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Finally I re-discovered Marie!

12 replies

...or I should say I was finally able to listen to her music again! Yesterday I played ’Den ständiga resan’ and ’I en tid som vår’ and I got creeps!!!

So what? You will probably say, well, since she was ill I just couldn’t listen to anything she did, I know it sounds silly but I was so upset that something clicked inside of me and made me do this. I avoided listening to a lot of Roxette too during 2003-2005. It’s a long time and now I can’t wait to hear those pieces of art again!

Fortunately during 2003-2005 I listened to a lot of GT and Per, I mean I would have done it all the same ’cos his music is so .... you find a good suitable adjective... but probably it would have been mixed up with Marie’s songs as it used to be before.

Now that Marie’s fine I feel like a thousand kilos were released from my shoulders, isn’t that strange? Please share your stories so that I don’t have to think that I’m the only weird person here :-


You’re WEIRD!


Sorry, couldn’t help it.

I re-discovered their music quite some times :) I can now even listen to Mazarin without pressing the ff constantly :D

No, seriously, I hadn’t listened to Roxette for quite a long while after HAND and RS, in a way I was disappointed and stopped listening to Roxette songs in general. Lately I’ve been playing Joyride and C!B!B! and LS! and I’ve gone “woow!” again. I even like HAND and RS more than before.

Marie keeps on giving me goose bumps with DSR and IETSV, specially if I don’t listen to them for some time..

ain’t it a great feeling??

In some way it’s even better to take a break. Personally, I tend to listen to a song that like very much non-stop. But later the magic feeling that made the song so special, disappears. Then you have to take a break to re-discover the song :)

PS @roxlad: you don’t look weird to me ;)

DSR is a MASTERPIECE! Almost my favourite Rox-related albums! Esp. the titlesong!!

@LS & Auryte, you’re both right ’cos I can be weird sometimes (but not all the time) :-P

I think DSR is a masterpiece too, it’s not an album, it’s a journey!

I know how you feel Roxlad! I found it a bit hard to listen to her after she got ill, I don’t know, it’s like listening to a ghost or something. I especially found it hard to watch videos actually, it’s weird to see her so full of power when she’s not anymore. Anyway cool that you found her again!

You can find a new surprise about her, in


I’ve not played Roxette proper in ages and I’ve not played Marie since The Change sometime last year....

It’s still GT and Gessle at the top.... maybe I will re-discover Marie again soon!

LOL Ally I’m the opposite, I haven’t listened to Per in ages...I listen to GT at the gym, does that count? FFF is a great workout CD.

Mazarin is the best workout CD!!! ;) Remade myself with it.

By the way, I listen to Roxette and related a lot when I study for my exams ;)

Yeah I also had FFF on my MP3 at the gym!


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