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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Am I The Only One

30 replies

... Who never see Roxette live? They came to my country (Indonesia) once at 1995, but the place where they held the concert was too far away from my house. I was still 15, dont have job and money, so I cant go... I always hope that oneday I could see them live, but it seemed thats even hard to come true. Even if they do it again, now I am living in the US and I bet they won’t here...

I have never see them live eighter... Im 14 (almost 15) now so...thats a little bit boring...
But I live in Sweden so if they do something again can I probably see them...

wow! you’re so young! I always thought that no young people will ever interest in Roxette anymore. but I am glad you doscover them ;)
since u live in Sweden, I think there’s still a big hope for you to see them.

Yes I know... I know many people in my age who love Gyllene Tider and Per Gessle but many of them haven’t discovered Roxette...but I tries to learn them...=)

I wish u luck!

It’s funny, that when i was 15 years old, I met some Roxette friends in the age 20’s, and they were surprised that I liked Roxette, because they always assumed people who liked Roxette will be the same age as them.

now, I am 26 (and they now are 30’s). I bet it will surprise them more :)


New hungarian Roxette fan page!

I’ve never seen them either. The closest they’ve been to playing in New Zealand would be the Australian east coast. I became a fan too late for Join the Joyride, and my parents wouldn’t have been able to afford to go with me for the C!B!B! tour.

I dream that one day they’ll be lucky enough to come this far across the globe again, or maybe I’ll be lucky enough to have a holiday somewhere in Europe when/if they tour again...


Don’t feel alone. My story is just as sad as yours. They came to South Africa in 1995 too, but, like you i was too young (14) to go alone and the closest venue (Johannesburg) was too far away from my home town.

Worst of all, our neighbours’ son (not even a Rox fan) went to the Cape Town show and came home and bragged about going to the show for weeks on end. :-(

I am just wondering if there is still hope for us....

even when they have GT, PG or even MF tour, we still have to go to Sweden.... and it will need lots of money, guys....


I had the chance to see them in Mesa, Arizona (that was the closest venue on the Joyride tour, other than Southern Cali) and I chose to finish my exams so I could graduate. Will I ever see them live? No. I don’t have the money for a trip to Europe, and I seriously DOUBT they’ll ever play the States again.

So I’ve seen the three times and hope to see some more. They were wondeful concerts, all off them in Berlin but I live in Sweden now so hopefylly I’ll see them here.

lucky you ;)

ive never seen them only beena huge fan since 1999. And they didnt tour uk :-(

hey majdy! i’m still keeping my dreams alive
I haven’t seen them in person and thats my ultimate dream, Im planning to go to sweden after i graduate hope i can find work there
just to see them in concert.

Good luck. I always wanted to go to sweden and visit all the roxette’s historical places. maybe oneday.

Even though I’m Swedish, and i’ve spend every summer since 2000 in halmstad i have never seen Per.. I have seened his Porsche this summer but not more than that... But if Roxette makes a comeback tour I’m On it

i haven’t seen them live too :(

Marie said in the TV4 interview that she misses playing live and that she would still consider a Roxette concert. But she really doesn’t want to tour again. I hope she changes her mind, because that pretty much means anyone outside of Europe will never see Roxette live.

DON’T GIVE UP!! if it’s meant to be, it will happen!!

I never saw Roxette live in concert. When i became a fan in ’94 i was living in Brazil a couple of years later (’96) i moved to the US (New York). I had would have seen then in New York City at the Retro concert in 2000, i guess. However, i did not know about that small concert, therefore i missed. So, until today i have never seen them live in concert. It’s such a sad thing. Hopefully it will happen before they retire.

Carlos E., New York.

uff, and i saw them 7 times. 6 times in zurich and 1 time in munich

:(( majdy,I’m so sad they have never been in Croatia...i was too young for travel alone without some friends,and I hope my job would bring me to Sweden once day to see either Marie or Per on stage....and maybe TOGETHER!!

I know how u feel, Marque...

Sadly I have not seen them live either. They came to Australia in ’91 and I was 14 but I was not allowed to go to their concert :( I don’t think they will ever come here again - but I hope they do - I won’t miss out again!

I’ve never seen them either :). One day I want to see them live....

I also haven’t seen Rox live. They’ve never been to Ukraine and back in 2001 I was too young and not crazy enough to go abroad to the concert. Maybe one day the dreams will come true? Still hope so...

I am really supriced how many people here didn´t see them live.

I’m in that ’many’ group as well.

I’m from Serbia and I lost any hope of seing them live.

BUT, maybe one day I will travel to Sweden and get to at least say Hi to any of them. For now, I’m glad I wrote Per message (although he didn’t post it, I believe he read it, which is important) and I know Marie read my message of support while she was ill. That’s enough for me for now.

Of course, I’m suffering deeply every single day for not having the chance to hear them sing live. I’m used to that pain.

I’ve only seen them live in clips and videos. . . I had a chance to buy Liveism years ago, but I let it slip by. . . foolish me.

i’m probably the one here who wont reply it regarding to the topic...but i was wondering, what kind of friend who leave without saying any goodbye? not even singgle letter, or words!!!! i bet he/she must be really BUSY so that forget her/his ooold friend.. poor oold friend! anyway, i’m just another noone who pass through this empty space..

welll.... dunno what to say. of course I have plenty of reason why I didnt say goodbye, but it’s too personal to me. but just for u know, you’re not the only one that I hadnt got a chance to say goodbye. many of familes and friend didnt know I came here. but anyway, all my excuses were too personal to mention (especially in public forum like this). so, all I can say is I am really sorry.


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