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SOAP at Skivhugget

17 replies


Thank you guys for the explanation... just ordered the deluxe edition. Can´t wait for it.

@ Tiny - Waiting for your mail. About EMI Brazil, we know how they work... I don´t count on them anymore. They screwed TWATG and The Change.
My classmates are fine... working a lot and party all the time !! :) is a online shop from Sweden, where I buy everything in my cd collection (thanks to my loved credit card)... they´re really great... good prices and they deliver the order in around 15-20 days.

Anyways, I think you´ll like to know that the FULL album is available as a torrent, in


Does anyone knows the diference between the so called “Delluxe edition” and the regular edition that they´re selling at Skivhugget ? Which one is better to buy ? It´s an emergency... my credit card and I are waiting to order SOAP for soooo long.

Thanks in advance

Lone, I gotta ask you a dirty favor.

As you well know, I’m from brazil too, we talked via years in the past (i guess u remember it).

I don’t know how ur gonna get ur copy of soap, but...could we have a little arrangement so we could...hmmm...u know..’share copies’...that’s just a light expression to ask you to send me one, i guess u got it.

i’ll wait for ur reply, ok?
(u can send it in [email protected] or [email protected])

oh, btw...are u a doctor now??


@ Tiny

1. I´m going to order it at Skivhugget... as soon as I discover the difference between Delluxe and regular edition. I won´t wait for EMI Brazil to release it here, specially because IF they release SOAP here, it will have mistakes like misprinted pages, screwed booklets and no ghost tracks. Learn with TWATG and “The Change”

2. I didn´t get it. Do you want me to make a copy of the cd I´ll order and send it to you as soon as I get it ? Honestly, no problem. I think this crap talk about piracy just silly... we´re all fans here and everyone that can, will buy the album. So, what´s the big deal.

3. Yes, I´m a physician now. Saving lifes everyday !! :)


PS: Anyone from Sweden, please help me with the “deluxe x regular” thing... I´m standing in from of my PC with the credit card in my hands waiting just for a reply to order. Thanks.

Oi, pessoal, tudo certo? :-) (Hi, everyone, everything alright?)

Gosh, is there anybody from Sweden that can be kind enough to upload an ZIP or RAR file of the album? The fact that I have to wait at least another week to receive my imported album here in United States makes me go crazy, especially after reading the TDR review. I really wish it would arrive tomorrow. But it’s just a wish, as I guess it’s impossible. Anyway, i’d really appreciate the kindness.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

i’ve ordered the “deluxe” version at cdwow, and i just assumed deluxe = digipack, and regular = regular...

Hi Carlos, remember me still?

We’re waiting for Joanna all night togetner :-) at RIX FM.

Are you awake?

BR. Peter

Hey! How are you?
Yes, i’m wake! :-)

Carlos E., New York.

Zargo, was there a regular version listed?? I only saw the deluxe one when i ordered a few weeks ago??

Still only one version at cdwow., but I notice they’ve remved any reference to it being either “deluxe” or otherwise.

Deluxe is the digipack


Ok, then!!

U’ll be getting a e-mail from José Antonio Boscolo…don’t worry, hehe…that’s my father’s name (and it is that [email protected] one). That way, u’ll have a reference. Through that mail I can send u my addresss and we can ‘arrange’ the whole thing, ok?

Well, I’m asking that ‘dirty’ favor as I said cause I honestly think they won’t release it here. The same happened with the change. U can find it in brazil, but only if you order it in a store. Shame on them!!

But if emi miraculously release it here…I’ll be buying it, of course! I’d do the same for twatg, but I can only import. And hey, I wanna get married with in a couple of years, so I’d rather save money!!! Hehee…

btw...what’s that Skivhugget-thing?

OFF – what happened to those pretty classmates u got? I didn’t see any of them in ur website! The one I asked u to clone, considering the ‘albieri’ last name, remember? Hehehe…

pleace tell me the diference between the “Delluxe edition” and the regular edition and the prices in sek..

Same price. Deluxe is digipack.

Digipak is on it’s way to me!

u got my mail sent now!

left u a scrap in orkut too!

how could u find it in bittorrent? it was the first time i ever accessed it, and i haven’t got a clue!

For those of you who are still searching the internet for the SOAP album. CDWOW ship for free to anywhere in the world and the album is GB£9.99

The trick is, their search function does not work on so if you search for SOAP or PG you dont get anything.

Click on the link called “Brows Catalogue” (on the left side of the home page just above the “Music Gossip” link. Select S and scrowl down to Son of a Plumber (Per Gessle)

is Skivhugget good? Have Thusday or Wednesday evening the cd order. when came it?


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