Rare 12" single of Sould Deep!!
sandyam said on December 7, 2005 09:56:
There only seeems to be a hole in the record.
Such a pity... Or is it something ON the record?
sandyam said on December 7, 2005 13:49:
It’s a real nice item that I see for the very first time. ( I have only seen it in the book)
I would love to have it but not a damaged one...
ATLTK said on December 7, 2005 14:44:
the hole shall be there
every copy i´ve seen including mine looks like that
per_mson said on December 7, 2005 22:31:
Such a punch hole is usually on records that were meant not to be used (trashed).
I have seen this single without that punch hole, so I think not all is like yours Ted!
marcusvandeursen said on December 7, 2005 22:52:
have read somewhere that such holes are made to indicate promos, i.e. records that are not meant to be sold
Nowieke said on December 8, 2005 10:09:
If someone have interressed in the 12” Soul Deep (Canadian Promo), I have it.
Let me know,
colinvdbel (moderator) said on December 8, 2005 16:56:
I’ve never seen a canadian 12” promo of soul deep without a hole punched through the sleeve.
ally77 said on December 7, 2005 10:09:
I know someone watching this....