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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Jo-Anna says WANTED!!

298 replies

Hi, what about to start little game about who will catch this song (full) as FIRST? :-)


Great idea!!
The first one who get it,send it to my mail please!!


I guess whoever knows when the single will be played on the radio for the first time. This way, the person could record it.

Also, if there’s a internet leak.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Oh... that would be fantastic... all I want right now is “Jo-Anna Says” complete... oh, I´m praying for a internet leak or something...

Hehe who has someone at EMI? :-)

BR. P.

yeah. Hey you, EMI!! Did you hear this? People want Jo-Anna! (the one from “Jo-anna says”)...and I want Jo-Anna from “C’mon”!! Hurry!!

Maybe we could ask Gessle directly? :-)

Br. P.

And you will have it. Nov. 7. :)

@ tevensso - Nov 7 is toooooo far away... I want it today !! :) Per could give us this gift, don´t you guys think ?

I thing a lot of good material on this double CD, will be nice gift from Per :-). Or anybody know Per personally?

Br. P.

Can’t wait a week? Should just buy it when it comes out. Our money keeps Per in the business, you know...

It’s a great track... I have it on repeat in wimamp! that’s the 20 second clip! :)

Somnia - Believe me... I´ll buy EVERYTHING related to SOAP project... as I always did in every single album that Per released... but I just can´t wait a day to get “Jo-Anna Says”... the 20 sec clip is just not strong anymore to keep me calm !! :)

ok I’ve missed something, where are you guys getting this clip from?

New snippets of C’mon & Jo-anna on the front page of TDR!!!!!!Jo-anna is PERfect!!! :)

naaaaa let’s be honest ... who wants snippets?
We all want the full version!

JS is great! I don’t like C’mon.


The new clips are a great teaser... I love them! :) think I had Jo-Anna Says on repeat for 2 hours!

Nice clips... JS is really perfection... C´mon is really awful... oh that strange falsetto.

I want to listen the full version now!!!

Jo-Anna & C’mon RULEZ!

Just 2 days left...

1 if we are lucky... ;)

tevensso are you preparing some kind of surprise for us?:)

Unfortunately no, but I do know, that if things work out the song may be premiered tomorrow. :)

Oh boy... let´s hope for this little miracle by tevensso... I can´t wait to hear “Jo-Anna Says” complete.

Yeah I also want the whole song now!!
I cant listen to Jo-anna says on the s.o.a.p website doesn’t work for me.. so I haven’t heard it for three days!!!
I start to get desperate now!! =)


Well done Carlos !! :) Well done Per !! :)

Someone on emule also has the full C’mon...same annoying silences...shit. I’ve listened to it once and then deleted it, it only makes me furious. C’mon is also about Jo-anna and being a mess etc., hey, that’s strage! it;s like being the same song with different melodies haha

@Max-Tob: I know, It’s messed up. Makes upset too.

Now, i’m curious about C’mon. So, by what you say the song talks about Jo-Anna also? That’s a cool and interesting bit of news.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

yeah jo-anna’s the character here too...and this time he says he’s a mess...but it’s hard to understand the other lines though (apart from the ones we already know...with the dancing shoes) I feel sorry that i deleted it...C’mon is very cool...i like the closing of the song...there’s also some more!

if I remember correctly, the song is 3.00 long...or smth like that...a little shorter than jo-anna says anyway.

Yes. I got that file too. You are right. It’s about 3:00 minutes. The closing is really cool with the guitar.

I’m going slow thet speed of the song down to see if i can get the lyrics. The falsetto makes getting the lyrics too complicated.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

that’d be cool, it’s even more difficult for me as I’m not native english’s also impossible for me to understand what does he say during the C’mon-part as it’s shown in the tv show we’ve seen a few days ago. smth about bed? and sleeping? and then smth about “diving into deep/baby beep beep beep?”...(that’s all I can get)
thanx for the lyrics man!


That’s what i could get. That crazy falsetto won’t give me a break. lol


Jo-Anna take a break
won’t you come out to play, to play.

Baby c’mon
Baby c’mon

Dye your dancin’ shoes really brite
I wrote a song for you
baby c’mon baby c’mon

Ridin’on the bus
I was thinkin’ ’bout the two of us... two of us
let’s dive into the deep
baby beep beep beep-beep beep


Baby c’mon
On Saturday night
I’m looking for the light
Baby c’mon


Baby c’mon
So i got your .... (?????).... was a mess; a real mess
Let’s dive in to the deep
baby beep beep beep beep


Baby c’mon
Baby c’mon
On Saturday night
I’m looking for the light
Baby c’mon


Baby c’mon, baby c’mon
So I got your .... (????).... was a mess; a real mess


Baby c’mon, baby c’mon, baby c’mon, baby c’mon


Baby c’mon, baby c’mon, baby c’mon

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

The first lines go like this: jo-anna take a break/ won’t you come out to play, to play.

@Max-Tob: Thanks. Going to edit the lyrics with your line.

Carlos E., New York.

Going to crash now. Get some rest ’cause today looks like a busy day for us. :-)

Keep me up to speed on any now developments. Thanks!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

thanx carlos, good night.

I have to say that the lyrics of the two songs look quite poor...twag was better (from the lyrics’ point of view)...I really believe per should have struggled a bit more to get something a bit more original...they look so cliche!

ok, we have joanna says.
is there anyone who has c’mon?


in joanna, again, i have that feeling that chorus is MUCH LOUDER than the first verse... strange dont you think?

Im impatient also and cant wait a day. Any have a link to Cmon :)

nope. i had one around 8 oclock a.m...
aint’ got nothing at all just now. no jo-anna neither c’mon. stopped looking. it’s silly. i can tell you that c’mon has even more silences than jo-anna, at least this is what i got.

Yea, those silences are really annoying! How could anyone ruin the songs like that? So far I got only Jo-Anna, haven’t looked for C’mon yet; but I think I’ll already wait for the complete song; it should be already veeeeery soon!

I have the C’mon (Silent Parts) file. I’m uloading it now to the same site i created to put the radio recordings I will try to record.

Does anyone know if the the songs will be played after 12:00 in Sweden, as it will be already monday there, or will it only be played sometime 6:00 am?

I really like the guitar ending in C’mon. It’s really cool.

Those silent parts are annoying but it’s a very cool way to get an impression of the song. At least for me, the excitment just builds.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

That’s all up to the individual radio stations. What if they don’t play it at all?
Rix FM is your best bet I would say.

@Jackeill: Yup, I got the same impression. Kind of like “Fading Like a Flower,” (gets way louder once the guitars kick in on the chorus) but cheating to get the same effect (-:

Can’t wait to hear these songs properly, “Jo-Anna Says” is fab!

@Tevensso: Okay. Thanks again for the suggestion.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Has anyone been able to find out the “real” address of the RixFM-stream? All I could get was
/ , but it simply won’t let me get to the mms://-link, let alone record the stream!

Sorry, i don’t know about it.

I’m going to use Nero’s Wave Editor record function.

I have tried it all many times yesterday, just to be ready for when it songs are played. Just hope it all goes well.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.


Thanks! I actually tried that link before, but since downloading didn’t work with it, I thought the link’s wrong - now I realised it’s just the downloading part that’s not working, opening it in WMP works just fine... *confused*

ETA: Forget what I wrote above, found a program that’s actually working! I think i tried five or six different programs before I found one that let me download the stream...

Did you guys see on Rix FM that one of the scrolling songs on the internet radio browser for the radio station was Jo-Anna Says ?

But still haven’t been played.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

So... no premiere for today (Nov.6)... sad !! :(


Hi Carlos, still u waiting and listening ROX FM? I started now (1 am GMT). Was it already playied?

Cheers from Czech.


Sorry LoneGunnman? I didnt get u?

What u mean?

BR Peter

@plesna - Tevensso said that there was a chance for us to listen to the full song yesterday (Nov 6)... unfortunately it didn´t happened... now I have to go to bed and without Jo-Anna. Life sucks sometimes !! :(

Why gonna to bad? I will stay awake to listen it!! Why u dont stay too? U have guess same time as me(GMT+1)?

BR. Peter

Just listening to RIX FM to see if I get lucky... now they´re playing “Sometimes” by Britney Spears... oh God... what a person has to go through to listen a Per Gessle song. :)

What u betting time? Will u stay?

BR. Peter

@ plesna - Can´t stay awake for too long, have o work tomorrow at the hospital... if I don´t sleep enough I might fall asleep while surgering !!! :)

@roxrider_usa:thanks for the lyric of Jo-Anna Says’

So all, please I will stay, and recording...If some will have it, just send me email - [email protected]

I will do the same If I will be lucky first!

Br. Peter


Ok, understand, but believe , programmers gaven’t it easyer :-)


What time is it in Sweden right now ? 3:20h, 4:20 h AM ? They will really premiere the song at this time of day ?

I saw the name of the song scroll on the radio browser but they sitll haven’t played it.

As soon as they play it all record it. Not going to sleep today.

Carlos E., New York.

@Rox-van: No problem. I had uploaded both C’mon and Jo-Anna Says silent parts fiels on the site i set up to upload the radio recordings. However, i romoved them as i’ll need space to upload the radio recordings as soon as i can get them. Sill on the look out. Hope someone is trying to do the same.

Carlos E., New York.

It’s about 3:30 am there.

Carlos E., New York.


right now is there 4:30. I guess 6-7 could be?


RoxRider, u saw the bar? But not playied?

U recording stream? Let me pls. know to [email protected], I will let u know too.

Br. Peter

If I´m correct, the song will be played around 8am there... with “A Thing About You” happened the same, the song was first aired at morning.

So... it´s pretty far... I´ll have to leave... unfortunately. :(

No Jo-Anna for today !! Crap !!

No SOAP yet, but RIX FM did just play “Antligen” (-:

@Peter: Yes. I saw the name of the song on the bar. It scrolled son of a plummer - jo-anna says, but they did not play the song until now.

I guess that it will be aired sometime shortly after 6 am there which is about 2 hours and 30 minutes away.

I will upload it after I’m able to record it.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.


Carlos, I am recording ROX FM continuously. I think u wrong? Or not? In Sweden is now 4:48 am?

So only one hour ahead..I will stay and if u want, send me to mail mail, where to upl.

Cheers Peter


pitty it is too small stream from ROX FM. Sample will be not so good :-(.

Just checked the time there. It’s 4:00 am.

Carlos E., New York.

Rix FM’s sound quality is decent. Listen to it or other radio station from Sweden.

Use this link to get to other swedish radio stations.

Carlos E., New York.

Fu.. so same time as me. I hoped they frw 1h :-(.

Ok Per, will stay 1h more :-)

Carlos. the link u gaved me is too 46 kbps for RIX FM.



It sounds decent to me. Anyway, that’s there stream quality.

I don’t think that the quality will be that be. At least, it will sufice until we get albums.

Carlos E., New York.

Yes Carlos, it sounds to me good too, 46kbit stream, but it is good. But if I compare it with ur samples with silences, it will be more worse.


Yes i know. Those files with silent parts were ripped straight for the original CD, that’s why.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Jesus, now they’re playing “Tuffa Tider” and they played “Real Sugar” just awhile ago... I forgot how freaking awesome radio is in Sweden!

You are right. Listening to radio there is awesome. There’s all these Roxette and related material being played. Wish it was like that here in the US. lol

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.


Yes for sure, but this time really dont know, who managed this snip. Did u know some more about it?

BTW: I had sent u mail..


soon..just they played piece...guessin in 10-20 mins...


Yes! I just heard a Rix commercial showcasing this week’s new releases and “Jo-anna Says” is one of them! No big surprise that Rix would support a new Gessle project, but good to know we’re not listening for nothing!!

Yes. I listened to that too. Our efforts are will not be in vain after all. Almost there!!!!

Carlos E., New York.

@plesna: Oops, looks like you beat me to it! Let’s hope they don’t keep us waiting much longer... not that I’m not enjoying listening to the news in Swedish... :-D

Hope, too not so far!!!

So I have started this thread, so now, we change game...:-)

Who will guess better time? :-)

I am guessing 7:00...

Br. Peter

LOL!! Yes... Would be better if i could understand it all. :-)

Almost there!!

Carlos E., New York.

I’ll say... 8:30 (and I hope I’m wrong, I want to go to bed! It’s still Sunday night in Canada!)

Almost the same here in New York. It’s 12:15 am here. So, it’s the first minutes of monday morning.

Tina Turner ? Oh gosh... lol

Carlos E., New York.


Well, I wanna to go bed too after all night :-), but not without JS in MP3 player :-)

I am fun of Roxette for 15 years, but never experienced such waiting..PG must take care very well now about song to be not on the net before release...

But when that damn RIX RM will play it?

Anybody know, if album is now released only in Sweden, or others Europe states too?

BR. Pet

First only in Sweden on Nov 23rd i believe. Later on, it will be released in other countries if the albums are well received in Sweden.

This waiting tests my concentration and focus abilities.

Carlos E., New York.

ha ha! I can’t complain then, can I? I can’t believe you stayed up all night just to hear “Jo-anna Says”! If they don’t play it, you should sue the station for lost wages from skipping work under false pretenses... (-:

Oh for God sake, they’re going to play that awful “Satellites’ song again...

lol Some crazy stuff. lol

I must have heard that Satellite broken record more than 20 times tonight. Give us a break. C’mon!!

Carlos E., New York.


Believe me, all night awake cos JS :-)...

Am I mad, crazy, or we are all? :-)

BR. Peter


“I must have heard that Satellite broken record more than 20 times tonight. Give us a break. C’mon!!”

Or “Jo-anna Says”... whichever, I’m not picky! (-;

@plesna: Oh yeah, we got bit by something bad a decade and a half ago and it still hasn’t cleared up... the Swedish flu or something... (-:

@roxtexanet: Certainly!!!!! No more Satellites, lol

And ,wow, the swedish flu... lol i gotta tell you, that’s some fricking persistent and powerfull knockout flu , lol!!!

Anyway, that flu has only made me healthier and happier. :-)

Carlos E., New York.

Hung up by Madonna again. grrrrr...

I didn’t know i could be so persistent!!! lol Unbelievable... This is torture.

Carlos E., New York.


Carlos, i dint saw JS on the bar, cos I dont watching it.

But now looking, songs are played as sorted at that bar??

If so, why, when there was JS they didn’t played it?

PS: I am really GETTING CRAZY :-(

Don’t know. That’s what confused me.

Now they are playing Pink. Just what we were all asking for.... lol Pink, lol.

Carlos E., New York.

The scrolling “marquis” gets backed up sometimes, so it says it’s playing something but it played that hours ago and just got stuck... fortunately, it seems to be working now, but that means we missed the first play of “JS”!

’mmmorning all you crazy guys on the other side of the planet!! hehe *yawn*...ok...I have 2 hours to listen to rix fm before going to work...

so, nothin till now, eh?


@Carlos. can u corfirm it? I am listening from

00:00 am 7th Swedish time till now, but nothing...




I am grr not from other side of planet!

Till now nothing BTW...:-(


Ewwwwwww.... Darren Hayes....

They will play it before 9 am there. It;s about 7:20 am there.

Still hasn’t played the song. A little more guys.

@Max-Tob: Good morning man. Hopefully those 2 hours will be enough.

Another commercial break... gotta love it! lol

Carlos E., New York.

Grrrrrrrr no more Britney pleeeeaseeee..:-(

Sorry Plesna!! lol Then the previous greeting goes to the guys on the other side of the planet and this one is for you: mmmorning.

still nothin. but i will start my morning routine anyway. just hope i wont be in the shower when it’ll happen haha

Now it’s news about the France riots and blazing cars and buildings...

Carlos E., New York.


Carlos, u have some information about playing before 9 am?


Hey!! CARLOS!! GO TO SLEEP for God’s sake!!! haha...Jo-Anna says farewell!!

Shooting star.... what a pain....

It would have been better if they were playing Real Sugar (Shooting Star Treatment). Much better!!!

Carlos E., New York.

And that bar is strange, where is Britney I saw before 1 munute????

This is WORSE than Britney... Anna S, whoever you are, please go back to waitressing!

i never listen to comercial radio stations. and now I remembered why. It’s real torture to listen to all this’s MORE than annoying...Poor Jo-anna. simply doesn’t belong here. When I hear all these bsht really want to turn off the webradio...but I can’t, of course.



No way... They are not beating me now.... Been up untill now, so i’ll see this through, lol

I just believe they play it before 9 am there. lol

Carlos E., New York.

Ha ha, yes maybe a bit... it’s just that there are SOOOO many songs that sound like that on Rix... they all end up sounding like Laura Pausini’s “Surrender,” officially the worst song ever recorded...

The scrolling bar thing really is screwed up... but if we don’t have to sit through Britney, then I suppose we should count our blessings!

Scratch that, it looks like we’re getting tortured with BSB again...

Oh, so this is Anna S. ...she’s even worse than the one I THOUGHT was Anna S!

This perfect love song is just awful.
“WE’RE HAVING A NIGHTMARISH EVENING” LOL not even close to perfect...

Britney is gone , good.. BSB, I’LL MUTE THE notebook.

Carlos E., New York.

I totally agree, I’m starting to feel a bit nauseous...

>>Been up untill now, so i’ll see this through, lol

Well me too, just need get next RedBull :-) Lol

Hope JS will be not afternoon surprice :-(, have only one here....

Hey DJ Prat, Jo-Anna Says C’mon !!

Carlos E., New York.

how about trying other radio stations too? NRJ for inst.? Lugna? Oh, this one isn’t up to the new stuff...they only play slow songs...
then maybe radio göteborg or whatever??...maybe is just a false judgment that “only” rixfm is gonna play soap...maybe other ones have already played it and we keep sticking with this Morron Zoo...

It’s been officially muted... my notebook that is...

It’s Bull S’it Boys now unfortunatelly...

Carlos E., New York.

@Max-Tob: They said about 15 minutes before the Morron Zoo that they will play SOAP and a couple of other new releases...

Carlos E., New York.

@Max: True, but only Rix is guaranteed to play it sooner or later... they’ve advertised it as a new add to their playslist this week, so we should get to hear it here sooner or later... I’m keeping an eye on Mix Megapol too, though.. (-:

I doubt NRJ would ever play S.o.a.P. (but they played “HKAK,” so....)...

@Carlos: Did the DJs say that??? Or do you mean they played the commercial...?

@roxtexanet: The commercial with the 5 second snippet of JS. You got it.

Carlos E., New York.

I wonder where the newspaper reviews/streaming previews etc. are this time round? With “HKAK,” the single was reviewed in Aftonbladet before any of us fans even heard it... and I’m pretty sure they had the first streams of “Tuffa Tider” and “En Sten...” too.... I guess we have to wait a bit...

Yeah, a bit more.

There isn’t any sunshine here... just rain and clouds

Carlos E., New York.

Hmmmmm.... says here Aftonbladet will have a world premiere of the new “Per Gessle” single Monday...,2789,521323,00.html

Don’t see it anywhere though...


Carlos E., New York.

WORDL premiere?? another confusion...
well, guys, I think we still have to wait at least a few more hours for seeing smth in aftonbladet or in whatever www place ...I mean here in Europe is still very early...and it’s Monday...things are starting to move around 10-10.30 o’clock

Well, my prediction (8:30) was wrong, I think it’s time for bed!

Oh and they’re going to play Daniel Powter again. That does it! Good night/morning and good luck everyone!!!


Carlos still awake?


I really hope they play it soon. I’ll have to drink coffee soon.

Carlos E., New York.


I am nearly 24 hours awake, shit. I take one more too.

Do you think they will play it today? When is release date of singe? 9th?


The single is 11th i think. Radio date is today.

Carlos E., New York.

I hope Carlos, we have tuned right radio, dont see no more anouncements there...Why they stressed us in the night????

Is some kind of stupid game or stupid DJ? :-(


Wow, again heard some anouncement..Dont understand Swedish..:-(


Wohoo!!! Rixfm just say that they will play Per Gessles new single in a while!!


They said in the while really?

BR. Peter

Yes they did..they said they have got many mails about it....

(sorry for my english....)

Now they said it again


Carlos E.,New York.

Been listening for almost 5 hours now, lol

It’s about time.

Ready to record it.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Ooohh God!! This is so exiting!!!
Oh no they play Amy Diamond again!!!!

The srolling banner is saying that the song will be coming up next!!! :-)))

Thank God!!!!

Carlos E., New York.


Just damn PLAY IT!


Carlos E., New York.

Finally... please someone record it

It’s awesomeeeeeeee!!


It’s recorded!!!



I’m blown away!!! Per you rule!!!

Carlos E., New York.

Please, upload it somewhere or send it to me, please !!!

I wake up 1 hour earlier just to see if I get it... and I did... AWSOMEEEEE !! :)

This is just heaven!!!! Orgasmic!!

Carlos E., New York.

Woo hoo! That was great!

It’s uploading!!

Carlos E., New York.

Thanks Carlos... I think I´ll be late at work today... hahahaha.


No problem. ;-)

Carlos E., New York.

Have sample too Carlos, if u want to I will send


Hey Roxrider, what’s your website ?


Here it is!

Don’t know if traffic will cause any problems!

Enjoy it!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.


Yeah... Carlos you´re the man... THANKS A LOT !!!

Verizon is down for the moment. Hope I don’t have to stand in the line and come back tomorrow :-) :-)

Gimme someone link to upload. I was waiting too whole night and have record...


Too many of us want the song from that link. We need more links :)

I meaned link to upload into...

Gimme some FTP...




Monday, Jo-Anna spends an hour with a magazine,
the day is kinda gray and so lazy;
she goes ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

and hey boy
Jo-Anna’s in the mirror in a dressing gown
Talking to a friend who lives uptown
She goes aaah-aaah

My love and beyond
Oh, I wish she was
My love and beyond

Jo-Anna says I’m not the only one
Jo-Anna says I’ll never be the one
But when she smiles there’s something in her eyes
That tells me I’m not like the other guys
Jo-Anna says I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says I have to wait in the line
And come back tomorrow

Monday, sitting at the window in a cheap hotel,
lighting up the room with a candle , candle, candle
I go ah -ah-ah-ah-ah

Hey boy, she says that i’m a mess any given day, but laughs as she leaves for a party
I go ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

Jo-Anna says I’m not the only one
Jo-Anna says I’ll never be the one
But when she smiles there’s something in her eyes
That tells me I’m not like the other guys
Jo-Anna says I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow, yeah
ummmm na na na

oh oh oh oh
Hey Jo-Anna, oh oh oh oh

My love and beyond
Oh, I wish she was
My love and beyond, beyond

Jo-Anna says I’m not the only one
Jo-Anna says I’ll never be the one
But when she smiles there’s something in her eyes
That tells me I’m not like the other guys
Jo-Anna says I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow, yeah

I’m not the only one
I’ll never be the one
Hey Jo-Anna, uh uh uh uh

Jo-Anna says I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow oh oh oh oh

Jo-Anna says
Jo-Anna says
I’ll never be the one
Jo-Anna says
Hey Jo-Anna
Hey Jo-Anna
Jo-Anna says
yea yea yea yeaaaah
Jo-Anna says

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Verizon is back online. Downloading the song right now ...

Someone else has to come up with more links. Otherwise, it will be a nightmare!

Cool! Hope it stays like that!!

Carlos E., New York.

Just listened to the song. Wooowww !!! Thanx a lot Carlos !!!

Did it come out somewhat good ?

I guess it’s not that bad for a recording.

Carlos E., New York.

Sound quality is excellent.

Well I manage some...

Cool! I’m really glad I could help you guys. After all, we are all fellow fans.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I wasn’t gonna listen to it til I got the single... I am a weak man... :P

thanks carlos :)

@Zargo: Any time!! It’s hard to resist such beautiful masterpiece. :-)

Carlos E., New York.

Cool site! Thanks for the link.

Carlos E., New York.

Very nice promo page ! And what a very very nice piece of music we hear ! It’s kinda oriental ...

Good work Carlos! Thanks!

According to our friend Tevensso, that song is Kurt.

Carlos E., New York.

Any time!! ;-)

Carlos E., New York.

When will C’mon be played? I have no clue at all.

Carlos E., New York.

Nice link!

great site! hows the quality of those samples!

Those are the same smippets i guess. Sound like the ones from

Carlos E., New York.

@ally: Did you see the link for the uploaded recording of JS ?

It’s on the previous page.

Carlos E., New York.

Ohhhhhhhh Carlos that is so cool! Thanx! :)

Thanx Carlos!

Thanks Carlos for uploading it.

Just a little correction in lyrics: not “cheat” but “cheap” hotel. Otherwise I think the rest is correct.

All we now is for some station to play C’Mon!

C’mon C’mon and be played !

Wowwww jo-anna is awsome damn good!!!!!! I can’t believe what im listening!!!!! C’mon sgt peppers sound!!!! great. brilliant, clever, wonderful. Does Anybody can tell how to stop my winamp¿?

I’m crying of the emotion, this song is really beautiful, thanks for recording it roxrider_usa :D

“thank you gessle for this song :D!!!!”


No problem. Just glad to help.

Carlos E., New York.

@mary: Thanks for catching my typo. Nice that you are always paying attention. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

i hope the whole album isn’t like this ;-)

Never heard C’Mon played at all!

awww...that’s bad I suppose! ally, did you listen to the radio all they long and didn’t hear it AT ALL?..hmm...that’s not good for gessle I think...

I have no idea if we wil listen to C’mon before the release of the single...

Hope someone listens to it.

Carlso E., New York.

I’m so happy. The song is really wonderful

Thank you very much, Carlos!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Can’t stop listening!!!!!!!!

Now after listening to it forever lol!

“Jo-Anna spends an hour with a magazine”

Sounds better, I think.
What do you think?
Sometimes the words creep in only after 1000 listenings; LOL! Lyrics are usually the last thing that gets to my attention.

@Mary: Wow!!! Gosh you are right again. I couldn’t pick it up before.

We gotta team up for the C-mon lyrics. That will pose a big challenge for us. lol
Oh , those sharp ears of yours. :-)

Carlos E., New York.

CARLOS, THAT’S ONE GOOD POINT!! The lyrics for C’mon are a real bugger for me lately!! Did you listen to the snippet on Aftonbladet? It’s a little bit longer...and really high quality...but don’t understand much...what the hell is he singing about “sleep” and “bed” and “mess”??? Help!! There’s a crucial problem here! lol

Yes, i know. The falsetto makes it very ccmplicated to understand all his words. Don’t worry, Mary will use hear “razor sharp ears” lol

Jo-Anna says is so full of energy. Such a happy and fun tune. “There’s something in its melody that tell us it’s not lke the other tunes” ;-)

Carlos E., New York.

Hey I sent an e-mail to Anders Svensson at Rix FM and asked if they are going to play C’mon and i just recieved his answer.

Som det är nu kommer vi satsa på Jo-Anna men vi får se vad som händer längre

Anders Svensson
Musikchef/ Ass.programchef Rix FM”

They are only going to play Jo-Anna for the moment, “but let’s see what happens in the future”..

Sounds good enough for me..

Was expecting that. They wanna give JS some airplay time before they start to play C’mon.

Carlos E., New York.

I just love how this part goes:

I’m not the only one
I’ll never be the one
Hey Jo-Anna, uh uh uh uh

And the different tones in his voice in different parts of the songs is very cool too.

So cool!! They gotta release JS everywhere possible in the world. I’d go nuts if JS were to one day be played in my New York area radio station.

Carlos E., New York.

@Roxrider_USA: i can see your recording has normalized volume; that’s cool.

the snippet available on this emi website is in very good quality, but the thing i can’t stand is that the chorus is much louder than the verse. i have to turn down my speakers every time i play the song!

awful :(

@Jackeill: Yep. ;-)

I know what you mean. So, i guess there’s a chance that we wil have to keep lowering the volume of the speakers when we play the CD. Hope not.

Carlos E., New York.

OK, here is what I got of “C’mon” so far; I’m still not sure about a little part in the second verse. And no, I don’t have the complete song yet; LOL!

Jo-Anna, take a break
Won’t ya come out to play to play
Baby c’mon baby c’mon
Dye your dancin’ shoes really brite
I wrote a song for you
Baby c’mon baby c’mon
Ridin’ on the bus
I was thinkin’ ’bout the two of us, Two of us
Let’s dive into the deep
Baby beep beep beep beep beep

Baby c’mon
The Saturday night
I’m looking for the light
Baby c’mon

I Found your tiny note
You left it in my sleeping bag
Baby c’mon baby c’mon
So I got your mail address
but my message as it was (?) was a mess, A real mess
Let’s dive into the deep
Baby beep beep beep beep beep

@Mary: I guess you head my call and decided to face the challenge. lol Thanks for the effort.

Trying to get the mess part. It’s crazy tricky.

Well, [Jo-Anna says that “he’s” a mess any given day] lol

Carlos E., New York.

ohh!! great guys! I must have tried 100 times to understand what’s up with the tiny note!! lol!! I guess mary’s version is the correct one...don’t know about the mess part though...
thanx again!! great!

Well, “mess” is there for sure; LOL! I wasn’t sure more about “as it was” shortly before but now that I heard it again more times I’m getting convinced it’s most likely correct. Well, we’ll see when we get the album with lyrics; LOL!

Did anyonw yet here C’Mon on the radio yet...

This is strange. It seems like C’mon won’t be played or something.

I still don’t have it or recorded.

Carlos E., New York.

So far no track of “C’mon” on Rix FM or Mix Megapol as far as I checked.

Maybe they chose JS as it’s more radio friendly? “C’mon” is quite different for those commercial radio stations.

”...but my message, I suppose, was a mess. A real mess.”


It’s funny that this song talks about the other one. It goes “Jo-Anna: I wrote a song for you ...” and so. Really funny.

@Carlos, thankyou a million for this :D

Hugs from Brazil,

@Ezequiel: thanks for clearing up that part! How obvious it seems now that I hear it again. LOL!

@Mary: You’re welcome! Thank YOU for posting all the rest of the lyrics!

I am not completely sure about this line from “Jo-Anna says”:

Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind

What do you listen?

I first thought it would be “you just gotta make up her mind”; like indirect speech: Jo-Anna says (that) you just gotta... What do you think?

BTW, what a nice practice for those of us who have English as a second language; LOL!

@Fernanda: Any time!

Como vai o Bra? How’s Brazil?

@others: Did any one record or hear C’mon ?

Now the lyrics of C’mon are almost complete.

Carlos E., New York.

I think the basic parts of the lyrics are already complete. That part in the version with silences which should be the third verse seems to be a repeated second verse.
Haven’t heard it on the radio yet.

@Hello Carlos!

O Brasil está indo né! Acho que daí você tem algumas noticias, não? Mas fazer o que? Amamos isso aqui , não tem jeito! :D

WEll, I haven’t heard C’mon complete only 45 seconds. Have you the full version?
Can’t wait to put my hands on it.
Hope emi release it here :D


@Mary: Yep. I guess the lyrics are complete. It’s just a question of the placement of the chorus.

I guess it will only hear it when someone rips the single CD and shares C’mon with us in here.

@Fernanda: Yes! Globo Internacional. Cool!

If Son Of A Plummer gets released in the US for some crazy twist of fate, I would go nuts. I don’t even know how I’d feel. Probably overwhelmed by sheer excitment and happiness. Let alone listening to Jo-Anna on Z100 here in New York.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Thanx Guys for Ripping and hosting this.


P.S. Anyone tried saving Aftonbladets Broadband Recordings.

No problem. It’s always good to help.

Is Aftonbladets file the full C’mon song? I don’t think so. Ithink it’s about 1:20 or so.

Carlos E., New York.

Well, I came across the longer version on Aftonbladet (up to the second chorus, I guess) only once; now I’m always finding the shorter version there which is the same as on the SOAP site.

Thank you! I love it!

Can someone upload it to and then share the URL? This way, it’ll get preserved and the bandwidth is so not an issue :)

@TheRain: Hey! How are you? The song is cool, right? Btw, do you still use any kind of messenger? If so, could you give me your screen name or id? Thanks! Hope everything is fine with you.

@zeeshan: How are you, man? How’s life? Hoping everything is cool with you likewise.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Hej Roxfellows!
Just to make you happy and to give something back!
I’ve uploaded C’mon for you! :-)

Edit: I’ve deleted the link, it didn’t work! I’ll try it again later this day! Sorry!

It doesn’t work. When I open the wma-file, I am being redirected to a webpage saying my media player “cannot find a valid license for the file”.

Maybe you need some other “plugins”. For me it works fine with Winows Media Player an Winamp!

same problem for me with “c’mon”. is there any other source?? anyone has it??

cheers, martin

Hi Sire! Your file is DRM protected. It plays fine on your computer because you bought the licence. It cannot by played on any other computers because there is no licence installed on them. So far there’s no way to bypass the protection. The only way how to convert DRM protected file to unprotected one is to record the sound while playing back the file on a computer where the licence is installed. There is a modified WMA plugin for WinAmp which allows you to record a WMA DRM protected file to a WAV file.

record wav during playing the wma, convert it to mp3 and upload.

Please, someone upload C’mon!! I hear some of you in Sweden already got the single!! It will take at least a week till we’ll also have it!! Have mercy!!

hi, if i am right in this link is waiting for you the track 1 of the cd 2 of Son of a plumber....

OK, let’s try it again! I hope this one will work. The last one didn’t work on my mp3-player, but this one does. So i think it will work for you too!

Thanx emilio for the track!!!
But i can’t download Cmon!!Please someone upload it!!

if someone sends it to me i’ll host it for a while

[email protected]

but i’m off out in a bit so won’t be online til later ;-)

Thanx all for the songs!

Could anybody tell me, if my second link works?

@Sire74: sorry no

It worked perfectly here; thanks.

Worked for me also, the song is great!

THANX SO MUCH xire74!!!
Now it works!!
I love C’mon!!!

You are welcome!!! Then i’m not that stupid, and i’m happy that i could help you! Enjoy it! I love C’mon! :-)

I still sent the song to Vixzter now in case the RapidShare link still doesn’t work for some.

Thank you Mary! :-)

Sire74, can you email me? I tried emailing you by my mail was returned.
My email is on my user page (click on my name). Thank you!

at who get C’mon at this quality, could you share jo anna says?, c’mon is really really great!!!

i give 4 out of 5 to c’mon and 6 out of 5 to jo anna. no comments

I’ve got it at MSN-Music! Does anyone else want to have Jo Anna too???

It would be great if you could upload Jo-anna says somewhere. Many thanks!

First of all, i really want to thank you for being so nice and sharing C’mon with us. Thanks a lot!!

Secondly, it would be great if you share Jo-Anna, if you decide to do so. I’d really appreciate the kidness. Some of us have a radio recording version, however your version might be of better audio quality.

Anyway, thanks a lot.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Ok, you’ve convinced me! Here is JoAnnaSays:

@Sire74: thank you very much!

No problem at all! It was my pleasure! :-)

Here are the complete lyrics for C’mon.
Mary & Judith contributed to the completion of the lyrics. Thanks lots to both.
Well, i guess these are as close to the ones that we will see in the album booklet. :-)


Jo-Anna take a break
won’t you come out to play, to play.

baby c’mon
baby c’mon

Dye your dancin’ shoes really brite
I wrote a song for you

baby c’mon
baby c’mon

Ridin’on the bus
I was thinkin’ ’bout the two of us... two of us
let’s dive into the deep
baby beep beep beep-beep beep

Baby c’mon
On Saturday night
I’m looking for the light
Baby c’mon

I found your tiny note
You left it in my sleeping bag

baby c’mon
baby c’mon

So I got your mail address
but my message i suppose was a mess,
a real mess
Let’s dive into the deep
Baby beep beep beep beep beep

Baby c’mon
Saturday night
C’mon [C’mon]
I’m looking for the light
C’mon [C’mon]
Baby c’mon, ahhhhh

[Guitar solo]

In the summer time to see
In the summer time
In the summer time to see
In the summer time

Baby c’mon
Saturday night
C’mon [C’mon]
I’m looking for the light
C’mon [C’mon]
Baby c’mon

Baby c’mon
Saturday night
C’mon [C’mon]
I’m looking for the light
C’mon [C’mon]
Baby c’mon

Baby c’mon {about 6x}
baby c’mon, baby c’mon
saturday night
baby c’mon baby c’mon, yeah
looking for the light
baby c’mon {about 3x}

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

but my message as it was,
was a mess,a real mess

but my message i suppose was a mess... a real mess

@Judith: Thanks a lot! :-) So now it’s even better!

I gotta acknowledge that the TDR ladies have very sharp ears. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

@Sire74: Thanks lots once again. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I can’t stop listening to it! It makes me dance!!!
Thanx for the lyrics!

@Siren74: Any time! We’re fans, so it’s a pleasure to help and contribute to this thrilling experience and time.

Carlos E., New York.

Here’s the song with guitar chords
Enjoy !

_Monday, Jo-Anna spends an hour with a magazine, A-E
The day is kinda gray and so lazy; Bm
She goes ah-ah-ah-ah-ah A-E

And hey boy, Jo-Anna’s in the mirror in a dressing gown A-E
Talking to a friend who lives uptown Bm
She goes aaah-aaah A-E

My love and beyond D-F#m
Oh, I wish she was my love and beyond (beyond) D-F#m-E

_Jo-Anna says I’m not the only one C-G
Jo-Anna says I’ll never be the one Am
But when she smiles there’s something in her eyes F
That tells me I’m not like the other guys
_Jo-Anna says I have to give it time C-G
Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind G#dim - Am
Jo-Anna says I have to wait in the line F
And come back tomorrow G

Monday, sitting at the window in a cheap hotel,
Lighting up the room with a candle , candle, candle
I go ah -ah-ah-ah-ah

Hey boy, she says that I’m a mess any given day,
But laughs as she leaves for a party
I go ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

ummmm na na na ( D-A Bm-G)

oh oh oh oh
Hey Jo-Anna, oh oh oh oh

My love and beyond
Oh, I wish she was my love and beyond, beyond


I’m not the only one, I’ll never be the one
Hey Jo-Anna, uh uh uh uh

Jo-Anna says I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says you just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow oh oh oh oh

Jo-Anna says, Jo-Anna says
I’ll never be the one, Jo-Anna says
Hey Jo-Anna
Hey Jo-Anna
Jo-Anna says
yea yea yea yeaaaah
Jo-Anna says

right i’m back home now, did anyone want to hear it that couldn’t get the link to work? if so mail me.

[email protected]

off to bed now so if anyone wants they will have to wait til i’m up in the morning ;-)

my god how this louder chorus is annoying... i wish they would put the normalized version on album...

however c’mon is f*cking excellent!!


have you noticed that piano at the end of c’mon? reminds me of dywbmb!

Sire74 and Roxrider: Thanks for the link for the download and thanks for the chords and lyrics!!

Great job you two!!

Does anyone have C’mon yet they want to share!

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) several beers for you (you know who you are....)

here are both tracks in good quality as zip-file (6mb) on megaupload. have fun ;-)

Sire74, thanks for sharing the songs, it seems that you are not so bad as joanna is!!!!
Thanxs again from Argentina.

@Carlos E:Thank you again!!! for the C’mon lyric :)

@emilio: *lol*

@royalball : Any time! Pleased to help whenever possible. Enjoy!

@Rox_van: You’re welcome. Have fun! :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

@fbr_ : Thanks lots! Download is in progress. :-)

Carlos E., New York.

Nice work!

Hey Carlos, it’s been a long long time since we’ve chatted!! A few years I think! I have AOL IM, Yahoo, and MSN Messenger. TheRain1981 is my user name on AIM. On Yahoo and MSN, it’s Bellenger1981. I’m mostly on AIM, however, if I’m ever on - which I haven’t been on in quite a while. I’ll try logging on more.

@Carlos;you are very kind:)

@TheRain: Thanks a lot! Nice to hear from you. Will add you. Take care man. Hope to chat to you soon.

@Rox_van: Thanks for the nice words. ;-) Kisses!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Okay, it’s official, I love both songs! Thanks for the files you guys, despite them sounding a bit too compressed/distorted. I suppose we’ll have to wait for the album for higher quality files, unless someone else cares to share them in higher quality. I’m impatient! I just hope the copy protection doesn’t ruin it for me and anyone else. I want to be able to rip my own mp3/wav files.

@TheRain: Both are really cool. I’m with you.

@others: Does any have the single CD. If so, whoever has it, would you be willing to share the singles? I’d really appreciate, if you decide so, to have the files at a bitrate of 320 kbits. Thanks in advance.
Bought the albums but i’ll probably get mine around the 30th of November, which is about a week after the release date of Nov. 23rd.

Thanks lots.
Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Chords to C’mon? I am feeling too lazy to figure them out :d

Ok I got over my lazy nature and figured it out. I am gona tab it and then write them here. It’s pretty simple :) Stats with G, F so on..

Gona post tabs soon :)


@Carlos:thanks for everything ;) luck!

@Rox_Van: No problem. Thanks!

Carlos E., New York.


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