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Join the flumeride

26 replies

For those of you who may not have seen, it’s becoming available on ebay (no thanks!) and on various P2P/torrent sites for us all to enjoy.

Join the flumeride? What’s that?

I think it’s a parody movie bout roxette/GT (correct me if I’m wrong). and Per was on it too for few sec.

There is it. The Join The Flumeride Dvd are made in 300 Copies so it´s rare to find.

300? Was it not 500?? but anyway, it IS rare and have it.

I allready have the dvd I bought it in Halmstad when I was there in 2004. Nice film! :)

Join The Flumeride has a website at

Yep the DVD is rare - however the ’joys’ of the internet make a copy less hard to find!

The film is slightly bizarre but amusing nonetheless.

were there 2 parts of this movie?

It was updated with some extras following the ’release’ of margarin!

I have watched it, and it’s crap. It’s ok if you download it, but it doesn’t worth enough to pay for it. It’s a very predictible parody: Marie with big teeth, Per with yellow hair... I hardly laughed when I watched it. Nothing memorable.

Great Movie! Really really really great humor!

I’d say something completly different. I really enjoyed watching this production. Although it’s in Swedish, subtitles helped me to figure out what Marit and Pierre was saying (or what Marit was trying to say hehe)

This film is extremly amusing. It consist of 2 parts - first made in 1997 (or 1998) and the second one was done in 2003. You have to remember about “making of...” programme and abou’ VERY special guests on the set. But I won’t say anything more... Watch it ;)

I laughed my *** off seeing this film ;D

Has any one got a good scan of the DVD cover I could have...................please!

@lonely_girl: you can say the word, Per uses it often, so why don’t you ;)

Anyone has lyrics for Flumeride swedish songs ?
(Billigt, Matematik,...)

SUCH A GREAT MOVIE! They didn´t use the original GT and ROX songs but when you hear the songs they wrote you exactly know what they mean with it....


Where is Part 2 of it?! I loved the jumping Göran the best!

@tcooh: Not here ;) :-*

I love that movie!!
It’s great, very funny!
There are a few songs I really like. I can’t understand their lyrics, though.
They should release a soundtrack CD with a DVD with the making of SOAP, it would be great!
Does anyone know the guys who made this video?
We could ask them!

are there english subtitles for everything (kaka pa kaka etc) or only for Join The Flumeride?

Subtitles available for all films.
But the lyrics of songs are not in subtitles.

I understand most of them, but still looking for anyone, who can help to write them down, coz my swedish is still weak..

BTW, - the creator of the Flumeride - is he on TDR? :)

kibkalo - can you send them to me?:)

Bunio - they are on DVD in main video files - not as single files..

It’ll be great if they put english subtitles for the songs too since many fans can’t speak swedish, including me and I don’t want to miss the fun.

Hehe, first time i’ve seen it. I had a good laugh :-D

Here the same. It was so funny to see. Nothing I waited for, but nice to have. Esp. that Per had the sense of humor to play a part in it as well.
I watched it only two times, but anyway it was real fun when it came out. :-)!!!


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