The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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8 replies

seemingly i lost contact with some brazilian fellas from here...but I keep on burning desireing SOAP!! (the album).

could someone please give a hand? maybe sending me a copy (burned of course...shame on me, but what to do??) or email? i mean, i heard u can send songs like this...dunno how big the files could be and how those new data transferring (bit torrent, etc) work in email, who could do it for old little tiny here??!!

Hey, Tiny!

I guess i could send you the album ripped at 320kbits/s in a zip file through MSN messenger or Yahoo messenger. I could try. However, i just don’t know if your internet connection is fast enough to allow us to transfer the zip file relatively fast.

The zip file is about 161 MB. Let me know what you think.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

hmmm...i couldn’t tell it exactly, my conn is cable. and yes, I got msn.

i guess it’s around 100k or something...what do you say?

and that album would be? fully zipped mp3?

@Tiny: Yes, it’s the full album zipped. 1 zip file that’s about 161 MB.

Add me: [email protected]

Let’s see if we can do this!

Carlos E., New York.

ok, but not tonight....going sleep...zzzzzzz...

hehe...perhaps in this weekend...ok?

@tiny: Alright. Any time i’m online and available.

Carlos E., New York.

Just check yer mail!:)

Hey Roxrider ,could you please also send it to me?
I have a very Fast DSL connection! But I do not have MSN but you can send it to yahoo!

@Kathrin: Added you to my yahoo messenger. Jus waiting for you pending permission.

Talk to you on the messenger whenever we find each other online, then i’ll send the zip file to you. :-)

Take care!
SOAP on!
Carlos E., New York.


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