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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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31 replies

I felt this needed it’s own topic... so kill me if you must....

Has anyone heard this on the radio! anywhere?

I feel it deserves some radio play, it’s just as good as Jo-Anna says!

Does anyone else think Per sounds like he’s been inhaling Helium singing this! lol but I do love it!

I think it more sounds as if someone cutted of some vital parts on him... ;-)

LOL, it does sound like that ;)

Awww poor Per, perhaps Woody was holding something or Christopher standing near by with an axe! lol

I cant wait to see him singing this live :) I think both songs are equally as good and this deserves some airplay.

i prefer it to the other track as its something completely different and not the usual boring drivel ;-)

This song live would be so weird...

I like the song (quite) but I’m sure I would have loved it if it wasn’t sung in Falsetto. You can’t tell it’s Per (could be anyone) and I never really liked the Bee Gees :P Anyhow good for Per that he likes a change every now and then. I still hope there aren’t any other falsetto songs on the album though!

Pure Modern Talking

just saw the new videos on soap site and tried to get a picture of how “c’mon” should be sung live! I guess per can manage a way or another lol

i wasn’t suppose to notice, but hell, helena is HOT! and the 60’s short dress is just WOW. ok, ok, let’s go back to per now...

just saw the new videos on soap site and tried to get a picture of how “c’mon” should be sung live! I guess per can manage a way or another lol

i wasn’t suppose to notice, but hell, helena is HOT! and the 60’s short dress is just WOW. ok, ok, let’s go back to per now...

just saw the new videos on soap site and tried to get a picture of how “c’mon” should be sung live! I guess per can manage a way or another lol

i wasn’t suppose to notice, but hell, helena is HOT! and the 60’s short dress is just WOW. ok, ok, let’s go back to per now...

they don’t work for me. “source media format not recognized” ... :(

got quick time, got flash, got everything. why they dont work...!

you need Internet Explorer as a browser...and I think there are some pieces of advice on soap forum...check them out maybe you can fix it...

I love the little videos.... I only just seen them! The email for the newsletter was stuck in my spam folder!

This song is just GRREEEEAAAATTTT :)))
It has cool beats, drums, guitars, refrain, verse, voice...ok the second verse is not very perfect (Pers voice) but who cares. I love it.

This one’s really growing on me, i like it more everytime i listen to it.

C’mon is very interesting, not typical Per but still Gesslish. I had to get used to Per’s falcetto voice, it’s so unusal and funny. But the more i listen to it, the more and more i love it. It’s so cool! :D

PS I’d really like to hear how it sounds live LOL

I love the video to C’Mon! It’s cool and could gain success everywhere I think!

I think Helena looks great as well... I was not keen on her in Mazarin but she has really grown on me, and I think her and Per sound great togeather!

helena is just too cool to be true...all the others members of SOAP look simply boring compared to her!

It sounds like Per got kicked square in the nuts.

Still haven’t heard this song all the way through. Really can’t wait to hear it! I agree with Ally - Helena annoyed me on the Mazarin DVD (no reason really), but there voices go well together on Jo-Anna Says.

Also, liking the screen shots of the videos on SOAP forum.

But still waiting to hear C’Mon all the way through

I see I’m not the only one who couldn’t stand Helena on Mazarin and now likes her singing on the new songs :)

I think Helena just kind of grows on you....

lol per:_mson I agree with you - never liked BeeGees either

Helena was always great... it’s just the dress she wore on the DVD that wasn’t very becoming of her

Jo-Anna says.mp3-download!

Joanna Says.mp3-download

C’Mon is maybe too much 60’s ... I don’t say I dislike it cuz I don’t. But here in sweden, people doesn’t expect Per Gessle-songs to sound like old Led Zeppelin tracks... =p


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