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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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I think it´s the long pack U.S.A. issue of the albums Joyride and Tourism that the picture shows on Ebay.

Nice items that ended way too cheap.

The seller only delivers to USA, but the buyer is from Ukraine. Surprise, surprise, LOL!

yes the seller will ship to USA
and after that it’s re-send to Ukraine )))

Lucky you!

Very nice!

i couldnt understand wat those were either! it says CDs, but CDs are NOT oblong in shape!! strange.

i wanted to bid on them but unfortunately im in South Africa, and the guy refused to send out of the states... some people are just so selfish!! :P

It’s just a biiiig cardboard box with an ordinary jewel case cd in it. Nice item though.

i have the joyride version. it was sold in holland at megapool shop years ago whan joyride came out.


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