fredriksson–Gessle song writing collaboration on Beautiful Things is one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard, and is to be encouraged at all costs! All the best, Rich ;-)

Naturally, Per wrote Mazarin and Son Of A Plumber more for himself. The same goes for Marie’s The Change. It’s their solo albums. Roxette is another thing. I agree with Rich-UK that Per will take a possible opportunity to achieve international success. But there’s always a space for songs, written by Marie, though I don’t think that there is the Roxette sound in Bad Moon.

I would love to see roxette become one, marie and per writing togeather would be a dream, like alot of LS.

”...writing collaboration on Beautiful Things is one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard”

Nice, hehehe. ;)

I’d prefer MARIE and per writing songs together again ! Actually I am missing the sound of Roxette. I think it too much gessle sometimes. I know, he was always writing songs for roxette, but even his style changed so much. I think also MARIE could write and sing HIT SONGS, don’t you agree ? Why not ? as long as roxette will sound like roxette and not like SOAP I’d be happy ! :-)

I prefer Per on writing rox-songs but a Rox album can be really perfect only with the contribution of Marie on writing, I can’t imagine HAND without Waiting for the Rain and Beautiful Things or RS without Little Girl...etc etc...
They are perfect together and I love when Per writes lyrics and Marie writes music too and when they create something completely different mixing their talents... =)

anyway, my big wish is more duo-songs on the new album... ;)

...oh and another wish is “the weight of the world” live on the next rox concert... =)

see so per marie if your reading this, WRITE TOGEATHER again more .


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