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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Isn´t this a GREAT IDEA???

16 replies

I think everyone here knows that the look wasn´t released in the US when they started playing it on the radio,a station got a CD with the look on it from a guy and they were just throwing it away when some1 said that they maybe should listen to it, and it became a BIG hit, there were two big radiostations and the one who played the look made the other station go bankrupt(=D), then they(PG and Marie) released it on a single there, and it sold ALOT.

My idea is to send the 2 songs we think will have the biggest hit potential in US to the big radiostations there on maybe e-mail or on CD and tell them to play it and maybe tell them the story about the look, and maybe they want to try it...
and if many people do this per will not have released it there and maybe these songs can become a big hit like the look! what do you think!
as you all know history seems to repeat itself!

What´cha think=)

My two tips for the two songs:
I like it like that(US loves ballads, think abput LTYH and IMHBL!)
Jo-Anna says(they love the beatles and this is very beatlish)
maybe Substitute for the real deal(falsetto chorus is very popular, like James blunt (You´re beatiful) and Robbie Williams(trippin) for instance!

What´cha think=D

Yes it IS a great idea.

Harplinge you do know that the Dean Cushman Radio Station story was beat up by the record company because it made a good story for the media, don’t you? The Look was actually being played on other stations at the time, and Per admitted later that Dean helped, but he wasn’t really the one who started Rox in the US!

okey okey, I wasnt born at the time so didn´t really know but wouldn´t it be a fun thing to try?
I promise you that if it happened WE are a part of history=D
dont´cha think?

Sparvo: really??????????

@Carlos, go online.


@Plesna: Ok. Done.

@others: This is a nice. Especially if it actually were to happen like we are thinking.

Well, anyway, i think that SOAP will be released in the US anyway. It least it ’s one of the reasons Per was here NYC about 3 weeks ago. He wanted to find out if there is interest for a SOAP release here in the USA.

So, what should we take out of that ? Any thoughts?

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

this is out off this topic, but yesterday I went to music store in san diego, and i saw Ballad Hits. I thought it never realease in US?

all I would say on that one is that you don’t want to be the one caught sending illegal copies of someone else’s songs to commercial entities. If it works it would be great - if it doesn’t you don’t wanna put yourself in the frame - else you will be needing a speedboat to cuba! lol

never thought about it being illegal=P
but its for promotion dont you think=D

yeah it is for promotion - unfortunatley it doesn’t stop it from being illegal. ;o)

Illegal? He won’t ask for money in return. That would be illegal.

believe me Room Service - it’s illlegal.

I had a similar idea - I sent my C’mon single to one of our local radio station with the official EMI pressrelease. maybe something happen ...

Wow! Interesting!! Good lucky!

Carlos E., New York.

I actually done that when Room Service came out. In the end it turned out to be a total waste of time as the dude that done the playlists wasn’t a Rox fan, unlike the DJ that I sent the disc to.


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