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SOAP Problem...

32 replies

Hey all,

I finally recieved my copy from CD WOW yesterday and I really love it! But I have a problem I can hear all these clicking sounds like the CD’s got scratches or something but the CD doesn’t jump and it is super frustrating so I am sending it back and praying that the next one doesn’t do the same thing. Has anyone else had this problem??? Could it be the Copy Control I know someone mentioned problems with the Copy Control but I can’t find the post it was in.

The only annoying problem I have is that when I play the songs random it switches to the next song in the middle of a song. Maybe that’s also a copyprotect-cdplayer missunderstanding.

Yes, the copy control causes clicking in some players. :(

Nasty!!! We gotta love that copy control? So frustrating...

Carlos E., new York.

Call EMI (phone at their site) and ask for not protected replacements.

“ah yeah hi EMI Svenska can you please send me two non copy protected copies of SOAP?”




P.S. You can just rip the cd to WAVS and make one Audio CD with the whole album, quality should be about the same. F*cking CP. There’s so many ways to get around it but it F*cks up innocent people just trying to play music.

Do they even make non-copy protected versions?

Maybe we should publish an article here at TDR to let Per know about the problems with the SOAP copy protection scheme....

On second thought, that is a very very stupid idea. Only a complete loser would try a dumb move like that... *cough*

Instead, lets publish an article about how wonderful Per’s right side looks!!! or about how Per Gessle helped a sick animal at Christmas. Yeah, that would be cooool!!!

@Hotblooded: The post was censored and put in the TDR Discussions board (as I knew it would be), and it proved my point EXACTLY about the over-zealous ’chipper’ moderators we got here at TDR, who are also apparently too proud to admit when they are wrong...

Can see this thread being archived....

We’ve been here before... Don’t be a jerk already!

And yes, they are made non-copy protected. I have them myself.

This copy protection is a nightmare and it is unfair for the consumer to buy an album and have to put up with all these problems :(

Everytime I listen to the SOAP album I wait for the click problems sometimes it is ok and other times it is really bad and it totally takes away my enjoyment of the album. This is so unfair as it has ruined the excitment you get from the initial listens of a new album.

I put in a complaint at the EMI site but haven’t heard back from them meanwhile CDWOW are sending me a replacement even though I am pretty sure the problem will be the same with the new copy. I can only hope EMI send me a version without the copy protection on it but of course by then I will have lost my enthusiasm for the album, I am soooo mad!!!!

And all this to someone who never copies albums :(

BTW nice to know what happened to that thread cause I thought maybe I was dreaming about it ;)

BTW Tevensso: do you think EMI would send me a copy protected free version of SOAP or is that wishful thinking??? You don’t have any spare copies lying around to send me do you ;)

@Rox me like a baby: I totally agree with you about the copy protected thing after reading your archived article ;) Not sure if it is front page news as such unless we can get a comment from Per or EMI on this which is unlikely but all the points you make are valid. This must stop!

I don’t know, but it’s worth a try I guess. The product is their responsibility, and I assume that covers other countries as well? Rumor has it that the next edition of the album will be non-cp altogether as EMI are moving either away from CP or into another system. What I hear is that they are yet undecided.

how come that you have it TEV I dont think you have had problems with your cd or??

as far as I know, you have to send your copy-protected CD back to EMI when they send you a non copy protected, so it’s not exactly “free” as either you want one or the other.. or???

Ted, why should you care???

>>> “how come that you have it TEV I dont think you have had problems with your cd or??” <<<

@ATLTK: It’s called “Brown Nose Syndrome”:

Is someone a little jealous?? For god sake. The International release WON’T be copy-protected apparently. The UK versions of Pop and Ballad Hits weren’t, but Swedish ones were, so maybe that’s a clue.

SOAP was not released in the UK, so maybe THATS a clue...

It’s not a question of jealousy, it’s a question of attitude. The TDR moderators have an open door to let Roxette’s management, and indeed Per and Marie themselves know of real problems or issues - and that is a very good thing which I am actually glad about. But what happens instead? - The moderators want to stay in Roxette’s good graces, in hopes to get more invitations and privileges. So they censor posts, and won’t publish anything that is negative about Roxette, even if it’s healthy constructive criticism, and they even delete entire lines out of posts if the particular moderator doesn’t happen to agree with your point of view!

It’s when they start behaving like condescending, elitists...that’s what I have a problem with. Moderators - please do not abuse the privileges you have been given, because you are the voice of us all here...

If you start abusing the privileges you have been given, then the privileges you have will be taken away, and Roxette will not be so obliging in the future, you can count on that…

By the way, I actually have no hard feelings towards the moderators. I am not trying to be nasty, or flame anyone, even if it may seem that way. I’m just making a point, that’s all – in hopes that things might change here for the better.

I meant that because TBH & TPH weren’t copy protected in the UK, maybe if SOAP gets a UK release it won’t be copy protected also. I realise my reply might have seemed a bit offensive - apologies.

edit: typo

@pwbbounce: no problem. as I said, I’m not out to be nasty to anyone, I’m just trying make some points. I don’t expect moderators to actually come out and say “yes, we are wrong in certain situations”, I just want what I say to “sink in” so that perhaps moderators can have some kind of a meeting to discuss THEIR code of conduct - because it is not actually ALL the moderators who behave badly.

Rox_me_like: I would be ashamed if I had the IQ of you. EMI has NEVER EVER given me any records. God I wish they did, but that’s not the case.

oh wait, am I the only one ordering my CDs at CDON? >:| Maybe it’s because I’m not on that picture! :D

But wait a minute, Thomas ordered the Soap LP for me together with his... me not understand now..

Funny that since we didn’t publish your article (and we told you why), we are BAD.. and we never heard that from you before. Interesting or?

What jealousy makes one say.. *sigh*

And since when are we the voice of all? I don’t remember us having claimed that.. anywhere ..

And you seem to have missed my me-not-liking Mazarin (i still don’t ;)) and not agreeing with everything Mr Gessle does.. but I know how it works, people tend to forget things sometimes ;)

Anyway, i hate copyrighted CDs as much as you do, they won’t play on one of my HIFIs correctly, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

I must say I’m a lucky dude. I haven’t had any problems with playing my Soap copy. I’ve played it in the car, the stereo, the dvd.. No prolemo for me.

>>>But wait a minute, Thomas ordered the Soap LP for me together with his... me not understand now..

If Thomas ordered his uncopy-protected CD from somewhere, THEN WHY DIDDN’T HE JUST FRIPPING SAY SO??? ATLTK asked him politely “how come that you have it TEV I dont think you have had problems with your cd or??”, and Thomas’ reply is “Ted, why should you care???” That’s a dodgy answer if I ever heard one. And even in Thomas’ replies since then he STILL has not said where he got the CD. Whats the big secret?

>>>Funny that since we didn’t publish your article (and we told you why), we are BAD.. and we never heard that from you before. Interesting or?

You’ve never heard from me before? Check the TDR discussions board and the Roxette board. I have posted at TDR a few times. When I say these things about the moderators, I am not only talking about my own experiences, I am also talking about what others have said and posted about these same problems…it’s all there on the forums, just read it…

>>>What jealousy makes one say.. *sigh*

Spoken like a true Elitist.

>>>And since when are we the voice of all? I don’t remember us having claimed that.. anywhere ..

You speak a lot of shit too, I don’t remember you having claimed that anywhere either. Do you need to claim something before it’s true or not?

>>>And you seem to have missed my me-not-liking Mazarin (i still don’t ;)) and not agreeing with everything Mr Gessle does.. but I know how it works, people tend to forget things sometimes ;)

Not every single thing I said on the list (together) applies to every moderator, like a carbon copy or something, unless you are all identical robots, instead of human beings… hmmmm…evil Roxette robots! EEEEEKKKK!

>>>Anyway, i hate copyrighted CDs as much as you do, they won’t play on one of my HIFIs correctly, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

Not me, I loooovvveee copy-protected CDs! Those clicking sounds just add to the rhythm in a kind of non-musical Jazzy anti-establishment kind of way.

@Judith & Thomas, don’t take offence to everything I say. I’m just venting a little. I speak shit too you know…just like you. But lets DISCUSS these things to resolve them, not CENSOR them to avoid discussing them. I’ve made my points, so I’ll shut up now.

No hard feelings. *shakes Thomas’ hand*, *gives Judith a kiss on the cheek, tries to slip her some tongue, but gets slapped*

i think....

you all need to step away from your computers ;-)

as you’re all a bit mental!

*puts on flamable suit*

OK, I accept your peace pipe. Happy X-mas.

But Ted can get his own un copy protected CD, he knows damn well how to do it. He’s just asking to be a smart ass, as always.

Vix: missing the old rml days? :D

going to sleep, going to Spain tomorrow to see family and friends so me –> :D

merry xmas all!

Merry Xmas y’all.


At the end of it all I have just recieved my replacment copy and it’s just as bad as the first :(

How can I get EMI to send me a copyprotection free version?? Realistically will they? They’d better I am not gonna have to put up with this forever and why should I buy it again if it gets released without the copy protection?!

Merry Christmas everyone :)


Start by calling them, you would have to send them yours, but they pay for the postage. The only snag would be that they refuse to do it outside of Sweden, but I think they will.

re “faulty” cp enabled cds. Did the store you purchased SOAP from advertise that the cd was copy protected - and I dont mean just a sticker on the CD when u received it. Im sure you could threaten to take legal action on the grounds of selling you a cd that does not perform as it is intended. I think technically cp enabled cds can not be called cds as such and do not display the cd logo - therefore the store should post some kind of disclaimer b4 accepting your money.

... just my two cents ...


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