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Must be lunch?

9 replies

Look is very good song, but must be love is better.What you think about,what is your´s best song?

Must be lunch? is this a trick question or am I missing something?

just wondering...

In one of the answers per gave in he wrote “it must have been lunch” instead “it must have been love”.

Ohh, now i catch his answer! Didn’t have a clue about the meaning of “it must have been lunch”! LOL

Hahah he is so funny.. Love his humor

I can’t decide. Both hits are wonderful!

The Look is better and more dynamic.

Don’t u guys read your CD booklets? It must have been lunch ain’t new...!

*in a bitchy mood today*

He just called himself Son of a Pillow at the SOAP site.. Very funny mister



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