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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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maybe they should disable as well..

Idiots. As long as people get what they’ve ordered.

*clap clap clap*
Is the best thing that they could do...

It’s a shame a so-called “official” fan club has so bad reputation. I think we deserve a more seriously organized fan club, the people managing it at this moment should take some lessons. Shame on you, fan-club people!

“The fanshop is closed for the time being.

However we want to let you know that everyone who’s still waiting for their orders will get what they ordered as soon as possible.
We’re very very sorry for the inconvenience!”

>> I wonder what will happen with those who have a credit at the fanshop? :S

I don’t think I have a credit well not much of one anyway! If there is they can throw into some charity!

Some people have several hundred dollars worth of credit there I hear.


Wow I am surprised!

I almost start believing I am the only one who never had troubles with the FC. I’ve got everything in time what I ordered....

I haven’t got a creditcard, and I live in the Netherlands. I was hoping that the maintenance was that they were updating the shop for soap... how should I order soap now????

Does CD Wow work for you? From Germany, you can order with having them withdraw the money from your account.

cd-wow should work for you because I think they use the same paysystem as the fanshop, at least when I order at cd-wow I can choose the country (Austria) - and pay via bank transfer.. u should just give it a try :)

I’m with Japeke! I have always ordered from the fanclub and never had any trouble. I live in Australia so sometimes it takes a bit of time to get to me but nothing ridiculous. How will I order the new Per Gessle album :( Does anyone know someone else who is realiable and will ship to Australia???

I ordered from the two remixes DHT and Dancing about 3 weeks ago and haven’t recieved anything and they already charged my credit card :(

The DHT Single will be released before the end of the month in OZ. I got my FLAF single quite cheap off ebay.

The new Album will be available on Ebay, or Amazon or Cd WOW, I don’t have a CC so I get my stuff through a Swede, who i send cash.



P.S. JB Hifi may get the album [mine got Mazarin], or you could order it in.

I agree with Judith, is great place to order CD/DVD. They also have what I call “personal approach”, e.g. I asked them to include “happy birthday” note and send the package to other address ;)

the note does actually say “for the time being”...maybe new stuff being thought of...

I’m from Belgium and I ordered Atertaget and Mazarin at the Fanshop without any problems.

Now I pre-ordered the SOAP-digipack at CDON.

A shameless ad: click a CDON banner in TDR and buy your albums and singles there. That way you’ll support our work. CDON ships to all EU countries.

The money we get from advertising is all we get from anywhere. Roxette’s management or record company don’t support us financially.

Ok.. if i’ll buy at cdon, i’ll do it that way...

btw... do you still write for tdr roxeteer???

He does, but he’s so busy he’s mostly in the background, and he is still composing the new version of TDR. :)

he must be really busy indeed :) or the new TDR will be much more complicated :)

new version of TDR?? can’t wait :)

I wait anxious for the new version of the tdr...

Has anyone ever considered campaigning for CDON to ship worldwide? They have some great things on there that I can’t buy.

But try they have SOAP with free delivery worldwide =)

Sparvogamarie is right. I’ve wanted to order some things from CDON but I can’t get anything from them here in California. It’d be so cool if they sold internationally.

Sparvogamarie: Thanks for reminding me about Cd-wow. :-) I almost thought i’d have to wait for a local release!!

@japeke: It’s only 2 weeks since I last wrote an article, and I do editing for the articles written by others.

Upgrading TDR to use a content management system by another vendor has turned out to be a bigger task than I expected. I don’t have much time to work on it since I work full-time *and* I run my own business at the same time. But those are just excuses, I know...

CDWOW is great for those outside Europe, hopefully it will stock Soap!

Ally beat me to it, CD-Wow is almost like CDON and worldwide.

But is there any place where one can buy a new single and if they will be able to ship it to Russia? It looks too expensive to travel to Helsinki just to get SOAP album and CDS.... :/

@roxeteer: Take your time.

The Daily roxette is running great, even without the upgrade you are planning.
(I am curious what it will be; at this moment I am happy with TDR as it is, but who knows it will become even better).

Keep up the good work.

@Sparvogamarie: Is that site an Australian one??? Wow that will save me some money if it is.

Hotblooded: it is, i’ve already placed my order :-)

like noone saw this coming LOL

The thing that pissed me off about the OFC is when I got the little Roxette booklets, they were too damn late for me to enter the contests. I live in Utah and these things would arrive 2 weeks AFTER the contest ended (at the earliest).

So only those in Europe seemed slated to win, because I never saw anyone from the States win anything. And I’m sure it’s the same for those in other countries outside Europe as well.

I got stuff from the FC close to when I expected it... but that still doesn’t make up for the inability to win things like autographed pix or whatever. That will always stick with me. I had better luck with (because most, if not all, of the stuff is done on-line), rather than through a fanzine.

Yeah that CDWow address I gave is the Aussie one, but there’s a UK site which I think is .com. Anywho, they ship worldwide and yes Ally it already stocks SOAP! I’ve ordered from them before and it’s pretty fast service.

I’m not surprised. I mailed 4 times because i have orderd some things. I got a recieve messege and hear nothing about my order. I found it very bad, this happend. This is really SHIT! I hope i get my order soon i wait for 3 mounts.


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