The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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11 replies

Any1 who was in Stockholm on the signing session? I was there and it was wonderful to meet Per again:) as always. Share ur thoughts;)

I would like to see some pictures from the signing sessions. Would be great!

I was there and saw Per arrive (only 5 mins delayed! ;)), but had to leave to catch my plane, I think I took a couple of pictures but I doubt they will come out any good.

Met some TDR-ers there, was nice! :)

i have some nice ones.... maybe upload them later :)

@ Xarrrr would love to see them!

@xarrrr: Would be great! Thanx! :)

Here are some pictures, I made. Don’t expect too much, they all look more or less the same. Enjoy!

wow Xarrrr

They are really cool - thanks 4 sharing!

Great pix!!

Nice. I’d like to see more pix.

Cool pics!! Thanks a lot guys!

Carlos E., New York.


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